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    Computers, Xbox, Star Wars roleplay
  1. "Oh dear you are dead." You respawn in Lumbridge with Full rune, 20Bil gp, somehow magically jump from Combat Lvl 60 to Combat Lvl 200, and gain the ability to attack anyone (no matter what their level is), everywhere outside of the Wilderness....but...you have lost the ability to attack people in the Wilderness.
  2. I'm still fairly new (only Combat Lvl 42). Although, my skills are fairly average (lvl 60 wc as of yesterday). So..I really haven't had any moments when I felt like a newbie. Although, yesterday..(ok..here goes). I was in bank at Draynor Village. Working on woodcutting (one lvl away from lvl 60). I go deposit willows into the bank, and take out my Wine of Zamorak (I don't know what it is used for..b/c u cannot drink it). I have the hardest time getting someone to buy it. so i finally say "Increases HP by +5! Selling Wine of Zammy - 1000gp...Turankuso." Someone trades me, I accept. I put up wine of zammy. he puts up 1000gp (what it's worth on Market Price Guide on zybez.net) I deposit gp into bank, continue chopping willows. Then, I feel guilty of leaving him with it..but then I think. Hey, Salepeople lie in the real world every day to sell their product...I'm just doin' what they're doin). Now..I'm worrying that the guy might have reported me for Item Scammin', since you cannot drink the wine of zammy.
  3. ya. it is okay to give away an account (for no Real Life money) heck.. An online friend (who lives in Florida) gave me his account...the one I am using now. It was Combat Lvl34. Now, I raised it to combat lvl 42 with some fairly okay stats. 60 woodcutting as of yesterday!
  4. I would probably...umm. (let me think). .. ..... .... ..... .. ok. I would kill some monsters (highwaymen, men, women, goblins) to get money for lobster pot. Fish tons of lobsters. Sell them at Karamja General Store. Repeat. Repeat. Until I have tons of gp. Then, go buy some armor and weapon (melee). Buy a rune wc axe, and chop willows (or actually..I got wc level 60 today..so.. chop yews), and make my money from woodcutting. W00dcutting 4 Life! I LOVE WILLOWS. I GAINED WOODCUTTING LEVEL 60 TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I would post my favorite gold mining place.. but recently, when I've been there, I haven't had a too terribly amount of competition (and I want to keep it that way..for now), so I'm going to keep it a secret. HINT: South of Fally. East of Crafting Guild. North of Rimmington. West of Draynor Village. Northwest of Port Sarim. you can figure it out, with these hints.
  6. ^Nice! I bet that scammer will think twice about scamming you ever again! Good job. Nice to hear that you got your black armor back!! :)
  7. 'I did this successfully.. Here's a screenshot. Screenshot of giving sheepdog a bone
  8. I must ask a question. I've read the word: "high-alching" (sp?) a couple times. What exactly does that mean??? Thanks for a response! Either reply here, or PM me a reply.
  9. i'm going to have to try that. Note to self: [ ]Get 1 ball of wool [ ]Start attacking imps until I get red bead. [ ]Go to crowded area (i.e. Varrock, Draynor, Fally, Dwarf Mines...) [ ]Drop ball of wool. [ ]Drop Red bead. [ ]Type "OMG! A Santa hat on the floor!" Press SEND [ ]Watch the people rush towards the 'fake' santa hat. ^After I have done the things on the above list, I will put an 'X' in the "box", so that it looks like this: [ ]uncompleted [X]completed OR [x]completed
  10. So...Why did the police arrive? Did someone call 9-1-1 complaining of a disturbance or what? You never did explain that part. Please explain.. My thoughts: Those two kids sound like a couple of idiotic, stupid-@$$ jerks. I swear I would've beaten their @$$e$ silly..I don't even care what their parents charged me with. Two little kids should respect someone older than them...especially an adult..especially a woman adult. Respect woman. (I am a boy by the way...I don't want this post to mislead you)
  11. *The machine grows two arms and slaps you repeatedly, shouting, "How dare you try to buy something and take your money back!?"* *You fall unconscious and a gravedigger, thinking you are dead, digs a hole in front of the machine, and puts you in it* Gravedigger: "Ugh..I don't have time to fill up this hole. I'll just leave it like this." *I walk up to the vending machine. I walk towards the side of the machine, because there is a big hole in front of it* Me: "What!? The price jumped from $0.50 to $1.00!! D**n you Bush!"
  12. First of all.. Patsy Ramsey died in June (last month was July), from Ovarian Cancer; not breast cancer. She did get to know that the Police/authorities were close to finding the killer/were watching over the prime suspect. (If your going to post an article, please make sure that you get your facts right. --I highlighted the parts in the 'quoted' section, on what I'm talking about). btw..I saw video footage on the news (the TODAY show) (today..August 17, 2006), of the gravestone. Anyway, she was born, August 6, 1990, and died December 26, 1996. ----------My thoughts------------------ It's nice of the guy to actually come out and say that he killed her. That will make convicting him (at least) a little bit easier. According to what I heard on the news (TODAY show) this morning, he said. . Supposedly, he was trying to kidnap the girl. The plan went awry (wrong), and she ended up dead. The suspect, was actually arrested (either before or after the death of the girl..i can't remember) on Child pornography charges. but he managed to flee before he could be put to trial. Over the past 2 years, he has visited Thailand 4 times. (this is all information, that I have heard on the news..THIS MORNING - August 17th, 2006).
  13. Hello! This is a test website. This is my first website. I am currently in the process of learning HTML, and how to make a website so please, contact me here, if you have a tips/comments/suggestions/etc... [email protected] Please don't forget to visit Tip.It and the Tip.It Forums *Tip.It is an unofficial forum/web community of Runescape users.
  14. I haven't been scammed (*knock on wood*). But, probably the most common scam (that I've seen) is in the East Bank in Fally. Someone will type: "Look, RS blocks your password <(shows up as '*******'). Try it." So, I reply (so everyone can see): "Don't listen to him. He just typed the word 'password' where the '****' are showing up. RS does NOT block your password, he is trying to scam/hack you." I don't stick around long enough to see the responses. I just move along on my merry way. I figure, if I can stop at least one person from trying to type their password, because some idiot is trying to trick them, then I have made RuneScape a better place...at least for a while. UN-[bLEEPIN]-BELIEVABLE. I turn a nice short post, into a pretty long post. I hate it when that happens. I have GOT to learn to not write so much...but, alas, I LOVE to write. Oh well.....I'll just have to live with it! I think I'll create a secondary account on RuneScape. I am going to level up my skills on Tutorial Island, before I leave tutorial island. hmmm...ya! That sounds interesting. See you after a little while!!!!
  15. Greatest. Idea. Ever. I hate my absolutely messy bank. The locking/unlocking feature would be super extravagant. GoOd LuCk w/ getting JaGeX to "cooperate". Just 'call me' if they "give you a hard time". LOLOLOL
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