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Everything posted by J35u5_M4

  1. I think they mentioned in the BTS that the crater will be empty now after the war is over. The most logical thing is that the battle will be over at daily reset. But there's another possibility that it'll end tomorrow when they do a system update, thus making the event last 71 days instead of the planned 70 (Although the 71 days wouldn't be whole, but some people could get some tears on the 71th)
  2. They said the armor becoming a rare drop, overrides and field titles (The 4 you can only get in the crater) won't be able to be gained after the event is over as far as I know. Also, you can't bank tears last time I checked, but they did say you could use unspent renown, and considering when the battle is over the gods will leave, you will have no reason to deposit more tears, so my guess is that tears in inv won't be able to be deposited as dumb as it sounds, then a few hours later they'll be able to due to people [bleep]ing about it
  3. Or clicked the item quick slot and it dropped it. Happens to me sometimes when I spam eat food, it drops the rocktail instead of eating and breaks the inv slot leaving it empty, very deadly
  4. Didn't anyone else notice before the trees in the end, there was a glimpse of a ship? PoP expansion anyone?
  5. And then stuff like Fally Massacre and RoW Glitch happened
  6. Well he failed to turn you into a wight, might as well try on Death
  7. As far as I know energies always sell for 800k-1m. And vorago can be easily 6 manned with a good team that knows what to do. Sharing regular loot cash for the whole team can net you like 3-4m/h to each player (Vorago drops 2 energies at a time when he drops them). Not counting possible wand/singularity drops
  8. Well you always get that daily XP from doing the super challenges, I don't think there's a milestone for 30 challenges though, this is what made them change the outfit to 25; people complaining 1 miss would f up their entire thing
  9. I heard a rumor that people who didn't log after the challenge closed can still gain ranks. Not sure if this is true
  10. Rocktail soup did work for me though, the one that didn't was saradomin brew
  11. We already have lv 75 hybrid boots; Battle of Lumbridge ones
  12. Is anyone doing a transcript of the info currently being told on the livestream?
  13. You know, increasing the drop rate along with difficulty of Vorago would be perfectly fine with me
  14. I've been getting 2,5k tears a day in under hour and a half for quite some time now. But I can see the problem on F2P with their limited cap. Also, last time I checked F2P can't buy all rewards from both sides due to the cap they got (1320 a day x 70 days is only 92,4k tears) I don't know if the 500 increase can affect them enough to not be able to get one extra item though
  15. I don't see the problem with the 500 increase, and I'm getting all rewards. I just switched teams every time a new tier of rewards was released and that didn't affect my calcs. Started out as sara, got all tier 1, went zam and got all tier 1, hoarded tears and bought all tier 2 when they came out, swapped to sara, got all tier 2 and hoarded for tier 3, and now I'm like ~6k tears away from the final sara reward (emote for me), then swap back to zam for all tier 3 rewards. The cape increase didn't affect me. But I guess it did for people who stayed at one side from the beginning, had enough renown for all rewards and then hoarded tears for when they swapped sides when tier 3 was released. But still... I just changed sides when new tiers were released to avoid stuff like this from happening lol EDIT: Then again, I think it would be wise to skip the cape, buy two lamps. Swap sides, get all rewards from the other side then go back to the original side to buy the cape, I think we have enough time for that (I've been getting 2,5k tears/day so in my case I'll manage to squeeze a few lamps after buying all rewards) But this really depends on how many tears people had in their inv when they swapped sides
  16. I think the Magic Fix was required, it gave magic a way bigger advantage than the other styles in low level PvM, and magic still has the upper hand in high level PvM with seismic weaponry and tectonic armor. In fact, many times people with dual drygores (t90) were being outdps'd by chaotic staves (t80)
  17. Just go to automatons, those hit quite often and with the spec it'll be even faster
  18. Our team I consider ourselves to be extremely unlucky, 2 orbs and 1 wand (The team got 1 more orb but I wasn't in that kill)
  19. Vorago sounds more like dis-improvements considering he's already such a long winded unrewarding pita to cause him to be under-fought and thus cause t90 mage gear to go up up up. Adding new attacks just seems as thought it'll make matters worse, unless of course they tuck in an overhauled drop table and removal of the only 5 ppl or w/e get drops I don't know why so many people bash on Vorago, it's decent gp/h, if you get a team that'll split all cash from energies and such, and say a 6man team. And an average of 6 energies each kill, and 20 min each kill (Which is way too much). It's 3m/h for everyone from energies alone. Not includying the funfuns, the possible wand/orb, and well the supplies which would bring that down a bit, but I guess the regular drops could cover for supplies Vorago is productive if you have a perm team, but given that a) it is difficult to coordinate one and b) in teams that small you'll have a significant kill failure rate, Nex and KK end up being better for money for most players. I say this as someone who has done 200+ vorago kills. I too have killed a lot of Voragoes, went almost 3 weeks straight with 7-8+ hrs daily of it, and the 7mans we did, we didn't have that much of a failure ratio, (Only did like 2 6mans cause people were lazy)
  20. I don't get why so Vorago sounds more like dis-improvements considering he's already such a long winded unrewarding pita to cause him to be under-fought and thus cause t90 mage gear to go up up up. Adding new attacks just seems as thought it'll make matters worse, unless of course they tuck in an overhauled drop table and removal of the only 5 ppl or w/e get drops I don't know why so many people bash on Vorago, it's decent gp/h, if you get a team that'll split all cash from energies and such, and say a 6man team. And an average of 6 energies each kill, and 20 min each kill (Which is way too much). It's 3m/h for everyone from energies alone. Not includying the funfuns, the possible wand/orb, and well the supplies which would bring that down a bit, but I guess the regular drops could cover for supplies
  21. I think I'm gonna love this month New Quest, New Task Set, Super Challenges sound fun, Graphics Redesigns, Vorago improvements and those timers on the buff bar that I always wanted? Good month indeed.
  22. And yet most of Saradomin side is voting for the elites, myself included
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