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Everything posted by crazycdcm

  1. Usually just guilty of lurking, but had to correct a point the in OP. When CS was released, it was said that it would place the item in the GE for mid price, and if after two weeks had expired, the item hadn't sold, it would be removed from the game. I am thus inclined to disagree with the idea of 4 year old hilts finally surfacing into the market.
  2. yes this is true, there is 3 black drags in there, and a small mine with iron to mithril, and the evil chicken at the far end of it.
  3. argh! st. patty, wtf? its Saint Paddy if your gonna shorten it at all! St. Paddy's day, not pattys!!!
  4. I always thought they said they banned you because of name, because its permanent, and un-appealable.
  5. " he dresses as a woman in the bar all day!!"
  6. heh examine a herb, then chicken I need to look closer at this to identify it Yep definitely a chicken
  7. rhys, are you a lev 54 on f2p? mage, or is this some other rhys,
  8. a bunch of hellhoundish dogs, all snarling, behind him as if he has control over them
  9. did that take you like 10 minutes?
  10. hehey man whered the bow go, and not being neggy, or anything, but that dwarf cannon, could well be better without the ball going through the air you know?
  11. dragon bow is awesome, cept string is bent, not straight, looks like some kind of compound bow, really really nice design, btw, I spect hes gonna go ape if you keep that on, lol.
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