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Everything posted by PuppyKing

  1. The quest is too [bleep]ing hard. :thumbdown:
  2. I really like the music, until She starts singing. Im not saying that she is a bad singer, I just think the music fits better without any vocals. Anyone feel the same way?
  3. This could be the greatest idea ever, or it could really suck. Its late at night, dont make fun of me. My idea is having a Woodcutting Master. This npc would give you woodcutting tasks, much like slayer tasks. The tasks could be a certain number of logs from a certain tree. Finishing up a task could give a woodcutting exp bonus. :thumbup:
  4. Or is the point having attack and strength bonuses, rather than defence bonuses?
  5. And some late night questing:
  6. Then what would I use for defense bonuses? (and the salmon is from when I got 99 fishing/cooking. I have about 70k banked, lol)
  7. I like this song. It makes me happy. Hopefully it will make you happy, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Jw0q0ITjE
  8. I honestly have thought about doing it. But I only own one razor, so I would have to share the one that I use on my face. Which seems kinda gross to me. :thumbdown:
  9. 1m till 97 slayer. Seems like a lot. And some defence exp.
  10. Grats on the girl. I drew you a picture. It only has one pixel, but it still is a nice picture. ------>
  11. Yeah, the blog editor thing is being a crab faced feces eater. It wont let me update it. :thumbdown:
  12. . I found someone, and Im happier than I have ever been. :-) Next month is going to be a slayer month. Runescape Bits and Bytes is hosting a monthlong exp race for the skill of defence. Its not too late to sign up, so, if any of you plan to train defence at all this month, go join! http://www.rsbandb.com/skill-of-the-month I will be training slayer with my whip on controlled. :thumbup:
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