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Everything posted by liopleurodon

  1. fake shot ftw bree!!!!!!!!111(bre makes it pronounced more like breh) make s'more an' GO TO TOWN! love em
  2. simply tryin to take part..dont blame me and throw tomatoes!ima allergic to tomatoes...and rejection the point of the game here is to make a three word story...which will be continued be the next poster, and then bye the next. i.e there was a man...(next person) who had a cow(next person)and milked him. stories can be stopped at any point but if you stop a story by placing a piriod next to the last word you cannot start the next story.i.e and milked him.(next person) a german cow...(next person)blah blah...get it?if no just post. also the EDIT button is there for a reason. USE IT! i'll start(naturally) [edit] i suppose this is just another dead game.... a man waits....
  3. strife cage i gotta see how mine comes out =)
  4. As someone previously stated, dinosaur fossils were discovered millions or billion of years before human fossils. So if God created everything in 6 days, why do fossils indicate that some species lived millions or billions of years apart. somebody wrote this some time ago...anywho, how do they know how old a fossil is by looking at it? they could just have been abused or put in a certain place that picks up dust and stuff faster, so it appears to have been there longer. On another case, say you dont belive in a god. but when your down to death, you meet some god. there goes eternal life/another chance. in beliving something as "the big bang" you completely destroy any other chances at getting another/ eternal life. i am christian but say i dont belive in christianity. And the big bang is. at least i had a shot at eternal life and eternal love from the dead. in the big bang at least, you are sticking with the fact that when your gone, your gone. if your gunna start out skeptically, at least try it for the eternal life part. after that you'll probably see why we belive what we belive. or you could just deny everthing i just said and be happy bout life here. either way christians have a better chance at seeing loved ones and being in a place with only joy and happiness, instead of hatered and greed, like the world we're in now
  5. victork, yours is awsome. im gunna ponder that for days :shock: .willy,yours i still dont get. :x and i got another puzzle(its still kinda known so no saying the answers :-$ ) a man was hanged in a one room house where the only door and opening to the outside was steel and locked from the inside. he wasn't killed of murder, and the only things in the room are the hanged man, the rope around his neck attatched to the ceiling (somehow dont ask me!) and a puddle below him
  6. and leave your family to die?your either adopted and dont care about this new family or ungratefull to your parents for raisin you..and both are sick and wrong
  7. depends.if there are no steel bars and such around,and if the gun isnt a big one,then maybe..in the leg or arm or somthing...never kill and if the fence is impassable,the you could put a gun through it...called wire cutters...they usually work
  8. you could add the one in orange high(which was too close for comfort to me) but no1 was killed
  9. anybody know where this is bein filmed? ive got a huge roll o' ducktape to see how they like it...and i would mind beatin em down w/ a steel bar either the homless ppl are somthimes cool, somtimes drunk,and sumtimes sulkin cuz there so mad. doesnt mean you pick on em.kill the hobo-beaters! :evil:
  10. i know it was the only one off the top of my head notfrom the hobbit and you ruined it fer the others! :shame: no speaky answers! :-$ willy yours'll take some time...wheres that sheet of paper..... :-k
  11. im feelin bored and need a puzzle to do for this cause i've made a puzzle for you! (all i want is a few puzzles to do in my bordom and i feel lonely.... :P ) the maker doesn't use it the buyer doesn't need it the one who uses it,doesn't know they're usin it don't spoil it for the others so like pm me w/ the answers or write 'em in teeny-tiny writing
  12. I'm in this is awesome. I'm Chris but I'm using my bro's forum file I should be gettin' one soon. Name:Zepher Age:~19 Sex:Male Crouched in the most uncomfortable position imaginable, Zepher hid away for the Falidian gardner, from which he had just looted some woad leaves and other strange herbs. The farmer had burst out his doors, and Zepher had slipped inside his house, hoping to gain some extra goods. Wyson was back inside, and Zepher was tucked away in his attic. Suddenly the sounds of troops and clinking chainmail caught his ears through the walls of the house. Zepher was sure he was done for: that the whole town guard and the knight's order were all comming for him for his thieft. The sounds only grew louder and more violent, and as the hours passed, Zepher, couped as he was, fell asleep. He woke to the harsh cries of victory and of new orders, and decided to get out of his hiding place. He was struck with the sight of a ransacked home, and a dead gardener on its floor. He noticed a black knight, and that it was the black knights who had conquered Falador. He hastedly garbed himself in the knight's armor and ran out of the house as if he had slain its inhabitants. He then piled as many goods as he could obtain and stuffed them in his pockets and armor. A 'fellow' black knight commended him and asked his name. Zepher, a fatherless son who's mother had died from pneumonia when he was 6, was illiterate and would not have known his own name if it had not have been shouted at him by the city guards all his life. "Zepher" "Well met bretheren. Say how is that spelled?" This struck him with fear as he tried to recall any knowledge which would aid him. He thought of the time he followed a band of thugs to Varrok and had his fun there... "All right wise guy give me back my letter" "What letter? I haven't got any papers." "Yes my letter! 'Z' as in Zaff. Zuh-zuh-zuh Zaff! as in the wooden letter you have behind you're back you devilish little rugamuffin! Give me back the Z you took from my shop sign! I can't have a sign reading "aff's Superior Staffs! So hand over my Z!.. No? fine I will inform the gaurd to deport you back to Falador you sniveling little good for nothing..." Z...zuh zuh Zepher.... "It starts with a 'Z' lets go get our orders" "Aye to that one lets enjoy the spoils of war" Death all around him, streets were staunch with blood. Zepher ducked a corner and fled the burning, death-ranked city. He ran as fast as he could, clutching the few gold objects and coins he looted before he left. He ran ever west hoping now the gate would be open- it was. He ran and passed a man heading for the destruction who had a grim face. He vainly tried to snuff out the sound of clinking loot in the presence of such a proud and stern face. He ran to the next town where hopefully he could find shelter: for Falador, no matter how little he loved it, no matter how distant the childish dreams of becoming a White Knight were, no matter how much he still ached from the last flogging from the town's gaurd, was all he had known, was every bit of the world he called home. His home was burned. OH MY GOSH i didnt realise there was more than one page...... sorry Please start a new one later or just disregaurd this post. Sorry again -Chris rsn Christofels
  13. Come on man lets see some more chapters honest I'll read 'em -Chris rsn Christofels
  14. I felt really wierd when i read your work. I feel as though all of those words were written by some clone (female version) of me. Not only an awesome poet, and a Christian, but a girl who isn't wrapped up in all the stuff all too many teens are. Keep writing: you never know when it might completely change someone for the better. -Chris Chaney rsn Christofels
  15. As we begin to feel the emu's pain
  16. I don't really understand the forum so leoplurodon (my brother) lets me (rsn Christofels) use his forum
  17. Inspired by the descriptions of the Red Fallows in Llyod Alexander's book The High King (I highly recommend reading The Chronicles of Prydain Red Fallows: by Chris Chaney (rs name Christofels) There once was a land So fruitful and green, The most furtile earth That anyone's seen. Its corpse is still there Now rotten and dead, Its life forgotten, Its fields long bled. Red Fallows, Where did you go? You weren't to die Until laden with snow. Yet even then Under death there was life As grass blades shot up Like the points of a knife Red Fallows, Where hast thou run? Come back to me, Come back to the sun. There once was a time When crops would grow fast, But again it's a case Of history past. Farmer's would come and Throw out their seed And then reap a harvest Thrice what they'd need. There were battles For that furtile land, Wars burned the soil And turned it to sand. Then blood trickled down In little red streams, What's left of that land Remains only in dreams. Trampled to death my Furtile Red Fallows, Grasses and roots and life Hangs now on the gallows. Woefull Red Fallows Now a dustball from Hell Nothing could cure you, Not even a well Red Fallows, Once teeming with life Lies as dead as the soldiers Who fell in the strife. Then came the victor To claim the ripe land, Found his prize soiled By his own hand. Yes the great victor, Who paid the most blood, Won nothing at all But a puddle of mud. Red Fallows, Where dost thou flee? Art thou so blind? Dost thou not see? That many have come To till thy field Now nothing will grow No crops will yeild. Red Fallows, Where hast thou fled? Doth thou not see That many have bled? Thou foolish soldier No reason in sight; Thy just prize is here Of famine and blight. In thy wars thou burned me Yes turned me to ash My soils are ruined In my surface a gash. Soon I shall be healed, Brought back to light; The High King is comming, Banner almost in sight.
  18. thank you very much! if you can answer, is it possible to get one for my avatar as well?
  19. i've seen people with 4 eggs in their sig and 1 in their avatar.i tried to get 4 eggs in my signature but it told me it was too big.can any of you at least try to help me?
  20. oh c'mon!aint cha ever rely in th' luck o' th Irish? back to topic,what horiscope are you?and where do you check it out?i cant get to it but im too lazy to google it
  21. i came here to say something like "we get to play runescape free, so just be glad to play the game!" but after reading a few of these i see your point.i do not think we need more bank space for every use..just a large amount for the use of random event.i dont how how much bank space we have(never counted)but if we have 20 and 10 of it is used for the events that have come over the years,we should get 20 bank space plus 10(or however many you have).meaning if you have 6 event stuff,6 extra spaces.if you delete or remove 4,4 less spaces. ive bolded this for all you who dont wanna read the garbage i just put up.random events and stuff dont count as bank space!
  22. umm lesser demons in karamja volcanoe are pretty good not sure bout the 1 inventory part though :-k ...stronghold of security has lots of level monsters from 3 to 70 somthing so you could try there :thumbsup:
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