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Everything posted by The_Gabe

  1. The_Gabe


    Going tomorrow into the city to try and look for a rings. Heading to a waterpark Friday. Republican event with Mike Huckabee and Lamar Alexander Saturday.
  2. I switched my profile picture on fb from a picture of me and my gf to a picture of me and her dog. It's poor quality cause it's enhanced.
  3. Our future plans are for us to move in together after college. Call it a stretch but meh. I'm going to be in college 7-8 months out the year. That's 4-5 months that I'll be with her. This will happen for 3 and a half years or so. So what? Everyone's experience is different. No one is meant to experience the same thing. People respond differently. I understand some of you have more experience, but I need to find my own. I believe in what I'm doing and I believe the way I'm looking at it is the right way. All I am saying is that I would rather continue down the path I am currently where there is a light at the end of the tunnel than lose her down with no hope in mind. I've been friends with many girls. I usually hang with girls. I have yet to find one as perfect as the one I'm currently dating. I don't want to hit on girls in college. I won't have time for that. I'm going to try to extra curricular, a job, and my studies. It's not settling if I want to keep the one I have here if I truly do love her and can see a happy future with her.
  4. And no way to know without trying right? Why are you so oppose for me to try this? Its been over 4 months and the feelings are getting stronger, not weaker.
  5. I don't think you understand. That ship has sailed. You were supposed to make those decisions when you were rational and unbiased, not when you're lovestruck. This suggests that you're afraid of getting back into the dating world, which means you're more likely to do stupid things or tolerate a shitty relationship because you'd rather be comfortably unhappy than be single. So far my relationship is incredible. If that changes then I'll go from there. Right now both of us are happy. I've been rational all my life. When I was single I said thatyou shouldnt pick college based on relationship. Im in one and still following that.
  6. Being a pessimist isn't always the solution. It's being realistic. Being pessimist would be to cut off the relationship entirely, because she's going to leave you sometime in the future. Being optimistic would be to start saving money for the wedding, because you two feel something special between you two. All I'm saying it can go either way, good or bad, but be careful for both. I'd advise in being careful for the good things, but people got that covered. It's preparing for the bad things people don't get and think it's being "distrusting" of their partner. It's not. I understand this. I do. I'm not an idiot. But it doesnt mean two people cant feel the same way.
  7. We're planning for the future taking everything into account. We want to be happy now and in the future. That's all. I've done my time chasing tail so I dont think I'll exactly miss a part of my life...
  8. Please go and define a good healthy relationship for me then.
  9. Not really. Not at all in fact. I'm honestly not sure how you're reading it as so.
  10. How is saying "you should break up" when nothing is wrong advice (when I never even asked for any?)? That makes absolutely no sense.
  11. [bleep] no. Why would I end a relationship where I get to see her 4-5 months out of a year? My friends done 2 years of something similar and its working well for them. No way in hell I'd listen to such a ridiculous piece of advice I never asked for.
  12. I'm gonna end up in an off on long distance relationship because of college... Just skype her.
  13. There aren't ways to make money off high alching. Edit: No idea why I posted.. I haven't played in 2-3 years now. Feel free to ignore it.
  14. The_Gabe


    Classes and schedule for the fall. Going to be a poly sci and global studies majors. The topic for the seminar is Rhetoric in U.S crises.
  15. The_Gabe


    Flying to Minnesota in a couple of hours.
  16. The_Gabe


    Freshman Orientation for the University of Minnesota Wednesday. As for now I have to take their math placement exam. Edit: Just took the placement exam and got 24/30. Hopefully that's a decent score.
  17. The_Gabe


    Hello, my name is RpgGamer and I'm an alcoholic.
  18. For women, assuming when you get married you plan on eventually having kids, the older they are the more taxing it is on their physical being, thus the later you get married (for women specifically) the more unhealthy it is. You don't need to get married to have kids. No, you don't; but usually those who get married tend to have a higher likelihood of having kids (them societal instincts). Logically then it would make sense to say that getting married later is more likely to be unhealthy for women. Or maybe those who want to have kids are more likely to get married. That makes no difference to the fact of actually getting married/having kids. :P If you have kids later it is proven to be deteriorating of your health (assuming you are a female). Thus if marriage is more likely to produce kids (or those who have kids are more likely to get married - doesn't matter which way you say it), which it is, then that means marriage would be unwise in older age (i.e. mid-30's) unless you explicitly are going to try to not have kids. Since when is mid 30s considered an older age when it comes to having kids?
  19. The_Gabe


    whoosh (seriously I've had that as my location since early-mid 2010) Today I hinted to my boss that if I get shorted the $200 the company owes me I'll be "legally obligated" to be pissed off. Gave me a maniacal smile as I clocked out and walked away from the chaos of a sunday night. (Crossing my fingers he plays ball, cause then I'll have made $1,012 USD alone this week) So now I'm home, hoping that something interesting happens. If it doesn't - I can always play some Injustice. I've logged maybe like 6 hours of gameplay since I bought it last month. Now's a good time to enjoy it. Yeah but I only just learned that you can't do that in Jersey You can't pump gas in Jersey? It's a state law that you cannot pump your own gas so they can check tire pressure and so forth to try and conserve fuel and thus lessen immission from vehicles.
  20. Oh yes, the adrenaline coursing through your veins at that moment in time will certainly prevent the spread of HIV, Hep B and Hep C. I mean, I'm sure those diseases only need some painkillers and a few days rest, you'll be fine... Exactly.
  21. The_Gabe


    That awesome feeling when you lose track of time enjoying the night with the gf and you look at the clock and its 2am.
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