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Everything posted by bmagic

  1. bmagic

    New Sig!

    i like it nice perspective it grid lines are kind of plain though maybe and a couple of simple blue designs in there
  2. pretty cool but maybe make smaller lines
  3. wow thats nice but the ground looks a bit plain and the clouds next to the sun is kinda blurred and shouldnt the sun be more bright then that other then that it looks really real
  4. we might be slow but not 7 second slow the animation is very different i dont know what to say
  5. nice i like your first one http://www.good-tuturiol.com if u want to learn more effects and how to use more tools
  6. bryce isnt good for scenes and thats pretty simple
  7. ummm looks cool the back is weird
  8. uhh isnt that just a premade brush btw this is in the wrong topic
  9. very nice maybe a background and work on some of the details mentioned above
  10. lol it does look like that and the guys arms are way too straight why is he holding up his hands
  11. Are you joking ? did you notice how long my C/C is ? I spent a good amount of time writing it and i gave you a real C/C. You didn't get what you expected ? maybe then you needed to open your eyes on your works so that from now on you can actualy focus on some improvements. Nothing i've wrote down implied the concept "Give up you noob" or something like that. The main problem is that if you 'r asked to give a feedback, you have to do it. Adding sugar to the pill usualy ends up being a problem rather than an help. If something was wrong in my C/C was that it lacked this sentence : "Keep trying, you'll get better". white he is give c/c you have a lot to learn from him you just have to ignore some of the insults in between
  12. lol i thought it was a photo at first with some really bad quality then i read the title and looked closer nice sig i love the imps and castle the people... im not too sure
  13. u see that the trees is above the green u should try making so it looks more like the first one when the guy isnt standing on top of the ground
  14. you need to learn how to draw with more depth for example u can try drawing your objects below the ground
  15. btw here the original before i had to make it fit into tip.it
  16. thx guys nice hearing that from nadril and commando :wink:
  17. that guy doesnt look good with the wallpaper even though that what its about maybe add more intrustments and musical things instead of grudgy dark stuff
  18. tell me what to fix or anything before trying to fit into these forums
  19. bmagic

    star sig

    needs a background and border
  20. pretty nice need more details though
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