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Everything posted by db26

  1. db26

    its my birthday!

    Happy Birthday :) And how old are you? Just wondering...
  2. There is a growing base of evidence suggesting that the use of cannabis can cause, or atleast aggravate, skizophrenia. For anyone interested, this is a rather balanced article on the health effects of cannabis use. I've heard about studies with the realtionship between cannabis use and skizophrenia. I think it's just important to remember that correlation does not equal causation. I don't think it has the capacity to bring on any skizophrenia that would not already be present in your mind/body. I agree that it could bring it on faster though. Wait, you're gotten high??? Yes. I have. Is that really the issue at hand though? It was only meant as an example. (Hypothetically of course. I would never commit such illegal acts... ... ...) Sure, if you're drinking the half-gallon of vodka for ten bucks it's going to taste horrible. If you get some good scotch however, it tastes amazing. Plus, wine generally has an pleasurable taste.
  3. I've put more time into WoW that I would like to admit, but it's still not a very funny video. I may smirk at it, but it nothing I find hilarious. There are other things about WoW that are a lot more comical. Search for WoW on YTMND for instance. However, if you've never played it chances are you won't understand most of the jokes.
  4. Amen to that. I could go into the reasons why cannabis is illegal while alcohol is not, but I won't as many people probably know them. To sum it up, it's a mixture of greed and racism. The harmful effects of cannabis are a lot less than those of alcohol. The only problem with smoking cannabis is the actual inhalation of burning plant material into your lungs. There are no other adverse side effects. Plus, people tend to be much more aware of what they are doing when high rather than drunk. I have never really done anything too stupid while high, yet I've gone around calling some cops "my [insert offensive term of African-Americans here]" while drunk. That day was a mistake, and I am not afraid to admit that. But it was an anomaly... I am usually still much more calm and in control than that. As for the whole alcohol issue, I guess I agree with you on that. I mean, I know it's bad for you, but that never stops me. In fact, I am still pretty drunk right now. (Yet notice, the quality of my posts still do not suffer. I can type coherently even when still a little buzzed, which is a definite mark of knowing your limits.) Also, I think drinking helps me a lot more than it hurts me. I am usually not a very outgoing person, and alcohol usually gives me the edge that I need to really express what I am feeling to people who I don't know very well. In summary: The pros of drinking outweigh the cons. And I hope this post makes sense otherwise it will prove the opposite of what I am trying to say.
  5. Because it's fun. That about sums it up. And yes, it is bad for your health. But totally worth it.
  6. db26


    You have to set a new precedent. Right now, this will probably just continue because he knows you are annoyed by it. If you stand up to him once (I am not saying you should use violence... But if it should come to that, don't run away... That will make things worse.) then he should leave you alone. It would be easier to help if I had more specifics...
  7. Why would people be flamed for doing something illegal? I would think that if it was my last day alive, I would generally have a not-giving-a-**** attitude. Either that or I would be really sad. It's really hard to say.
  8. Probably... Many illegal things. I wouldn't want to know when I was going to die even if it was only for a day though.
  9. db26

    Ouiji Board?

    They're fake. I have no doubt about it.
  10. Wait... So their purchases are no longer justified because he is not a possible sexual partner? And here I was thinking it was all about the music. Guess I was wrong. People like this are ruining our country.
  11. db26

    Moving age

    Haha. Funny cause it's almost true... I think you need to loosen up a bit. Has he given you any reasons for you to impose such stirct limitations on him? Or are these just your rules so that you don't have to later impose these limitations on him for doing something wrong (a punishment before the crime, to prevent the crime situation)?
  12. I have this alarm clock that plays the radio when it goes off and it has the WORST SPEAKERS EVER made. And I set it really loud so that it just generally sounds like someone is kicking my ear. God it is annoying.
  13. Well, this is America, land of frivolous lawsuits and ridiculous laws... So I'm not exactly surprised.
  14. For shows which are still in production: Scrubs The Office Numb3rs Monk Shows out of production but I still watch the reruns: Seinfeld Futurama Family Guy (I place this here because I just watch it on Adult Swim every night...) (And a bunch of Anime.)
  15. Wow, I hadn't heard this yet... He was definitely one of my favorite baseball players and the sole reason I used to watch the Twins. Such a shame that he died at only 45. He will be missed...
  16. I sort of answered that too. It's just a job. Personally I think it is good for creating lots of jobs for people who seemingly can't get jobs anywhere else (as you said, no one grows up wanting to be a porn star), and stimulating the economy because of all the purchases that people make on porn, if nothing else. Hell, I wouldn't object to being a porn star. It's a pretty damn good job if you ask me.
  17. Oh my God. These posts make me want to cry. Self-gratification is actually heathy for you. I believe I read a study somewhere that said men who self-gratificate are about half as likely to get prostate cancer. It attacks your judgement? Well, maybe for a few moments, but its not like your on an acid trip or anything like that. Talk about over-exaggeration. I dont know about you, but I don't see many self-gratification-addicts. I've never see anyone run home just so they can do something like that. People use the word addiction too liberally. It should really only be associated with things you can have a physical dependence on. Otherwise , so many people will be addicted to so many things. I am addicted to the Internet and television. Does that mean we should get rid of them? Of course not. The porn sites wouldn't be open if people weren't addicted? Couldn't the same logic be applied to any other type of store or activity? EDIT: Sorry about the double post... Didn't realize it when I was posting. And also another edit: "It prodouces marijuana-like effects" Wow. I wish. Your ignorance is unbelievable.
  18. This shows how much you know on the subject. If people weren't addicted to it there wouldn't be as big of a problem. Communities can vote on allowing or disallowing porn in their communities. So why can't they (the local government) censor internet content? It is very frustrating. The government is for the people by the people of the people. People that produce pornography should be charged with corruption of the common good. Are you honestly asking for the government to censor the Internet? Wow. My mind was just blown. While we're at it, let's ban television. All these people sitting at home enjoying themselves watching a program... We can't have that. Television is clearly destroying our country and hurting the "common good." But no, of course this won't happen. I think we seem to be forgetting a little thing I like to call the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Government was created to protect people from others. It takes a step too far when it tries to protect people from themselves.
  19. Okay, this is just getting ridiculous. I don't think there is anyone who is addicted to self-gratification (EDIT: Why would that word be banned? I can see slang for it being abused... But the word itself?). At least no more than anyone is addicted to Television, the Internet, etc. Anything has the capacity to be addictive in that sense. I don't see the problem with pornography either. As long as it's all done legally (I.E. not child porn or anything like that), what does it matter? It's a job just like anything else. If there's a market for something, there will be people who cater to that market. I am probably pretty biased in a topic like this considering I am not against anything that doesn't hurt other people (and I don't count drugs as hurting other people... So many more people have died from cigarettes and alcohol that from illegal drugs, but I digress. Completely different issue.) Oh yeah. I actually am Catholic too. And I still think this is a stupid idea.
  20. Just go. What is an hour out of your life every week? Even if she legally can't make you go (I'm not sure.), there are probably other thigs which she does for you that she doesn't have to.
  21. This is probably the best way to do it if you don't want things to be INCREDIBLY AWKWARD if you find out that she doesn't feel the same way as you. I wouldn't just straight up ask her "Do you like me?" But that's just me. I prefer to be subtle about these things.
  22. db26

    plz close

    I never really understood Yugioh, so I can't really say either way about it... But in the past I have spent way too much on Pokemon cards and long before that, Magic cards. In retrospect, it was probably a huge waste of money, but it was fun while it lasted, so I guess it was somewhat worth it.
  23. db26


    No one has really posted anything like that. I don't think the thread needs to be cleaned up at all. Suicide is a serious issue which many people have quite extreme views on. If something is necessary to be done, I guess it could be split up into two topics... One to pay your respects ( ... ) to this person, and another about the discussion of killing oneself in general.
  24. db26


    This person killed himself. What he did was a slap in the face to anyone who ever cared about him... Or even knew him. Committing suicide is like says that you are more important than anyone else, and don't care how horrible your actions may make them feel. I feel exactly opposite of you. How can people feel so bad for him when he showed such blatent disreguard for other people's feelings? Sure, many people can feel bad for him that he led such an unhappy life that he felt that suicide was the only option, but he deserves no memorials either. I'm asking anyone to agree with me. I am only expressing my feelings. It might be better to think of my comments to be about anyone who commits suicide for selfish reasons, rather than to be about this particular person, as I can see there may be many people who would take offence at that.
  25. They aren't telling you how to eat, they are just not advocating bad health. I assume you can still bring your own junk food from home, right? They are attempting to past state-wide laws where I live and recently stopped selling the "unhealthy" Gatorade. :P I don't know if I care either way. (I do miss the Chik-fil-a they use to sell <- and last time I checked, Chik-fil-a is fairly healthy. Maybe not.) at my boys primary school, those who bring in sandwiches are not allowed to bring anything unhealthy in from home.yet those who eat school dinners are allowed sugar ridden puddings in fact the headteacher pulled my 11 year old up in from of the whole school in assemerly for bringing into school a packet of crisps :evil: Now that's just going too far. I know I would never put up with something like that when I have children.
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