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Awkward Talking Fish

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Everything posted by Awkward Talking Fish

  1. I tried to get 2 names from the wikia's list, then I realised both were wrong since they didn't only include the prefix and the suffix, and i went past a pretty awesome name along the way to get to them.. so now I have to try get back to that name.. If I get it, it will be Doktor. :P
  2. Did dream in 1 took 3 tries for vargas (first time i ran off, second time i didn't have enough food to keep him alive, third time i got it) Up to the sentinels took me 1 try, then I had to bank and try sentinels a second time and got them (after help from Tip.it!) Mother took me 5 tries. #1 I didn't have runes #2 I didn't have range #3 I had too little food + not enough armour #4 i had too little food + not enough armour #5 I brought a war tortoise and brought along a granite platebody which basically stopped all the range attacks and I only ate 6 food. Basically.. If you've got the guide it'll be *much* easier and faster.
  3. The queen is ****ing annoying. She attacks. I run, she turns to range, I range prot, then attack with melee, then she changes to air, so i click air, attack, hit 0 5 times, then she changes to range, i click crossbow and attack her, but then autocast is still on so I click that off, but then she's already changed to fire, then i click fire, and she changes her attack so I get hit 18 again, then i finally hit her with fire then she changes to melee so I have to unclick autocast and attack her again, then she hits 39 with melee on me and i have to tele -.-;
  4. Can't kill queen. Tried different types of elemental blasts but none hit, she does weird colours (green = earth? iunno!) edit: same as horror from deep i suppose.
  5. Do you need all the different types of elemental blasts for the queen?
  6. Balmug - a weapon that is 'good at killing daggermouths" :D
  7. Can you go in the caves in PVP worlds and fight people with the ferocious ring bonus? :D
  8. If you register an email with your account then Jagex will give you an option to receive emails from them about updates and stuff. ;)
  9. I think I'll use her. That way I can take out my aquanite tasks and put in Skeletal Wyverns or something maybe.. :D Are there any cons in using her?
  10. I think the new dungeon is best for tasks that have monsters in there simply because 1. no campers, only slayers 2. +4 hits = great Also, I don't know if anyones posted, but KB says you get 18 points for finishing her task, and someone showed a picture of you getting 90 points for a 10th task.
  11. Rest assured, you can say no. Wouldn't it be funny if it was Sumona? :D EDIT: Oooh, try it with the ring of charos?! Tried ring of charos, also I tried wearing my ring of visibility to see if there were any ghosts around her. Both attempts failed to find anything new. :P
  12. She talks about her childhood if you ask the right questions then you ask "So who was your mother?" (Something along those lines) and she replies "I'd rather not say. Can we talk about something else?" and she's doing those sleazy shifty eyes from left to right. So.. who was her mother?
  13. I have received two rings in about 15 minutes of killing Greater Demons in her dungeon so I'd say they aren't too rare :smile: Ring's bonus stacks with that of the Slayer Helm/Mask too :thumbup: 18 Oops I ment to say I got abby demons not aberrants.. but you still can't take your cannon in. :P
  14. Got aberrants. Can't take cannons in. Pretty cool i suppose.
  15. http://www.runescape.com/c=KTpPvsGM2xs/kbase/guid/slayer_kuradals_dungeon
  16. It would have seemed a lot longer if you had tried it without a guide. This. I spent at least an hour on it, which is perfectly acceptable for a master quest. That. I hate how people complain about the length and simplicity of a quest when they've used a guide. If they had to figure it out themselves it would have taken a considerably longer amount of time.
  17. Well the markings might be in different colours, but if they're all the same design/appearance there seems to be some kind of link there :P. It's possible they're mahjarrts. Hazeel has those markings too and Duradel and Vannaka are very experienced in combat (obviously) which fits the description of mahjarrat. We don't know anything about the Oracle's combat abilities, but his wisdom sure is great which fits the description of SOME mahjarrats (Lucien is known to be incredibly smart, Zemouragle (or however his name is written) and Azzandara sure aren't stupid either...) Unless Zemouragle didn't know every Mahjarrat then they cannot all be Mahjarrat. There are too many of them.
  18. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f229/dirizz/Wiki/RSMVAgainstRules.png I don't think you want that program.
  19. Why are some people saying facial markings are a sign that they are related? So many NPC's have the same markings in different colours Lapalok - Green Oracle, Vannaka, Duradel (Yes, mostly slayer masters) Are they all related? :|
  20. Ok when doing the quest you put the heat orb in and then the things unfreeze and they become waterfiends. If you take the heat orb out they harden and become level 132 icefiends Down the second trapdoor a level 134 WATERfiend gets unfrozen. :)
  21. http://www.google.com/trends?q=runescape%2C+world+of+warcraft&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0 Runescape trumps WoW in the trends, but they've both slumped over the last few years :o
  22. and an anagram of the first letters is i go crap it all makes sense now! Rofl. You need a toilet! :P
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