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Everything posted by 2dtv0

  1. what ever it is ill get but i really want bunny ears but that will never happen
  2. ure not to old to play rs i think the age limit should reach 70 because it would be a bit wierd if ur nan or grandad played the game
  3. i go in quite often but im only 77 cb and only got 99 wc cape so i dont get hassled
  4. mine is nearly always on even when im walking through f2p with a skill cape on but when im doing something that needs morea attention i switch it off
  5. i have 1399 total and should have over 30m net worth but i was hacked so it is like 6m net worth
  6. im english and i would dream of going in there as i would be really confused but if i was learning german i would check it out to practice german language but i cant so i wont
  7. nice idea i think i would watch but if there like the zybez movies they will be great
  8. i love the idea but some of the colours are a bit bright to be introduced but i liked all the sara stuff
  9. go on to the runescape website and tell jagex about the bug otherwise they will have no idea about it
  10. i was cutting yews and got 3 mimes in 1 day and on the same day 5 genies and on the same day 1 freaky forester i was on like 15 hours that day
  11. i have got a skiller and im thinking of making members and getting 99 rc on it can i go through the abyss on it fine or will i most likely die every time?
  12. i got this skiller he is still lvl 3 with 15 smithing but i wanna get it to 30+ will i be able to do a knights sword quest on it also it is f2p
  13. i heard firefox is less likely to be hacked because it isnt that common to use
  14. get 60 fm and wc and fm for a few hours see what happends
  15. after the quest the boat is useless
  16. whilstr doing some thinking if u buy 1k law runes from runescape forums for 250 each sell to f2p 1k each in bulks of 100 that sounds a good way
  17. dunno if it works buy 1k law runes from runescape forums sell 1k each in bulks of 100 in f2p npt sure how good it is but sounds good
  18. nice idea i need to get 60 construction before its made
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