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Everything posted by Altra

  1. Guys, you really ought not let the people who don't like Project Onyx get to you so much :roll: , it's either what they want, or pointless :shame: . Anyways, great job on this issue of Project Onyx :D It turned out quite nice, if I do say so myself : You should pm me when stuff is going on... I'm afraid I keep losing the link to the webbie :oops:
  2. Unfortunately, on top of the 5% limit on trading differences, they also added price floors and ceilings, so that might not work.
  3. Sweatshops will still be around whether RS closes its doors or not. Either the companies will switch to a different game, or, if the company does shut down, the employees will seek a job elsewhere, not necessarily one with any better conditions :?
  4. If the price of yew logs exceeds the high alch value, people will just stop buying. If people stop buying, sellers will be forced to lower the price, and the market value will gradually (although purhaps too gradually ) lower back down to the amount that buyers are willing to pay. That is, of course, unless Jagex puts ceilings on items, as well as floors -.-
  5. You do realize that many members have larders in their houses that give unlimited eggs, right? Those'll keep them from reaching panic levels.
  6. Is that also why I'm not on the list? If so, I'll be more than happy to be an understudy :
  7. From their phrasing of "buying" new gravestones, I don't think you can craft them
  8. Phaper, you posted saying I was on, but my name's not on the list :?:
  9. Guard in Black Armor Do you accept to the terms and conditions? Yes If that's not available, I'll take anything, it's just that I still have my full black armor from The King's Ransom and would love to put it to use for such a great purpose! :D
  10. Nope, he did :-w I was joking about the glare, anyways, but the last sentence seems to imply he hasn't got a clue where I went off to :P
  11. Don't tell me Brandon didn't tell you I was back :o *glares at Brandon*
  12. Hmm... I'm not too sure we should jump to the conclusion that these concepts will be used in summoning. The title for it is animal lore, and Jagex said that when they made the change from animal lore back to summoning, they dropped a few ideas, including the possibility of just basically having a larger array of "pets". As for the guy who made a remark about "PetScape" Jagex specifically said in the dev diary that they were amking extra sure not to let it come to that and that the creatures you could summon would have combat and noncombat uses, unlike cats, which are just free death runes.
  13. I don't think they meant that Jagex would use the 'player value' to restrict offers on the exchange. Rather, offers on the exchange affect 'player value'. This wouldn't even come close to curbing prices, certainly not directly, in any case. Think of it as an in-game sort of reference for the general going price for an item, for example, if the player value of, say, sharks was identified as 750 gp, somebody could sell them for 1 or 10,000 gp as they wished, the only thing I can see a system like this actually reimposing itself in is the tendency of players not to pay much above the player value. Also, I don't consider myself an economy expert, so feel free to correct me if any of my deductions are incorrect :)
  14. I think he's trying to say that as you become more powerful a person in Runescape, you become more corrupt and therefore more likely to use derogatory terms toward other players. I apologize to Quinton if that's a misinterpretation :)
  15. Why is it that any time anybody or several people organize something, it gets bashed? Do you ever even stop to think of the work that goes into the things? My intention isn't to flame, but, I dunno. It just seems a bit harsh to just shoot down somebody who works hard for something without even considering giving it a chance to evolve or prove itself :? Of course, to each their own, I suppose.
  16. Woahz, an update :shock: What, my little nublet's building a home? Maybe now you won't need to share mine, lol, j/k :P
  17. Only to be expected from the creator of so many other hilarious stuffs :P Do keep it up, it's bad enough I never get to see the conclusion of your other comic :(
  18. That's a good plan, ya know :) Good luck and I hope we all find out what your goal is in the end! :wink:
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