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Everything posted by littlepieter

  1. They've updated the shops so macroers stop buying arrows and feathers and stuff like that, and guess what, there are even more around the willow trees than there ever have been. They've just changed profession and now it's even more irritating for people like me, who want to get their woodcutting level up in FTP...
  2. I'm starting to lose my faith in jagex: ... I'm training my woodcutting now at the port sarim willows and it's terrible. I haven't got much time to train, so i'm online for 15 minutes, log out, do something else, log in a bit later and so on. Each time I play I report around 15 macoers (one every minute). A week later however, they're still on the same spot cutting willows, and instead of bronze axes they've already got mithril ones, what the hell, why aren't they banned? I reported them? There is no point in a report abuse system if the people aren't banned within 24h, at this speed they can get wc lvl 99 and make millions before jagex even reads the report ... How hard can it be to make sure that every report is read withing 24h? Just hire a few extra people (whom you pay) to patrol the know macro areas (f2p as well, as I am f2p). After all, they make loads of money by ads and membership fees ...
  3. yo-yo (was on holiday when they dropped the rubber chicken) and if it counts: easter ring, zombie head, skelleton suit, chicken suit and other worthless stuff I can't remember :)
  4. I'd say cooking, just buy large quantities of raw lobsters, cook them and sell them. Fast xp and you don't lose any money (or maybe just a little bit until you stop burning)
  5. i forgot to mention, i am f2p :)
  6. hi, i'm planning to train my magic, i'm now lvl 51 and i want to use fire strikes or bolts until lvl 55 and then start high alching. What is a good way to train magic by high alching without losing too much money? What i mean is, which item you can buy in large bulks for a reasonable price and later on you can high alch it for more or less 300gp more, is there an item like that? to give you an example of the answers i'd like to get: item x you can buy in large bulks for x gp and it high alchs for x gp :) I know that there probably isn't an item that will give me profit (otherwise the seller would high alch it (unless he lacks the skills or intellegence to do so)), but which item will give the best money/xp?
  7. is it a p2p random? or can you also get it as f2p?
  8. is there any agressive non player character that you can get in the rimmington arrow shop? I hate those autobuyers
  9. do macroers get confused once they are killed? or are they programmed to return to their spot and start woodcutting/mining again?
  10. trying to raise my ranged lvl, want to get every skill in the highscores
  11. the "fauk zezima" guy, he is often in world 1 or world 3 near edgeville bank, mostly cooking :)
  12. I said: when it changed however, you have to read it to know if it's changed :P
  13. you can't teleport everywhere in the wild? Guess that's "new", but then again, I haven't been pking for more than a year ... can someone explain me what changed?
  14. same here, and when i was out of money somebody sold a broken rune pick axe to the shopt and it only costed 400gp, but guess what, I had ran our of money
  15. personally I think it is more impressive to put all your effort in one account, you get more statisfaction of one good account I think, and it saves me a lot of time, cause I have not got much time to play. Which does not mean I don't skill, but I'm not a pure skiller. However, I'm planning to stop raising my combat until I've had a total lvl of 1000, which should be nice. My main goal is to have a f2p main account with 99 in all f2p skills (including combat related skills) :)
  16. a mithril battle axe I was a lvl 3 or so and i found port sarim and i thought it was a great place, lots of lvl 2 goblins for me to kill, a chicken farm nearby AND a shop that would buy anything, imagine, anything. So I stayed there for a few weeks killing goblins and selling regular logs to the general store until I had the 1,4k needed for the mithril battle axe. I was so happy cause I thought it was the best weapon in the game (it was the best the shop sold). unfortunately I could not wield it so I needed to train a few more weeks, and all the time I kept the mithril battle axe in my inventory because I'd never been out of port sarim and I were afraid to go looking for a bank because I thought I'd never find my way back to my goblin spot :ohnoes:
  17. the only thing I've got so far is a flyer ... what is the half key used for anyway? is it a f2p-thing?
  18. has anyone ever got an evil chicken while cooking? I've been training my cooking for a while now on world 1 and I think I've got every event once except the evil chicken, and I never saw someone of the other skillers get one. Is it impossible to get an "agressive" event during cooking or is it really random and is all of this coincidence? btw: why the "hell" is it called "LederHOSEN hat", Ein Hose is German for Trousers, so it looks really silly to have a "leather trousers hat", why didn't they call it Tiroler Outfit or something like that?
  19. it's too long ago to remember stuff like that, i was 16 or so, I've changed a lot since then ... I remember they added the runecrafting skill and stuff like that, but nothing specific and I don't know how long I was playing back then ... it's a shame I don't remember :(
  20. Is there any way to see when you registered? I'm trying to remember how long I've been playing the game (with pauses of several months of course). But I don't seem to succeed in remembering. Because I've got a yoyo I think it must be 3 or 4 year (but with like 1.5 year inactivity or so) but is there any way to know for sure? is there a database with first log ins or something like that? or can i check when i created the account?
  21. are there f2p-mods or do you have to be a member to be a player mods? cause I don't see a lot of mods in the f2p worlds, but who can blaim the members, once you're a member it's probably boring over there ...
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