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Everything posted by Gilformen

  1. 90 attack? just, no. godswords are basically crap these days. 80 attack with either chaotics or korasi; its pretty common now, but youre risking quite a bit of time investment with chaotics. generally, if youre keeping 1 def, dont go over 60 attack. mauls/rapiers are nice, but youre higher by 10 combats to wield them. and why dont you plan to get 99 str or range? both are quite useful in pvp
  2. i play in the resizeable format, and after expanding the chatbox, it wont stay at the normal 8 lines of chat, it will move back to 9. errrrrghhghhhhh. sure, its not a huge deal, but its annoying. thoughts?
  3. yeah. range is one of my favorite skills, ive gotten 99 on two accounts, and i never range while dging. bind a prom 2h, and work on 70 rc so you can use a surgebox. when you hit 50 dg bind a plate, or if you want to try teams, look for a hood.
  4. just be aware turmoil zerkers take a lot of time & cash fully quested is around 200 Qp, and youll need over 100m to fund 95 prayer.
  5. For a pker? Hell no. Suffer for those chaotics if you want them (kinda pointless, scimORwhip/claws is a much better combo for +1 item worlds) and don't ruin your account for convenience. and whats your dg lvl?
  6. shadow silk hood. completely worth the 5 extra def lvls.
  7. people still use citadels? "Spirit tree teleports no longer hide players' capes." oh, yay
  8. exactly ^ no build is original anymore. some can be more dominant than others, but overall pvp is much more skill/luck based than relient on how your stats are. not to say a certain build doesnt give advantage, but dont think that is all you need.
  9. correct, its supposed to show a max or near-max hit. since jagex recently "fixed" this, it means its screwed up.
  10. theres a thread about this in general discussion
  11. i rarely dg anymore. im in a dg clan, but its been less active lately, and theres not much else i really need as far as rewards go. and overall, im fine with doing slightly slower floors when it means everyone is cool with each other and nobody is raging.
  12. 2400 overloads, oh baby. overall its organized pretty well. and im ocd about making sure mine is laid out just right.
  13. i was dging on my noob, and got a max hit splash of 67 using fire blast. usually magic is pretty accurate in dg, its been sucking.
  14. 2 def lvls & turm. oh god my eyes. and train slayer/herb/dg
  15. yes. c1 all lower floors, do c6 small/meds for your last few, reset once all floors are ticked off. xp will suck til 70/80 at least.
  16. 3 noncombats over 80. damn. and if you want to hunt bosses, youll need extremes at least, preferably overloads.
  17. by kicking spammers on sight. same as before.
  18. 1 def pures are basically worthless. make a 80/99/45 melees zerk buld, or make a tank with 80 att/50 str so you can train def with a rapier. even with a tank curses are still good, soul split at 92 helps with pking and training
  19. a crapload of anime/movies while doing wc/fletch/smithing/other boring grind skills.
  20. because its old and hardly anyone still bothers to play it with the fancy pixelly smoothness that is rs2? i still prefer my dragons to look like cows tbh.
  21. overloads, curses, and uni/yaks are used at practically all bosses. if you dont have them, likely to get crashed by someone who does.
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