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Everything posted by Overdoziz

  1. Actually, its more like this. You would normaly get $10 every hour, but they gave you a weekend where you start at 2.7 times as much as normal ($27 an hour) and go down $1,7 every hour. They then decide to change it up a little and remove a little more cash then you were told 2 weeks in advance about. Well they didn't actually decide to change it (or did they?!) but they the made a mistake. Big companies like Jagex shouldn't make stupid mistakes like that.
  2. Not all bots are publicly available.
  3. His name looks a lot like Zamorak don't you think?
  4. Learn what trolling is. OT: Isn't RSBot still online? I'm now on the site and the forums also work. And even if RSbot was shut down other sites will show up eventually and take the place of the most popular bot site. I doubt botting will take much of a blow.
  5. Nice picture :) But couldn't he have just given you an hour loan or something? :???: Lol, I found this pretty pathetic, showing off with something you don't even have I agree, the point is not to borrow things, when that's all you did. :thumbdown: He could've bought it if he wanted to (as a matter of fact, he did), so bugg off.
  6. Temp is 14 days. Friend just told me, he made 100mil from it. pics
  7. I am in awe of your ability to complain about absolutely ANYTHING. Oh noes, we got two blogs instead of one! RAAGE!! -_- Because that was a serious complaint...
  8. I've been at corp for the past 3 weeks and it never happened to me. Just kill the core after corp is dead and you're gonna be fine.
  9. Deleted the jagex/runescape files and updated Java and now I can only play in safe mode. :| All that just because they added 3 imps.
  10. You were first! Doesn't like a very exciting update, but catching implings with your bare hands without a jar sounds very nice!
  11. People should stop saying that every update is gonna be FT3 :/
  12. Please tell me this is a joke? Not doing something because some people may dislike it? Why not stop updating RuneScape all together then?
  13. Why does he even bother answering the same questions over and over again? Example: :wall: Still some interesting stuff, though.
  14. I don't know if it's a typo or whatever, but he is Mod MMG. The MMG stands for Mark Michael Gerhard. Because it matters.
  15. Ummmmm, hello? Have you recently tried creating an account? There is no way that they can authenticate your real age, it doesn't take a genius to put their birthday as "21st January 1980" or something into their box asking for age. So then 8 year old + half a braincell + a calculator + a friend encouraging him = An account that can turn on and off the filter and they can swear to their little hearts contents. You would honestly see just millions of accounts on F2P GE going "[bleep], [cabbage], [bleep], [bleep], bastard, [bleep], *giggle*" then it's just rinse and repeat. So therefore many of the more adult players (which this would be intended for) would end up having it off being back at square one, with immature little kids swearing their little hearts out. You will only see a bunch of stars if you turn on your filter and you can always just put them on your ignore list. I don't see the problem.
  16. How is an optional filter not a good idea? If you don't like it just turn the filter on, problem solved. I've addressed multiple times to Jmods and they said it is against the law. :/ The main reason why I want it is because the filter censors a lot of Dutch words which can be quite annoying.
  17. Why are half the questions "will runescape ever stop?"
  18. I prefer Andrew, at least he sounds somewhat human. MMG sounds a bit too official to me like most Jmods actually.
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