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Everything posted by toadalmighty

  1. sold full rune for 100k (the 1m - 100k scam) saw it coming to boght nothing for 2m -_- i clicked accept to quickly and he tain away the ship and i didnt notice
  2. it looks good but its not 3d enough
  3. 6/10 you got like 1 good set and 3m cashand fury, thats basically nothing
  4. toadalmighty man thats was easy (ive got bony elbows)
  5. *the number one player*(no naming names) will break it first when he hits 2.14bill overall exp
  6. true tpum statement will be true
  7. bob appears then attaches himself to your eyes then leaps off your face taking your eyes with you, you scream and run around in pain unable to see the monkey playing with a banana, it laughs it you which at the same time cause him to drop his banana. you slip on it then swallow the monkey causing you to choke to death, i pick up the gp and run away to narnia with it
  8. met someone called toadmurderer (i ran away) met many people with ...almighty as there name
  9. dont go edge dungeon, personally ive never seen taverly demons crowded, and i so dont go edge as ive seen what some people have pked from trainers there (full drag+)
  10. yea you do need to do death to the drogshuurn (cant spell lol)
  11. how would i go about doing that? (computer thickness here)
  12. bullspit reason but jagex should believe just use proper grammer in your appeal cause i see u'll
  13. That almost sounds like a fan not running even though you say they are ok. Runescape is a CPU intensive game which generates a lot of heat. You can try leaving the computer case open and see if that cures the problem. If true, it's an overheating problem. nope tain it out yesterday tain case off checked fans and played rs, still swtiched off
  14. mm or pc, pc for little less money and more exp 200th post :thumbsup:
  15. hes wrong, theres a god guide somewhere and i dont think ive ever heard of someone breaking one
  16. yip, tried telling my mum that many a time, but "IM NOT PAYING ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã500 FOR YOU TO PLAY GAMES!" is the answer
  17. start- all programs-accesories-system tools-character map look through all the fonts, there in there somewhere
  18. kill blue drags and bank the bones and hides, youll make a profit :P
  19. Well it only does it when i play Rs :( and it usually takes about 10-15 mintues to happen. None of the fans are broken so its not overheating Its not always done it only had it when playing rs(even if logged out) it seems to be running quiter than usual any help would be appreciated
  20. Runescape IS educational, its helped me out many times in school. The cheating scamming etc all happen in real life so whats wrong about learning to protect yourself from it when your young
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