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Everything posted by eias

  1. eias


    yes you do btw whats your home language?
  2. eias

    Yes or No game

    i meant RS party hat.. yes i would do if u had a d chain and ur in the desert and you dont have anything to eat would you eat it?
  3. just want to add this: prayer = worshipping the ecto is faster then altar (not including getting slime and bonegrinding) i think gilded altar is better because you dont need ectos and stuff
  4. Welcome to Runescape! now that's just silly!
  5. The game is simple. You answer to the pesron above you's answer with a yes or no. Simple enough FIrst question: If you have a phat would you sell it?
  6. hey this game is that you tell your scariest moment on rs2 My scariest moment: I was pking with my clan (i hate pking btw.) we went to the mage arena then my leader said i need to bank at the mage arena. so we went there only to see a clan of 100+'* and he log out, but i was still trying to comprehend something and the other clan saw me and froze me. then ddsed me (hit double 10-15s) and i only had swordies and super sets. So i drank em and ate 5 sworied, then i fought. then they tagged (i hate that method of pking its cheep...) then the other acient tbed me and froze me also then the other tagged him and killed me... i lost only 200k but i could offord that back then. My "new" scariest moment: Ok, i was killing hellhounds while talking to 3 friends at once (bad idea....) so i take a look at my health 14 hp left. I thought my guthans would heal me. So i was talking talking talking... then i looked again at my health 4 hp left. So i tryed talking to my friend and hoped that my health wud go up, no such luck tho... *DUN DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Oh dear your dead!?* so look at my character bowing down at the beast. Then i get shell shocked thinking wth happened?! Then i appear at fally... with only a: torags pl8, guthans legs, and guthans body... Congrats link! youve just lost over 6m! Now im trying to wipe my bank for things to sell to get my stuff back... So this is my new one.
  7. nice guide but wondering why i cant find alot of people wearing hunter capes :lol:
  8. Tokkul is a relatively new currency, used primarily in the Tzhaar city, located under the volcano in Karamja. In fact, the Tzhaar city runs exclusively on Tokkul, and will not accept coins. The Tokkul are round and similar to coins, except Tokkul is made out of a hard obsidian stone, rather than gold. Tokkul can not be traded with other players. Tokkul can be acquired several ways, but only in Tzhaar. You can kill most of the npc's that wander the city for Tokkul, or sell items to the shops. You also have the option of a couple mini-games located in Tzhaar. The Fight Pits is a good place to earn Tokkul, by being the last one standing in an all out, every man, woman and child for themselves, royal rumble. However, if you're not a very high level, and if the pit has several players, being the last to survive can be difficult. A more sure fire way to get Tokkul is the Fight Caves. Unlike the Fight Pits, you are not competing against other players, but rather monsters. Also, you do not have to reach the end to collect Tokkul. If you die, you re-appear outside, with full health, prayer, and a number of Tokkul that reflects how long you lasted in the caves.
  9. if your an active rs player and your a member then it would take you no longer than 10 days
  10. stupid people love to live smart people live to love ^_^
  11. how about you calculate the time for killing ice giants and ice warriors? so far i made about 200k str exp in 2 days from them and still going
  12. green mask had yellow partyhat but gave to my brother
  13. crappy games are like boring games you master it in some days...
  14. your still 14 and you want a job? act your age not your shoe size (european shoe size :lol: ) just get money from your parents i mean i dont know how can your dad gives you $10 for cleaning his car.... that's alot i think if i washed dad's car he say thank you you want money wait 2 years then work....
  15. well i think wasting $50 for a crappy game different from spending $50 on a good game like GTA
  16. gem store randoms general store sometimes
  17. im 100 years old does that makes difference?
  18. if you go to edgeville wild you either see all pures or safers aka def noobs no fun in the thing and if you're a ranger you waste your food and arrows on someone at the finish he runs away for magers same as rangers but waste of runes for meleers waste of food no fun in the whole thing
  19. lucky you go snowboarding once or more here 1/5 years only have snow on ground no places to snowboard unless in a really good mountin in the furthest north
  20. Shows how much you know. Again, I refer back to what I said about caring about who games are 'for'. You must be very insecure. You feel the need to play games for 'adults' even though I assume you are a child. Are you trying to prove something by doing that? i mean what i say and im meaning that those games are for kids.... people aged 13+ shouldnt buy a DS its only games for kids as i said because the story and the graphics make you feel like you play a kids game not a game like final fantasy or others.
  21. well.... you can say at my country almost no life
  22. of course PSP i ahve one its cool i dont think DS can play movies,music, go to internet by wireless also DS games are crappy and are for kids like the sonic and mario thing they are for children PSP video quality is hell better
  23. you keep the best 3 items or 4 items if u used protect items pray that was in runescape in real life i dont know im not dead yet :
  24. Lol? :wall: I didnt get scammed, but i logged out of W2, unaware Mr.Hyde was attacking me... Well, i closed the screen by mistake, meaning to close the one in front of it, and when i logged back in, there i was stood in Lumb with Dhip top, Legs and Vamps - No blue mask... blue haloween mask? OMG
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