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Everything posted by justcallmedaddy

  1. Hey Adrenal, your signature is a baby version of my desktop background. Story of the day.
  2. Do big, meaty, lucious calves make you run faster or slower? I have nice calves and can outsprint a lot of people, but with distances of say 5 miles, I start to fade.
  3. 30h3! The exclamation point automatically makes their music bad.
  4. It's not a confession, secret or a regret, but.. I can lick my elbow.
  5. You're great l0rd thank you very much.
  6. Good runescape joke bro. :thumbsup:
  7. Avatar limits are 100 x 100, and that is 100 x 150. It would be removed. K that's not hard to adjust to.
  8. So siggied. oh my god. :-#
  9. Is that small enough to be an avatar? Because I think it would be nice. EDIT- omgz how did it get so much bigger then it was? and what is all that white stuff?
  10. QUIT YO JIBBA JABBA. +1 Internets, sir. OT, I think it's possible, statistically speaking. Probably none of the ultra-famous ones, but many some more obscure ones, like random athletes or band members. Nothing like Brad Pitt or Scarlett Johansson. Joined in early 2005 with 105 posts, get paypa.
  11. Video games arent that fun. Yeah. Srs business, video games. :roll: Don't be butthurt I don't like video games as much as you do.
  12. Yeah that's true boys look for "mates" with similar physical properties as their moms, but girls do the same thing but look for boys who have similar physical properties that their dad has. Why is that disturbing? edit- ooh I got beat, but he has an article.
  13. I need computer help. Someone in mi familia made the toolbar or whatever (the thing with Windows start, itunes, etc.) is at the top of the page, how do I bring it back down to the bottom? Thanks.
  14. I want her to "wingardium leviosa" me irl if you know what I mean. (not a sexual innuendo, I jsut want her to use her 99 magic to make me float) Pervs. Good runescape joke bro. :thumbsup:
  15. Probably the hardest sport out there due to the mileage that is needed for it. Can't wait for Cross Country, I'm so ready for it... Probably not... Soccer is harder, it is cross country with a ball.But yeah XC is probably the hardest mental sport. And I looked at my scedule and oh my god there are 2 meets in 3 days. What. The. [bleep].Hell? Lacrosse is xc with a stick and a ball, plus they're allowed to hit you. I can not praise nor diss Lacrosse, my school doesn't have it and I have never played. But Cross Country IS harder then a lot of sports, you're out there by yourself in a long [wagon] race. With no team support.
  16. I see what you did there. If that were the case wouldn't things like family reunions be quite awkward?Not really, but the problem is if all women wore nothing, you'd see all the things you didn't want to see from all the wrong people that you find unattractive. I'd feel very uncomfortable if I saw an elderly man completely naked and limping around town with his bits flapping about. You might feel comfortable with going to your family's nude reunion and accidentally bumping into your dads erect penis, but i'm not. I went back this morning and reread this post. I laughed. Hard.
  17. Probably the hardest sport out there due to the mileage that is needed for it. Can't wait for Cross Country, I'm so ready for it... Probably not... Soccer is harder, it is cross country with a ball.But yeah XC is probably the hardest mental sport. And I looked at my scedule and oh my god there are 2 meets in 3 days. What. The. [bleep]ing.Hell?
  18. I'm right about what? I would never see it wrong for someone to love food, be 350 pounds, or play RuneScape. That's pretty superficial buddeh. No the part about your culinary destiny. I don't care either, because when you care, you make an [wagon] out of you and me. and about being superficial...yeah so the only useful purpose fat people serve is being easy pickens for zombies.
  19. I see what you did there. If that were the case wouldn't things like family reunions be quite awkward?Not really, but the problem is if all women wore nothing, you'd see all the things you didn't want to see from all the wrong people that you find unattractive. I'd feel very uncomfortable if I saw an elderly man completely naked and limping around town with his bits flapping about. You might feel comfortable with going to your family's nude reunion and accidentally bumping into your dads erect penis, but i'm not.
  20. o_o You? Sexist? Wow. How? What? I don't know what to say. I just have old fashioned views on this subject I suppose. Oh. So you think women should be working in the kitchen and making you sammiches. You think women shouldn't wear bras? I believe they shouldn't wear socks or shoes. Sandals are Ok. Whereas I believe they shouldn't wear anything. I see what you did there. If that were the case wouldn't things like family reunions be quite awkward?
  21. o_o You? Sexist? Wow. How? What? I don't know what to say. I just have old fashioned views on this subject I suppose. Oh. So you think women should be working in the kitchen and making you sammiches. You think women shouldn't wear bras? I believe they shouldn't wear socks or shoes. Sandals are Ok.
  22. So? RB2 is a full game. And their DLC rarely dissapoints. And the RB2 disk setlist was amazing. Speak for yourselves. There's a ton of DLC that I would never touch simply because it's not worth paying for. I could also name a decent amount of songs from the lower end of the on-disc setlist that were not worth putting on the game. My point was that these songs are not designed to cater specifically to guitar anymore. The last Muse song on GH was nothing but a boring strum-fest, yet Plug-In Baby is the "one good song"? Give me a break. If you're looking for good guitar songs, something tells me you haven't heard a lot of them. Twenty-first Century Schizoid Man is an orgasm of prog-rock. Someone already said Spirit of Radio. Jailbreak. Undoubtedly the metal songs will be good to play, if not my kind of music. I'm not exactly thrilled with the setlist either but I'm trying to give it a fair chance. That was me who said Spirit of the Radio. :D [yt]5Tq-UsaRchI[/yt] 3:33-4:16 is the BEST piece of music ever written. The rest of the song kicks [wagon] too. Goodness I love Rush, but should I pay for the game just for this one amazing song? Meh I hope Rock Band just releases it as DLC. :thumbsup:
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