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Everything posted by Thaulsis

  1. Anyone know if the fish can be caught by your Kingdom as a Throne of Miscellania reward? Specifically can they catch Big Swordfish?
  2. Another side bonus to this skill. Free teleport to Relekka and your Kingdom. Just put your house in relekka, teleport to your house and leave. =)
  3. Personally for me a Blizzard. Probably because where I live there is no fear of Tsunamis or Hurricanes but when the wind comes in and it is already -40(C or F - same thing :P) without the wind chill, it gets pretty cold. The wind goes right through your winter jacket. Not too mention the limited vision from the snow and your eyes freezing. And we are talking almost instant frost bite to exposed areas of skin. To me frostbite felt like an ice cube that wouldn't melt, squeezed under your skin. However, Globally a Blizzard is nothing compared to some huge disasters...
  4. Lemmings FTW. I think at least a million of those poor, little, green guys plummeted to their death, from my hands :(
  5. It's 8. Since it has to be either one or the other you go go 2^n. That is assuming all the students get the same number of scoops and that AB vs BA are not classified as the same type of ice cream. Neither of these points should be valid but occasionally teachers will try and throw them in. 2^1=2 A B 2^2=4 AA AB BA BB 2^3=8 AAA AAB ABA ABB BAA BAB BBA BBB Think of it this way. For scoop 1 there is two possible types. For scoop 2 there is two possible types For them together you would go 2x2. For scoop 3 there is two possible types. So 2x2x2... For instance with four scoops you can make all the types of three scoops and then add either an A or B to the beginning. Thus you multiply the amount in scoop 3 by two.
  6. Who would want to give a rabbit that much sugar? There'd be a whole family of them by sunrise....
  7. 87 Fletching. :oops: Oddly enough my next two highest stats are: 80 Herblore, 80 Crafting.
  8. For some reason I think it could be an item that lets people teleport to certain cities without the required Magic level. For instance, you could buy a Fally Tablet from a store for say 1-2k and click on it to teleport you there (once per tablet) even if you are only a level 1 Mage.
  9. Simple Explanation for this - The Higher level Herbs are rarer. You will normally get the most guams/merrentills, then tarromins, Harrlanders, etc. You will have more of the unid that is closest to your level because it is more common (lower level) in comparison to the other unids. However, you should get larger stacks of herbs you can ID then Herbs you can't.
  10. What I find amusing is how everyone is so against this idea yet, To a certain degree this already exists :? See "Throne Of Miscellania" Quest... Not immense rewards but a NPC still gets resources for you nonetheless. Plus Jagex is going to be tweaking the rewards in an upcoming update this month.
  11. Couldn't agree with you more on the just "there" look. The picture was more of a way of showing where the hitpoints would be placed and I would expect Jagex to make it look good, if they were to put this into the game. Should of made a point of mentioning that earlier. The point is more so that I really don't want a scroll-bar in my skills list and I would prefer to be able to constantly see my Hitpoints. Thus take out Hitpoints from the list and place it else where and put Construction in its spot.
  12. Well with the possible release of the new skill "Construction", I began thinking of how the skill list would look, as there is no room for it. With my thoughts wandering off, I started thinking about how much I hate flipping to the skill list. Especially just to see how many hitpoints I have and whether or not I should eat. Which led me to think that perhaps Jagex could kill two birds with one stone. Why not move Hitpoints out of the skill list and leave it permanently visible beside the mini-map? Then just simply place the Construction skill in HitpointÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s old spot. Everyone would see his or her health, which fluctuates the most, at all times and could leave their screen showing their inventory. EDIT: Here is a picture of the placement of the skills, minus the flow the Hitpoints skill would have in regards to the on-screen appearance. Thoughts?
  13. I also fancy Herblore (80), and for a while now there has been a simple little potion that I really want to make. Compost Potion. A Compost Potion already exists from the Garden Quest, and it would be a decent, reasonably-demanded potion that could easily be thrown in the 70s-80s level range. Farming already helps Herblore out a bit, so why can't Herblore share the love.
  14. Low Alch would become big? :lol: I think a high demand item such as raw material would take over currency in a trading aspect. However, items such as cannons would be a lot harder to obtain due to the need of cash to buy it. General Stores only buy ONE item at High Alch value when there is none in stock. It would take forever to sell an item one at a time...
  15. Just yell hyt at the end of the dock if you get lost.. seems that the lobby likes to split us.
  16. already there :) But haven't seen a HYT aside from my own..
  17. This month looks promising. I really hope that the new farming monster drops tree seeds as unless IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m mistaken the only way we can currently get them from is woodcutting (or buying from others). As for the 100th quest, I have a feeling that it will be divided into two or three sections. The first and easiest section will only require say level 20 or 30 of so many skills (maybe all?), the second level ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ level 50 in the skills and than the last ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅhardestÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  18. Herblore FTW. Variety of potions and levels to strive for and a different approach then other skills is needed to level in it. Only complaints are that Magic Potions are slightly underpowered and that it would be nice to be able to make that super-compost potion.
  19. Sort of the way I do it. Works fine with Herblore too. I have a modified version where I: -Withdraw One Red Spiders Egg (any random item works) -Withdraw 14 Longbows (u) -Withdraw 13 strings -Move a longbow to the second last slot -Click between the bottom longbow and the string rapidly. Since there is one extra longbow (u) it won't be strung and it will just always stay there. That way you don't have to click just thirteen times or else have to pull a longbow down after every bank. Instead its just: Withdraw Strings Deposit Strung Bows Withdraw unstrung Click a lot. Repeat. Works the same way as this, just replace the unstrung longbows with the lants in the picture and the vials with the strings.
  20. I wouldn't have so much an issue of having combat skills going to 120, it is just why stop at just combat skills? There is a handful of other stats, and not everyone just trains combat. Why not make say woodcutting, firemaking and fletching go to 120 and leave the rest? I could just see a huge headache for Jagex after they just make combat skills go that high. People would want cooking up there to provide food for the combat. Runecrafters would want their level increased so they could better provide runes. Fletchers to provide better arrows and bows. Herblorists to provide the potions. Then once those are raised then of course their complementary skills would have to go up too. Others would complain that it is not fair that person X has level 120 attack level, while they have more xp in fletching but are only level 99. I dunno, It just seems that they should throw all the skills up that high but don't necessarily have new things they can do at that high a level. Most of the Skills already don't have any new things you can do in the high levels anyways. Also what would happen to the high level NPCs? There is high level monsters that drop expensive items now because there is some difficulty killing them. With the Kalphite Queen for example, a new maxed out with all 120s, could easily solo her over and over, numerous times a trip. While if you increase her level to compensate for this then the people that were fighting her before without raising their combat stats would find killing her a lot more difficult then before. Fix these problems and i'd be all for the increase.
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