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Yehoshua I

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Everything posted by Yehoshua I

  1. Nice going! Finally 60. Only 5 more levels! Thank you! :D And yep, I should have 65 Slayer early next week :)
  2. TBH, you're crazy, then again so am I. So let's frolic through the meadows in the land of Crazyville together. : Oh and 99 Farming is FTW, not many people have the attention span required to get it nor the will to gut out the last 7 excruciating levels. :shock:
  3. Neato. Really looks like you are having fun with those slayer goals. :D And you are getting a lot out of it! Yep definately having fun hehe :D My new task is 115 Jungle Horrors... :ohnoes:
  4. I'm really glad to see you came back :D Good luck on all your goals! =D>
  5. just what i was gonna say...considering herpes is an std it will probably be banned...but good luck anyways.
  6. Great job. I think combat levels around 90 and 95 are pretty nice. I tried to get there but got bored with combat at 83. :( Keep up the great work. Yeah I got bored of combat for awhile too but found a new passion for it recently...and Slayer has made combat fun :thumbsup: And thank you, you too, keep up the good work w/ Woodcuttin' :D
  7. Rofl, thanks a bunch bud. I would have to give you the credit for giving me motivation. :D Yeah, it isn't fully finished. Still need some bank images and other things, but thank you for your support! Hehe, thank you : See ya on RuneScape? :D
  8. Good luck on your goal of 99 Woodcutting! Might I be your inspiration to get 99 Woodcutting? :-w BTW, you have a good start to your blog; I don't really have any suggestions for improvement at this time :
  9. Thanks! :D The next combat level will be after i get 72 Strength and 74 Hitpoints (both of which I am pretty close to) :-)
  10. Good luck on all your goals...oh and BTW, feel free to give me a "HYT BBQ" whenever I'm on RuneScape. \
  11. I smell bacon... :XD: :uhh: BTW, congrats on 82 Magic in a week, that's awesome! :thumbsup:
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