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Everything posted by Nedich

  1. Those people are lunatics that should actually read the Bible. Saying all Christians think like that is completely and utterly wrong. So could you edit your post to 'fundamentalists' instead of God.
  2. Actually the Queen has worked incredibly hard in her current position, often to the point of neglecting her own family. How many people are still working full days at 81 and will be until their death? Like I said, the rest not so much, but the Queen certainly works hard. Besides, she's really not payed that much, most of her wealth is tied up in art and other assets. It costs something like 52p for each taxpayer in the UK to support the royal family. Oh cmon, the Queen hasn't worked a day in her life. According to your figure of 52p a year thats several hundred million pounds a year that comes into for the Royal family. She is waited on hand and foot and has several palaces. Also don't tell me your idea of working is driving around waving at people, signing documents and being handed flowers all the time. My personal opinion of the Royal family is that they should be got rid of. Britain as a democracy should not be promoting a 'Royal' bloodline, sure there are flaws in the democracy but this is one that could easily be got rid of. Most of the sensible(lol) countries got rid of their monarchy centuries ago.
  3. Why don't you use wikipedia and search for Easter because Easter has EVERYTHING to do with Jesus. Well yea, NOW it does. Even IF Easter wasn't originally Christian, is that such a bad thing? Cultures merge. Maybe Christianity took the good part of another people's tradition and made it into something of their own. I was just saying they have nothing to do with eachother. But they do have everything to do with eachother as I have already explained.
  4. Why don't you use wikipedia and search for Easter because Easter has EVERYTHING to do with Jesus.
  5. Don't force yourself to come back. I'm sure you could find plenty more ways to fill your time. I'm in a stage where even if I click online I get bored of the game.
  6. But bunnies don't lay eggs. I never said that.
  7. Tigra00 the egg and 'Easter Bunny' are the symbols for new life, its pretty obvious really.
  8. Nedich

    April Fools

    This isn't funny, its really irritating.
  9. I'm just trying to get an understanding on your belief. It is your belief that you get to pick and choose what you want to believe from the Bible, and that by doing so you are still a Christian. What if you were to pick and choose what you thought was accurate in and inaccurate in the Bible and I did the same thing. However, we find out that our beliefs on what is true in the Bible and what is false are exactly opposite. We don't share a single common belief. Are we both still Christians? Well I'm going to say technically we are but I realise you were asking that question to emphasise your point. Because of the ambiguity of some of the passages in the Bible there is, well to put it simply much confusion. I mean George Bush told the world about how he reads the Bible which inspired him to invade Iraq. I disagree with the whole war in Iraq yet would still consider him another Christian.
  10. So who decides what extent that is? Well i've already explained that the Bible is written by the Disciples so is a book of context. Obviously when I mean extent I expect a sensible, rational person to discount the views that reflect context. But you're right it is ultimately up to you the reader to decide, probably why there are so many different strands to Christianity.
  11. All he wanted was to have his peace of mind :cry:
  12. Really? I don't agree. I view the Bible as a book of context reflecting the views of Jesus' disciples and followers, they arent all necessarily Jesus' views. Through their views I can interpret and accept my own views about him and how he spread God's word. As I said before the Bible is open for interpretation, which is why it will remain.
  13. "I'll be back". Or I could quote Parnell 'No man has the right to fix the boundary to the march of a nation, no man has the right to say to his country thus far shalt now go and no further'. It really depends on the circumstances of my death.
  14. Yes its sad that people view and sometimes feel that Religion is imprisoning. However not all religious people are fundamentalists that believe others are inferior for their (taking your example) sexual orientation. I suppose this depends on your personal experience of religion, for example I'm Christian and am perfectly accepting of homosexuals, women, black people etc being part of the community. I understand that in the USA there is a alot of fundamentalism over the Bible, I don't know much about that to be honest. But people must remember that the Bible is 2000 year old book, life was alot different back then. Religion (and by Religion I assume we are focusing on Christianity) boils down to your personal interpretation of it which is another reason why I think it will never die out.
  15. Religion supresses people? What context are you refering to? In the past, perhaps religion has been fought over the belief that there is a 'right' religion. But in reality all religion does is express peace and tranquility and goodwill to all men, nowadays that it much clearer. People like yourself like to look at how people have behaved in the past you aren't actually addressing the religion itself. Its not like you get arrested if you have belief in another religion anymore.
  16. Assassin are you saying that one day there will be conclusive evidence that God is not real and that the 'Big Bang' Theory is correct? Please, religion isn't about working out if God is really, it's about putting your faith in his existence. You can't say to someone that their faith in God is wrong.
  17. People say they don't believe in God yet if they ever find themselves in a traumatic experience they tend to pray to God. Like if they are close to losing a family member or near death experiences etc. So for that reason i'm going to say no. Plus the fact neither 'theory' can ever really be proven (until you die lol) so aslong as there are people there will be theories. So these long drawn out debates of who was first the chicken or the egg will probably drag on until the end of human existence :cry:
  18. I obviously cannot get through to you so this will be locked. Next time I won't post my ideas on here as I now realise how rude people can be. Goodbye.
  19. Well sorry for trying to help this forum, if you're all going to tear into people that suggest idea's why is this forum here. My idea is popular but obviously it cannot be implemented because the powers that be are too power hungry. Oh well have fun with your power. The post was reported yet was still in the wrong forum for 3/4 hours. EXPLAIN to me how that isn't conclusive evidence that there aren't enough moderators. I suggest getting more people from Europe on the forums as that is where I live and it effected me. Errdoth you are not an admin so stop telling me what to do!!!!!
  20. Wow thanks Ablosky you basically just told me to shutup and go away. But i'm glad that today I learnt to deal with life. If post count means nothing what is its point, I mean I thought that was the whole point, if you post alot you obviously spend alot of time in forum so people get to know alot about you. I thought that is what a forum was about having active, well known, popular people moderating the forum. I bet I could pick out 40 people that could mod this forum fine, I mean what could they do lock a topic?? Hardly causing hard scale damage to the forum. You DO need more mods as that post was on the wrong board for 3-4 hours. OR I could sit here and ignore it which was your advicelol. You also don't seem to trust your users, lets not be too strict on the rules here whats wrong with polls anyway, do they offend you?
  21. I once had a dream I was in the trenches in World War 1, I was charging the enemy but fell head first into a load of barbed wire. The wire was so high I was almost stood up straight. I was struggling to move when machine gun bullets started tearing horizontally through the fields towards me. I almost got out but was still snagged. The bullets completely tore my body to pieces and I watched (in third person) as bits of flesh and blood were ripped from by body. The remainder of my body (torso etc) lay snagged and slumped on the wire, I then woke up screaming. Interesting to remember it :-$, but certainly nightmares are much more fun!
  22. I said 1000 posts to be considered a mod, considered basically means "thought about".
  23. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=634747 ^^that thread was in the wrong board for hours but nothing was done about it. More mods are needed!! W00t 100 posts, I get to be a mod in 900 \
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