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Everything posted by Nedich

  1. Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac. How would the fatties effect your living style? You know, things like blocking door ways, stealing your sandwiches, cannablism etc. Pretty obvious really.
  2. Seems like suicide is your only option. The rest of us, rejoice! :lol: I lol'd Looking forward to seeing this though!
  3. This is going to end in flaming. Oh well. U.S.A: To many morbidly obese people (had to be said) Really? I'd take snails over a Big Mac any day, then again i'd rather eat charcoal than eat a Big Mac.
  4. This article was quite interesting as it showed an obscure way of leveling stats. However I personally don't like Guthix skillers because they are always above me on the hiscores! They tend to have low total experience(and high total level) yet are above people that have (often) quadruple there total exp. I see that as an injustice to players that put alot of effort into their account only to be beaten by someone with alot less exp.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_s ... of_slavery Perhaps have a little read of that? Let me highlight the first sentence for you Slavery was involved in some of the most profitable industries in history. Ahh yes "the British way", the "right" way? I suppose thats why just about every major country revolted from Britain, fighting wars for independence etc, for freedom. Half of Europe? He conquered all of mainland Europe, and a very large proportion of Africa, Russia and the Middle East. Japan (Germany's Ally) conquered over half of China. Please explain to me how my assertion was ridiculous. Do you know how India was controlled? With about a 55,000 strong army. The entire of India, thats because the British Empire was based on the fact that the British were superior. You sort of proved the point and I quote "because we were powerful". I suggest you start doing a bit more research on the British Empire. Did you know that in the second Boer War civilians were contained in concentration camps? Thats right the British invented concentration camps. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Boe ... tion_camps Now can you see why I compared Hitler to the British Empire? Hitler had a deep admiration for the British Empire, perhaps now you can see why.
  6. Richest histories? How much "history" have you studied? :lol: At one time slavery was what kept Britain's economy alive, slavery? Right, because the country would totally collapse without slavery, wouldn't it? Ahaha Hahaha, this doesn't even make sense! Care to elaborate on what you mean? How does it not make sense for example. I reported your post but it seems that the mods believe you made a good point. I *assume* you know we are talking about history though.
  7. Richest histories? How much "history" have you studied? :lol: At one time slavery was what kept Britain's economy alive, slavery? You're proud of that are you? So owning the majority of the globe is something to be proud of? Adolf Hitler almost conquered the world yet he is the most hated figure in our world today. Is Germany proud of him? I don't think you mean it but I would watch your mouth if you say things like that in public because what you said could be very offensive to some people. Your example is a bit wrong aswell, you're saying if Andorra adopted the U.S dollar the United States would become the same level economically as Andorra, how did you work that out?
  8. Nice blog mate, mind if I add you in game? I'm not a member yet #-o but might be soon. Btw you have a really good range guide for F2Pers helped me quite a bit so thanks for that. Good luck with your blog =D>
  9. range w/o a doubt, probably my favoruite skill to \
  10. lol beat me to it, I remember coming up to the butcher opening the door and running for my life coz he was so quick and ruthless, scares me to this day :ohnoes: Also anyone remember in D1 the amusing phrase, "I can't use this[very long pause]yet"
  11. yeah thats why I made this topic, to bring everyone together more :thumbsup:
  12. tipit is a great place to hang out and I like reading what people write more than anything. I'm in a good mood so I figured i'd post this thread. Post here if you want more friends from TIF then people can add you in game and you can chat to them. I know there is TET but i'm f2p and we don't get many of them. so basically post here if you want people to add you in game. All shapes and sizes just post a little about yourself and why you want people to add you. I'll go first: RSN: Nedich cmbt level: 40 things I enjoy in game: ranged and pking, i'ma pure that no longer plays on my main. But when I get members i'll be doing farming and fletching as they look the most interesting. I don't really like quests and I played in runescape classic but have lots of characters since then. I'm 17 years old to. ^^You don't have to post like I did I just did it in that format. Obviously if your friendslist is full don't post that you want to be added but we can always make room for some tipiters right? Post away
  13. I like the EU as it means europe can stand strong against any invaders and lay off France guys if you have ever been there you will know most of the northern area is agricultural so you cant blame them :roll:
  14. Nedich

    best villain?

    So has anybody actually heard of syphon filter? oh and keep it coming #-o
  15. Nedich

    Good usernames?

    Your last name? :twisted:
  16. Gamecube ownage Do you have mariokart doubledash and supersmash brothers? Very good games. Anyway you have great stats except combat you should get to level 100, such a monumental level. I've had to start rs again recently but i'm playing on a pure, when I get members i'm gonna start farming though coz that looks like fun, maybe you could give me some tips. Anyway gratz on everything
  17. You know everytime you click your blog it adds a view they aren't all individual people :-w But people should post more I agree, so BUMPAGE :P
  18. Goodluck with your goals, i'm sure you'll complete them. Nice luck with the sheild
  19. Nedich

    best villain?

    Oh yeah that freaked me out when I first played him, I thought something was wrong with the t.v when it kept saying 'hideo' on a blackscreen #-o
  20. Nedich

    best villain?

    Who is the best villain you've ever come across in a game? Explain why to :twisted: We all love villains maybe because they don't waste time saving some girls life and instead have a more global outlook on lifee. Any genre doesn't matter. Here is mine, i posted this in another thread but i'll write it anyway. Anton Girdeux is my favoruite villain, who's he you ask? Well he has a russian accent a bad [wagon] flame thrower and his death is burning and screaming as he falls to the floor in washington park museum. He is from the game syphon filter on the PS1 my second favoruite game of all time (first being syphon filter 2). He isn't really a big bad guy infact he's one of the first bosses to die...But have you ever played a shoot em up and you're fighting a guy with a flame thrower and you shoot him in the back when he turns around while avoiding being toasted. Anton Girdeux was the pioneer of that death :twisted: Btw anyone played the syphon filter series? Anyway whos' the best villain that you've come across in a video game. Try and explain why and if you can't decide name your few favoruties try and give as much detail as possible.
  21. Mr_Putter did you get my friend killed once telling him there was a mith kite respawn in the volcano at karamja? I swear it was you or someone with a similar name. I'm just browsing and saw your name, this was about 4-5 years ago though...But I saw your name and it triggered a few alarm bells.
  22. 1929, think about it, why would the wall street crash have happened in the middle of ww2. WW2 1939-1945, what?
  23. Where is Duke Freedom when we need him :pray:
  24. Solidus an awesome villain but no match for Liquid :shame: :P Anyway goodluck, how many millions did you put into construction, heard it was uber expensive? Anyway nice and goodluck with owning those pures (i'm one of them but not members). Oh as for your runecrafting all I can say is <
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