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Everything posted by ElkNight

  1. Such a great movie. I love it. Gets an easy 5/5 from me.
  2. Audition. Such a strange movie. It's confusing and weird. My friend made a very good observation, the main female looks like a mix between Lucy Liu and the devil. Apparently all Japanese men are lonely.
  3. When other peoples animals [cabbage] on your lawn. Soooo annoying, especially when you're mowing the lawn of something.
  4. i do this I do this too. But normally with a small group of people within a larger group.
  5. I completely agree with Nadril. Especially this photo. Holy [cabbage].
  6. The first 3-4 seasons of House were really good and interesting, past that it has sucked. I completely agree. Although the episodes in season 6 with Lin Manuel Miranda were great. Other than that, meh. I don't watch it anymore though.
  7. ElkNight


    I don't even know for me. Shows how much I pay attention.
  8. ElkNight

    She's back!

    Doesnt deserve it's own thread. BACK TO THE DUNGEON WITH YOU
  9. ElkNight


    Sounds kind of cool. I might try it sometime. I want some gum right now. Alas, I have none.
  10. I enjoy watching skiing. I also enjoy skiing myself and doing parkour. Although parkour doesn't really count as a sport.
  11. The Primer - BTBAM Before that it was, uuuuuuh mmeelloo ssttaarr - Bombaman I think
  12. Maybe I should do some weighted pushups as well. Hrm.
  13. Bukowski - Modest Mouse Whoop whoop, random.
  14. LOL 18%, how do you like the new Ke$ha and Lady Gaga albums? They're pretty great. Their lyrics are just so inspired and touching.
  15. ElkNight


    I noticed your presence here was reduced. I thought you just gave up on the push ups heh. No way man. Psh. I don't give up that easily.
  16. Just do 10 burpees per?
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