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Everything posted by ArmadylArcher

  1. I think that there should be a test to evaluate people to see if they are mentally fit to vote. Being 18 + just isn't enough...what about mentally challenged, psychotic people or people with little care for the direction of the country and vote just because? I've met people that vote for the guy they hate...just to be different. Hello? This isn't a game. Look at what George Bush did to america; he's the reason for the recession...and 45 % of america voted against him for the reason that they were probably the more educated side to see how poorly experienced and ready he was to be president. An oligarchy would be my choice of a government framework...but how and who defines which ones of us are capable to vote or not? That's the problem.
  2. I think it'd help a lot if you stopped reading the news, there's nothing you can do about it anyway. Stop worrying about what god knows country is doing with god knows another country...in the grand scheme you've been dying since you were born, just live life and enjoy your time...forget the [cabbage] that doesn't concern you. The world? Cabbage the world. Stop caring about what you can't fix. Just live in your own world and be happy.
  3. Oh no, that's not a 50-500. That's a 300-800 5.6 sigma that belonged to a friend who uses Nikon gear. I use canon gear But for reference sake, a 50-500 is handholdable and located here: http://www.vividlight.com/Articles/413.htm This was the lens I was using (300-800): http://www.sigmaphoto.com/lenses/lenses ... avigator=3 Need a super strong tripod to hold it up steady...It's pretty damn heavy
  4. ArmadylArcher


    We did polynomials earlier this year. I barely understood that crap. Great, free your mind up for calculas...cause you'll never ever use polynomial math in any job, work or field unless you want to do something like physicist or math teacher or...just like building homemade ipods.
  5. I see this a lot on this board and in runescape, from walking around and talking to people. Game addiction. I was reading in this thread about "Your biggest Mistakes" and people were responded they had internet/runescape addictions. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=791021&start=40 And it makes me ask the question: How do you think jagex feels? Are they even aware that people may harmfully get addicted to their game and if they are...how do you think they feel about that? Do they try to exploit it :twisted: Or are they trying to help it? I've met and seen some kids when I used to work as a youth coordinator. A lot of their hobbies (these kids are 10-18 years old let me say) were pretty standard but a big theme especially amongst the 10-13 year old age bracket was playing on Runescape more than 3, sometimes more than 6 hours. In one case I encountered a 12 year old boy who would play through the night and it started to really affect his schoolwork and life. He explained the kids in town just didn't get him and his friends online did. I thought it was interesting to make a discussion about it to see what peoples thoughts and feelings are towards the issue. In china they had a nationwide policy that limits people from over-gaming on the internet. A lot of American themed websites are blocked off because they are pro-capitalist and anti-china, so the government believes. Is that what should be done? Government moving in to regulate internet use for certain families or age groups? Should it be the gaming company's issue ? Or is it personal? Thought It'd make for some interesting discussion on this forum
  6. I say get rid of the frame all together and let people create their own meanings from the photograph. I think thats your best bet.
  7. The stupidest thing was posting this here, you've left a footprint...I say you get your parents to call you a lawyer
  8. So...if I understand this correctly...someone called you a name on the internet and you responded by taking criminal action on their property (website) and business? You're really screwed.
  9. Can't argue with personal freedom; it's her choice not ours...she probably thinks our opinions are crap, and we already think hers are (the majority of us think she should not have kept her baby alive). But I think if we have the freedom to state our opinions, then she has the freedom to state and make hers
  10. Don't get me wrong, I don't really hate americans....I don't hate anyone as a matter of fact (maybe a couple of people actually) but certainly not an entire race. Hell my great-grandad was a billionaire in NY; I think a bit of my family may be american by blood...but in all respect that's not very relevant...this isn't a question of hate or racism, its misinterpretation. A couple of girlfriends ago in the past I was dating a woman originally from the southern states. Beautiful place. Beautiful accents. :thumbsup: I'd love to get a citizenship to the USA if it meant keeping my 37 other ones (still a melting pot theme going on down there or what?).
  11. ArmadylArcher


    Hm cool thread. Photographed a sunset with some sweeping snow/sand dunes. Photographed some ravens. Booked a couple of sessions with a magazine company Cruised around in my car Sent out a memo to the chamber of commerce that I will be attending their meeting tommorow night Sent out a memo to order more velvet paper....300 $ for 25 freaking sheets. Blind robbery. Oh I also wrote a final exam! Forgot about that...got my marks in...I'm slipping a bit in one course (had an 85 on a paper I wrote a while ago :/ hurt my average a bit). We had a blizzard here after a hot streak of +10C...it was -10C today and there was gales and gales of snow. Did some creative things with landscape photography today (getting better but nowhere near a marc adamus yet)
  12. I don't believe in making mistakes; I think every mistake is a lesson learned...and every lesson learned is a good thing if it's learned well and made up for on the second or third or infinite try
  13. Make sure they/your kids never read that!
  14. So because you haven't heard it, it has never happened? Sorry if I seem patronizing, I'm just trying to figure out what your trying to say :P Not everything someone says is to spark discussion, there's no real reason why I said that. It's just a remark I'd like to make, there's nothing more to it. I'm simply saying that I'm surprised Jagex would even take this seriously since I've never heard anything about racisms againt americans. I can see what your trying to get at, it's a thought. Then again, we don't know that that's what he was banned for - it could easily have been another more offensive comment in the evidence that he missed. I get a reply back saying I was being RACIST to americans. I said that in the original post...why do you doubt my rant so much? It seems you're going out of your way to disprove it's authenticity ...to which I can't understand why anyone would create a false rant ...I can see why someone would (for attention)...though...why would I want or NEED that kind of attention? I get enough attention \ from everywhere. I'm just noting I find your arguments a bit strange... though.. I don't openly care, I feel a lot better knowing that most in this thread agree with me that they were out of line and I wasn't being *horribly* offensive to constitute a mute.
  15. You made those on GIMP??? WOW I really like the first one...how long did it take you to do?
  16. Yeah...totally makes sense why there's an entire sticky on it above me that I didn't see before :roll: Good, you saw it. Post it there and request a lock. I'll get right on it, sir! :thumbsup: \ wow..lol
  17. Yeah...totally makes sense why there's an entire sticky on it above me that I didn't see before :roll:
  18. A few years ago when I started playing rune on another character I had a guy called Droid. I made "droid lives" as a second guy to follow up on that name. Anyway, I found I had been hacked and I couldn't access my account anymore so I reported it to jagex. Before the account management system they used to send you emails. This was like 2003 or so and I was still in highschool at the time after playing for a couple years around about the time the game started. It was around the time RS2 was coming out and there were a lot of fake emails going around that jagex was trying to lock down on. I wait about 2 months and get on to doing other things and generally forget about runescape. I look in my hotmail and I see a message from them, finally, and it says they received my report that I had been hacked....so they deleted my character for "security reasons." I was livid, I had an entire phat set and a couple of masks on that guy and I had a lot of friends on my list, knew a lot of people through that guy. All my stats and all my list gone without even a chance to get stuff off of it or any reimbursement for my time invested. I knew of people around me that had their characters hacked and received an email saying they had been recovered and a new password had been set. I wasn't even on the hiscores anymore, just completely ripped out of the system. After that I generally quit rune until about 2006 where I started playing a lot more on Droid Lives for a time.
  19. Government control is a horrible idea.
  20. I was muted and given 2 black marks for this...I can't post the actual transcript of the screen shot but I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. "Racism against americans" wtf??? Someone made a comment about the state of intelligence services and the department of defense in the USA and I replied "America has intelligence now? ;)" Try to log in a couple of days later and I've been muted for three days for that! I look at the evidence and I'm thinking "Wtf?" ...write my appeal saying I didn't agree with this at all, that I think muting me for this is crap and anyone with half a brain can see it was just a joke. I get a reply back saying I was being RACIST to americans. I am Canadian! It's our birthright to make fun of our neighbours! Heck, americans are pretty much Canadians anyway and I've travelled all over north america and europe... Felt like blowing some steam...also. I was at clan wars today and I saw a guy killing a pmod who's char was dark skinned and he says a wrongly spelled (but intent implied) N word and for him to die ...pmod just says "lol" and the guy keeps coming back. I reported that, just because I thought the whole display was wrong. But I mean come on..."Racism against americans" I hear a lot about WBM and trigger happy reporters but I think a big thing rune has going is its community. If you lose your ability to speak freely amongst your friends; its just a free MMORPG with blocky graphics running on a java platform.
  21. Good idea; reminds me of www.dpchallenge.com
  22. Well, damn. Wow, that must have been beautiful to see. I'm jealous. It really is...my only regret is not being able to thoroughly show what I see and transfer that vision into the camera. It sounds easy to do...anyone can take a picture after all. Takes a lot of time and patience and trying to take a picture and make it look like it's a window parallel to what you saw when you were there. I'm upset with the shots I got, actually, I just can't get the quality I see with my eyes out of my shots. Maybe one day :D I only just turned professional this year; long time to build a career!
  23. Thanks King! I live in the Canadian sub-arctic, actually :D but good guess! I ended up getting here only right after the dusk had passed me I'm planning on doing some aurora shooting out here if I can
  24. Cheers for the comments, it was getting late evening and this is one of the shots that didn't work out quite as planned. I liked the stones, though, and sorry for the low quality jpeg - my flickr account is full for the month. It's early spring where I'm at, I imagine in the summer it will be a lot more colorful with greens and purples and blues :D I'll find the spot again and make another attempt! Cheers.
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