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Everything posted by Hannibal

  1. Yay. Let's just start a trial to prove that these laws are unconstitutional, and get things over with. Silly legislators... Apparently the name "Peter Johnson" is on the list. Anyone care to take a guess how many people are called that all over the world? :)
  2. I'm wondering about the pciide one, but for the viaagp and gagp things, you could check to see if there's a newer graphics driver for your graphics card?
  3. Then don't you think it's a pretty anti-IE comment to say you don't need to include it? The majority of people in the world don't use Firefox Matt. IE 7 will probably support it (or should I say, hopefully). And being valid xhtml improves web standards. Fixing IE at every possible point (and then having to revise those fixes once IE 7 gets out the door) doesn't improve web standards at all.
  4. Sure, USB HDD's would have done it. Except that the transfer speed, especially through a HUB, would suck so incredibly much that it's an absolutely useless idea. He could probably have managed the RAM, but (a) one would hardly ever need that much (especially 2-3 years ago) and (B) it would have been more expensive than simply getting a double-xeon system in the first place, which would have been much faster and much more capable. As for the glass, you can't piece glass together, it breaks (unless you use glue, which would be so ugly that it'd destroy the point of it). That's why it's glass, and that's why I'm assuming he meant plexi-glass. Also, glass corners are generally sharp. I much prefer a usable case over a weirdly shaped case I keep cutting my hands on. As for HT, I checked Intel's pages, it got out somewhere in 2002. So it's possible. Source: http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/ ... 07comp.htm Processor he's talking about came out in 2003: http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/ ... 21comp.htm
  5. I think the point of removing and then reinstalling it is to integrate it with the windows security center that comes with SP2 correctly, without too much trouble. I didn't have any trouble with that either, though, it detected my AVG installation fine, and just used that. :)
  6. Yeah I questioned this. He said it was an actual copy of Windows XP. From my experience you either get a System Restore CD from the manufacturer that you use to return the computer back to it's original state, or just a copy of Windows XP. The copy of Windows XP normally would say something like, "This CD is only for use on a X brand computer.". I don't really care what the poster said the CD was, I care what he said was the text on the cd: Of course, it may still work - but it may not.
  7. Why in the world would you ever need 2TB of hard drive space? Thats 2,000gb. I can hardy fill up a 160gb hard drive :? . Given the fact that motherboards of that time had 4 hard drive connectors, maximum, that'd mean he would have needed 500GB drives. Which didn't exist two-three years ago. Hence, he's lying. Medium server-class systems of that time (which would have Intel Xeon processors, not pentium 4's) barely had the amount of RAM mentioned, and nowhere near 2TB of HDD space. My school bought two servers back then, each with 3.6Ghz processing power provided by dual Xeon chips, and one with 1Gb and the other with 1.5GB RAM. Both servers used six 120GB harddrives (hot-swappable), to a combined storage space of 720GB, which is less than half of what he's mentioning. Oh, and I fail to see how a 13-year old would manage to glas-blow a pyramid, much less, how to insert a computer inside it without breaking it. I think the guy means see-through plastic, if this isn't all made up as well.
  8. Errm, am I the first to notice that the poster said the cd reads "Use only to reinstall?" and that it detected the current version of Windows on the computer? Meaning, the cd might not work if you totally wipe the harddrive and start from scratch. Manufacturers have that weird knack of setting things up like that due to agreements with MS...
  9. I'm all for 1, especially because I quit the only sport I've ever played (football, or soccer as the Americans would call it) because my teammates bullied me for not being good at it. Who cares that I wasn't good at it, I just wanted to have fun and do something physical? We were the team with the worst players of our age at our club, so I really don't see why they tried so hard, it'd never be much anyway. They apparently never got the idea of things being 'fun', they just wanted to win. The stupid thing was that we never did win, as most of the people on the team were barely better than I was. So... right now I play chess, in 4 against 4 teams. That's quite competitive, but I hate the fact that the guy who plays second board in my team keeps trying to get him and me on a higher board. We've done the best in our team (score-wise), so now he's arguing we should be placed higher. This is (a) against the rules (you can't change the board order after the first match), (B) it's annoying because said teammate is so full of himself and his arrogance is making me look bad (I don't want to be placed higher), and © I'm fine with playing 4th board, because it means I get easier opponents, which means I win, even though winning isn't everything :P
  10. Soundtrack of Am̮̩̉̉lie is pretty decent, but so are the soundtracks for: [*:34pj9iff]LOTR [*:34pj9iff]Harry Potter (seriously, John Williams did a decent job at least, even though the movies themselves may not be all that great) [*:34pj9iff]Schindler's list [*:34pj9iff]Pirates of the Carribean (again, no matter if you like the movie that much, the soundtrack is good) [*:34pj9iff]A Beautiful Mind [*:34pj9iff]Ocean's Eleven / Ocean's Twelve [*:34pj9iff]Most of Hans Zimmer (Lion King, Gladiator, Pirates of the Carribean, Mission Impossible 2, Hannibal, Batman Begins...)
  11. Source? I'm aware the pentagon has been hacked. Hacking the pentagon mainframe is different from 'just' hacking the pentagon, though. And well, I'm assuming they'd offer you a job - if they found out you got in at all. Then it blocks you without telling you? That's bad, apps not working without telling the user *why* they don't work.
  12. Hacking is illegal in the US, whether you're the RIAA or not. If the RIAA was onto you for downloading, they'd get a warrant issued and have the police search your house, and take your computer for examination. They don't hack you personally, if they do, you could sue them just like they'd sue you for your illegal movie/music collection. Actually, you didn't mention any configuration, and you didn't mention any other programs, so you made it sound like all I needed to do was install Windows on a machine, install process guard, and then I would be safe. What, you're arguing that everybody knows you need antivirus, a firewall and some adware/malware remover as well? Guess what. The idiots you're trying to protect are the same people who will take your word as literally as I just did. But surely, whether or not process guard is installed, I bet it won't stop me downloading perfect keylogger and installing it. While of course, that's a stupid thing to do, people are like that. People are stupid. Installing programs doesn't stop people being stupid. People should be tought, so they are less stupid and don't need programs like that to stop the crap they themselves downloaded in the first place from running. I suppose I could just try and get your post removed because of the personal insults, but I guess I can't really be ...ed to visit the IRC room right now. So... I don't like to parade the fact all over the place, but I have been a tech head here (I resigned from the position myself, because of personal reasons, none of anyone's business here). I've also had plenty of helpful posts here in the past. Just because I'm studying at university right now, and don't have the time to stick around these forums 24/7 doesn't mean I don't help anyone, nor does it mean I have never done so. I didn't 'flame the cabbage' out of you, I pointed out that your post was ignorant of the fact that programs don't fix user stupidity.
  13. Firewalls can block everything, the problem is that then no network traffic would get through. Which is not what people install a firewall for, or they'd just unplug their internet connection and save themselves some money. The problem starts when people allow traffic through a firewall, in order to use certain applications, or to make an internal webserver reachable, or have people login to their accounts from the outside. Then they make an error by opening a bad attachment, or forgetting to update that webserver, meaning they are vulnerable to flaws in it that have been publicized and are exploitable. That's how people get hacked: by allowing stuff in, and not making sure enough that what they allow in is actually okay. That's not the firewall's fault. And I don't believe the pentagon's mainframe has been hacked, but if it was hacked, I'm sure it would be because of user negligence. Just because it's the pentagon doesn't mean none of the thousands of employees there ever makes a mistake with regards to security.
  14. It would be great for 99% of uses. Although AMD 64 2GHZ not intel 2GHZ... You wouldn't need 2GB of RAM at all. I agree with the AMD suggestion, but 2GB of RAM is over the top. You'd only need that if you were to do stupid things like running 30 programs, of which at least two are high-end games at once. Which you won't, from what you said. Seriously. I just ran MSN, Eclipse, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Publisher, Office Media gallery, Firefox w/ 12 tabs, Thunderbird (mail client), and MS Visual Studio 2003, just to see. It used less than 450MB of RAM altogether. (that includes the Firewall that sits in my system tray, my HP all-in-one controller that sits there, my virus scanner, a .iso mounter, logitech keyboard/mouse stuff and of course windows task manager itself). I ran that without any problems on a machine with 1GB of RAM. Now I'm asking you, will you *ever* open up that much, all at once? (note that MS Visual Studio and Eclipse are development programs that take up quite a lot of resources. Though not quite comparable to today's high-end games, they take their fair share of RAM)
  15. And nobody has mentioned AOE 3 or Civ 4 yet? Tsk...
  16. Castro has NEVER declared war on anyone period. The only time he even used his military outside of Cuba was when Cuban troops were sent to Marxist Ethiopia to assist Ethiopian forces in the Ogaden War with Somalia in 1977. That hardly counts as being at war with any nation, and Cuba has never been in a state of war while Castro has been in power. Does it even matter "in general"? We are talking about the Moshiach here, almost certainly not an "in general" type of person which is to be expected. Cuba hosted missiles pointed at the US, which was the closest the world ever came to a nuclear war. Even though the nukes were russian, it's not a very 'peaceful' thing to do, hrm? Then, I literally said 'at war with his people'. Now, obviously, he hasn't formally declared war on his people. Doesn't mean he isn't opressing them.
  17. 1) This should be in Tech and Computers. 2) That test thing is borked. It got me the following results: 2.1 megabits per second Communications 2.1 megabits per second Storage 257.6 kilobytes per second 1MB file download 4 seconds Subjective rating Great While I regularly download files with >300 kbyte /s Note that it'll be very dependant on your location. I live in Holland, and hence put in my location as 'Europe' (doesn't get any more specific than that). Testing with ADSL got the above. Testing with ADSL and 'not specified' as a location got me a measly 1Mbit. Testing with Cable and UK got me 2.2Mbit. Then I checked whether they have my actual connection type, and they didn't, but I picked 'Ethernet' as that most closely resembles it, and I was then told that I can't test again within this month. A Dutch speed test got me the following: Download 3259.4 KByte/sec (=26075 kbps) Upload 640.0 KByte/sec (=5120 kbps) Connection 453.0 Conn/min Ping test Nederland 10.0 ms Note that the up/download speed are too high this time, from what I've been able to tell. But whatever, just saying that speed tests are not a very good way to test how fast your connection really is, most of all because they're not realistic at all.
  18. I'm wondering about different country's national music / folk songs :). To those who didn't immediately get it, if it's been a 'hit' outside your home country, don't post it here. (so that probably rules out all of the stuff in the charts in the US / UK, and most of the charts in other countries. If you think you know of some decent folk / national music (not talking anthems, just normal music/pop/folk/rock/whatever, sung in your own country's native language), post some lyrics (with a translation to English, because of the forum rules, and because it's not all that comprehensible for others otherwise ;)), and maybe a preview link or something if you can find it (keep it legal, people :) ). I'm from Holland, so I'll kick off with some Herman van Veen. Herman van Veen (born March 14, 1945) is a Dutch singer who has gained a great amount of respect for his engaged songs. Usually he sings either about ordinary things in daily life, or about something he thinks is wrong in society. He's produced over 100 cd's, mostly in Dutch but also some in English, French and German. An example of something a bit more political he sang: English (title is 'Signals'): Herman also wrote several books / articles. Most of them are well worth the read, though I suppose it would be hard if you don't know Dutch. I'll see if I can find something he wrote in English :)
  19. Great, now everyone's copying me! :evil: If you want to see the first bot ever to make it on tip.it, go here: Clicky I mean, that you guys have copied my awesome idea, it's not as awesome anymore! :evil: Yeah, because the first bot to make it here will obviously be better than later ones. In case you didn't notice: it wasn't an 'awesome idea' from the start anyway.
  20. First you forgot to say "first post" lol As opposed to you, I don't base my post on what people tell me to post. It's not your job to tell me what I should and shouldn't post. Not understanding English must be really hard.
  21. I already told him about wordpress on IRC ^_^ And yeah, that'll be fine for what he needs.
  22. Ethereal > anything else on network monitoring. It's free and open source. Available for Linux, Solaris, windows, and it'll probably build fine on a whole lot of other Operating Systems.
  23. http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/JavaScript Have fun.
  24. I'm still wondering when topic titles like this one became allowed. The fakes are bad, and I don't think it's very funny either.
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