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Everything posted by Hannibal

  1. Where's classic entertainment music? Frank Sinatra > Rock.
  2. New Movies scheduled for release on November 18 [*:14l0xuck]Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire With: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint (all in previous Harry Potter movies) Directed by: Mike Newell (Four Weddings and a Funeral) Based on the fourth book in the series by JK Rowling, Harry enters a new year at Hogwarts' school of witchcraft and wizardry. With a new director and a darker book than the previous movies, this one is heavily anticipated, in particular by the loyal Harry Potter fanbase. Whether this movie will do better in being a good movie by itself, instead of heavily relying on knowledge of the books, remains to be seen. (Discuss here) [*:14l0xuck]Walk the Line With: Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator) Reese Witherspoon (Legally Blonde) Directed by: James Mangold (Girl, Interrupted) Biography of music legend Johnny Cash, who gave his fiat to make it shortly before he died. June Cash (his wife, played by Reese Witherspoon), also died shortly before production, so the cast was left to look through the closets of June (who gave her permission for this, apparently) for inspiration for the role. [*:14l0xuck]The Aryan Couple With: Martin Landau (Crimes and Misdemeanors, Ed Wood (Oscar)) Directed by: John Haly (unknown as a director, producer of The Last Emperor) A thriller based on real events during WWII in which a rich Jewish industrialist (played by Landau) seeks a way out of Nazi infested Hungary by trading his company for freedom of his entire family and a plane to Palistine. Source: IMDB I've tried to select notable actors, and their notable appearances in 'known' movies. That doesn't mean the movies were good (or their appearances were good), but it hopefully does mean that people have at one time at least heard of the movie mentioned. Of course, all these actors have played in many other movies, but I wasn't going to convert the entire IMDB database here every week... Incidentally, I don't think I'm the right person to do this anyway (looks at How2pk and/or mods of this board) I just thought it'd be good to give an overview of new movies every week, as posted in the suggestions topic. So, happy viewing, and discuss / review here please! (Comments about the new Harry Potter movie may be better off at the related topic) I'm aware that these movies will not be released everywhere this week. However, it's neigh impossible to make a list of movies that are 'new' everywhere, as just about any notable movie premieres in the US first, but in Europe and other countries later. On the other hand, more cultural / arthouse movies may premiere elsewhere before entering mainstream movie theaters in the US.
  3. I find it amusing you somehow think that adding 'and a half' to your age will make you sound any more mature. In other news, there have been more threads on this forum about situations like yours than I can remember. Using the search button helps, you would have noticed the same flames and advices you will have noticed here. Lastly, uhh. I think I'll pass on giving any more comments, the ones you got already should suffice.
  4. Hey, the EU already voted against it. And the USA isn't exactly looking to make it legal either, so it'll be a while ;) I thought it's already legal in the USA? At least, computer companies obtain more patents than any others, I think... and then there's the fact that the EU commissioners don't know when to stop - they're still trying to push the laws through (again) :roll:
  5. Matt was on about the AI mod, which inserts a bot into the forums. That is a huge load on the server; the reports aren't, provided, of course, that the average quality of posting isn't so horrible that people have to use them every thread. I'm not really afraid of that, and even so - you just delete the old reports, so it's not really a permanent load on the server. And it's certainly much more useful than users /posting/ that a mod/admin should lock / delete / ban, while it uses about the same bandwidth and sql queries. It would cut back spam, and more bad posts would get covered by mods and admins with less effort. That'd reduce the load on the server, and it would make the forum a better place to be all round :)
  6. Gosh. Good thing this was posted, or I would have done it. I've suggested this to some of the admins personally quite a few times, but it never got added :? As for abuse... the boards I know that use it generally have a button for it, and once you click that a confirmation page comes up where you have to enter a reason why you think the post is bad. Most boards just put a warning there that if you can't supply a valid reason but do submit the form, you'll get a warning, do it again, get a week's ban or whatever. Basically, a confirmation page and a warning on that seems to be enough to keep trouble away, at least on the boards where I've seen the mod queues.
  7. I second that. Merc's statements about bandwidth certainly sounds applicable as well. I'm voting against.
  8. Haha, slick move dusqi :P. Thanks for the advice though - do you by any chance recall the brand/model that piano was?
  9. Yeah, but most companies I've seen do free delivery (and with the cost of a piano itself in the first place, they'd better ;) )
  10. A few months ago, I moved to Amsterdam, to my own place (instead of living at my parents). This was really good in a sense that I got some freedom and whatever, but I miss one thing a lot: my parents had a piano in the house, and I've had piano lessons for 8 years. I quit those lessons as well, as I had no piano in Amsterdam and travelling back and forth every monday afternoon for lessons wasn't really feasible either. I've grown to miss it a lot, so I'm looking into buying a (digital) piano. I'm looking for advice as to what I should buy, preferably from people who own (or play a lot on) the instruments they're recommending and/or comparing. Some things to keep in mind: [*:1m0q3cre]I've had 8 years of classical piano lessons, meaning I've played mostly stuff like Beethoven, Bach and similar classical music, though I have also played some movie scores (notably the music for Am̮̩̉̉lie). This means I was taught to play on both grand and upright pianos (for the dutchies: Vleugels en staande piano's), all of which were acoustic. As such, I'm used to the typical sound and toucḫ̩̉̉ of a normal acoustic piano, where the loudness and typical sound of a note is greatly influenced by how you press the keys. I am personally not sure as to how closely this level of sophisticatedness (damn, what a word) is approached by the digital pianos of today - let's just suffice it to say, I don't want to be buying a keyboard with a fancy casing / name, I want something that plays like a piano. [*:1m0q3cre]Since I'm a student, I live in a student complex consisting of many rooms all close together. Most people don't really have a problem with people practicing music (there are several people here who are doing the conservatory, some playing horn or trumpet, so a piano is not as bad ;). However, of course I wouldn't really be able to play before 10 or after 9, because people may go to bed or whatever. The solution to that would obviously be to buy a digital piano, since I'd just use a headphone and everything would be fine. [*:1m0q3cre]I have room for a piano, though the ability to put it away would be good. [*:1m0q3cre]The amount of money I'd like to spend is limited; Of course, pianos are expensive, and I know this. But buying anything above, say, 3000 euros is not really something that crosses my mind. Digital pianos are generally cheaper, so that's definitely a pro. I'm currently edging towards buying a digital piano, primarily because they are cheaper. However, you don't spend this kind of money every day (at least, I don't, and I doubt (m)any of you do), and I do want to get decent value for money, so I'm primarily anxious about the first point I made above.
  11. Hrm, I like the idea of this forum :). I can't see myself using it a great lot, but I'm sure many will like it. One thing I noticed is rick pointing out people should link to imdb when discussing movies. I'd like to know if there's a similar site for music, and if it would be possible to add a syntax such as Elizabethtown , which would get linked automatically? I'm guessing there will be some phpbb mods for it, if not, maybe you could ask around on the tech and computers forum if one could be made? I'm sure we've got enough techies who could do so. It'd make things easier. I like the central topics idea, and especially the idea of having a place to discuss new movies seems like a good idea. Maybe it would be possible to have a topic auto-created (or just created by the mods on a standard basis) listing all premiering movies with a short description, every week? All this release data and descriptions and stuff could probably be pulled of sites like imdb or other fansites. The same could be done for music, I suppose, but it would be harder because in general, people are less excited about the releases of new music. :)
  12. I would disagree. Religion still benefits people today, I can speak from personal, objective experience. Personal and objective are mutually exclusive, a personal and objective experience does not exist (though one could argue all experiences are personal anyway, so it wouldn't matter either way). Personally, I think Matt and rick are forgetting the fact that religion has helped and still helps science in some areas (as an example, the Vatican / Catholic Church spend money funding specific areas of stem cell research as long as they don't use unborn babies for this purpose (they do this to make sure science has an alternative to using those unborn babies, because the usage of such foetuses is objectionable from their point of view)). Yes, I'm aware religion has held back science in the past, and still does to some extent today, but I think it's a good thing now. The church doesn't have nearly as much power as it did in the Dark Ages (good thing, if you ask me) and it uses the power it still has to encourage ethical debates about whether it is morally right to work on specific scientific projects (such as the cloning of humans, for example). I think a lot of scientists are too fond of their research projects to look beyond them and realise the consequences the results of their research will have on society. Religion helps people realise things like that, and at least give the matter some thought before plunging ahead blindly.
  13. Sigh. The rabbinic Talmud is not part of the bible. You still didn't tell us where you get that wonderfully copy-pasted text from. And whatever Islamic or Jewish religion says about Lilith is beside the point. It was never and probably will never be in the Christian bible, not because the church wanted it kept out but because it was never in there in the first place. Whatever the islamic religion (founded roughly 800 years after christianity) or the jewish tradition (founded roughly 4000 years before christianity) say of it. You give a lot of very circumstancial evidence revolving around the single interpretation of one bible verse. Witches and vampires were associated with owls in the ancient Roman and Romanian cultures about 2000 years ago, not 1000... this is because the literal words for them were similar. (note also that Romanian, unlike most languages in use in Eastern europe, is not a slavic language but a language descending from latin, ie, it is similar to French and Spanish rather than Polish, Czech or Slovakian, hence the word similarity). One last final point, which is not pretty. You are claiming this whole story about Lilith as if it is absolute thruth, and the Vatican is pure evil for excluding it. You are basing yourself on Jewish and Islamic sources. Just because they say something doesn't mean it's immediately 100% true. There are people around who claim that the gas chambers in world war 2 concentration camps were actually improving the jews' health, increasing their chances to make it out of the camps alive (I kid you not). While I'm certainly not going to compare your opinion to this one, it does show that mindlessly accepting an opinion as truth is dangerous. I still haven't seen conclusive evidence, rather, I have seen a lot of speculating and more and more evidence (you even literally said it yourself!) that this text was never in the bible nor in the Torah (of which the Talmud is not a part). Hence, it is completely stupid to say that the Vatican is to blame for this myth to appear in the bible. Finally, the last three images in your post come from dubious 'artistic' websites and culture movies. They are hardly 1000 years old, or guaranteed to be an accurate depiction of Lilith, if she ever existed. The first two pictures are indeed old (though one is, once again, from a dubious site about ghost-hunting and paranormal activities) but on both of those paintings the creature still shows definite snake-like characteristics. Like I said, according to the bible, the snake could talk, and talked Eve into taking the forbidden fruit. FWIW, I'm definitely not a die-hard Christian or anything - I think the gospel of Thomas and the gospel of Maria of Magdalen might have been better off being included in the bible, for example. I don't agree with the Vatican on their general opinion on AIDS and preconception, nor on some of their views about abortion and/or euthanasia. This topic was not discussing that, however. The point of the topic was that the Vatican took a very brave step in recognizing the importance of modern science. Which is really really good news, imho.
  14. I seriously doubt you'll find anyone here with that kind of experience, you'd be better off trying some real Linux forums or something like that. Personally, Debian is good enough for me, though I am about to setup my old comp to function as my firewall/webserver/cvs-server, and I'm considering using a more specialized distro for that. Though if I find a guide for debian, I'll definitely use it - I love apt-get to death :)
  15. I think the design is generally okay, but I'm put off by the fact that your top navigation bar links misfit in the space you allocated for the design. They're about 3 pixels of the left edge, and a lot more (like 20 or whatever) off the right hand side. They are also all different sizes, and they'd look better being similar-sized (imho). I know that the terms of service is a long link, but I think that's better off hidden away at the bottom, though properly presented when people apply for an account.
  16. First of all, this is the first time I have ever heard of a story like this. Second, some basic research online proves that this in fact not included in the Torah, the holy scriptures of both the Jewish and Christian belief, but a popular rabbi myth (so a story that became a tradition referenced by rabbi, teachers of the Jewish faith). Had it truly been part of the bible, than I would have read it when I read the 'Vulgata' bible, which is the Latin translation of the bible done just after the rise of Christianity in 382 AD (fyi, that's more than a thousand years old, so I think your previous post was off by, say, about a thousand years. For an original hebrew bible, you'd want something dating back to before the birth of Jesus, and maybe even earlier to find such a myth if it was maliciously removed, as you propose). I actually understand Latin, and in class we translated the passages in Genesis in which this woman would have been mentioned. There was no such mention, and I find it hard to believe several sources are lying about this matter, AND I find it hard to believe that the church was against sex-for-pleasure at such an early stage, because it was a common thing in the Roman empire of that time. Also, this 'Lilith' would have been a far better way of depicting the 'evilness' of women, should you so consider, than the eating of the apple by Eve (who arguably was misled, instead of willingly wanting to do something evil). The jewish myth continues to make Lilith some kind of evil demon - this would be far better propagenda than the church could have wished itself for the rather anti-feminine attitude it had in those days. So I find it hard to believe the church would want to hide such a thing. I also can't find any sources where she presented the apple to Eve. Furthermore, the reason the snake has a (wo)man's head is because at that time, it could talk (it spoke to Eve). After God found out what happened, he cursed the snake to bite the woman's heels, and the woman to trample the snake's head. He/She/It also cursed the snake not to speak anymore (which it did previously), so it could no longer try to mislead mankind into evil. I can't find any reputable sources that confirm this to be a part of the bible. Where did you get this from?
  17. the idea would be fedora or such doing this i mean geeks can play all they want but unless you make a version and stick with it the newbs wont use it they want a VCR not a rocket Research has shown that the user interface of a VCR is one of the most horrible designs in an average household :P
  18. No, it's saying people need to take science seriously. It's not stating there is no proof against it (because there is, though not as much as there is proof for it), it just says that they recognise it as a good scientific theory. Which is hardly 'accepting the idea of evolution because everything else is crappier' (free after what you just said). BlueLancer, could you please edit your topic title? I'm aware that it ain't your fault that people can't be ...ed to read the articles you link and quote, but your topic title seems a bit exaggerated, and tuning it down a bit may get us replies that actually understand what's going on.
  19. I'm not sure who you mean by 'they', but it seems the Vatican is hardly saying Intelligent Design is not a good idea? It's just telling people to keep an open mind, also towards science. Which is always a good idea, I think :) ~Edit: apparently they realized exactly what you just said: Source: http://www.stnews.org/Commentary-1719.htm
  20. I think GhostRanger was being pretty sarcastic here, DaN'. Everybody knows that most people posting in here want their answers on a silver platter instead of working for them.
  21. Umm, well, seeing as you asked for more feedback. I think it looks good, the face could use some more expression. I'm not sure what people think is wrong with the hand, though it looks somewhat weirdly bent around. I generally just browse these forums not criticising, because I know I wouldn't do it any better either way (I suck at most (though not all) art forms, and rl drawing is arguably the worst (closely followed by digital painting / GIMP work)).
  22. Quote from Sony's director, Hessa: For those of you who still haven't figured out what a rootkit is, one could compare it to saying: Source: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... Id=4989260 Audio source: http://www.npr.org/dmg/dmg.php?prgCode= ... rwriting=1 (may not work directly, if so visit the normal story source and click-thru from there)
  23. True indeed. Well, not talking about your length, aye Merc? :P *runs* (fwiw, I'm 1 meter 90 or so. I've stopped keeping track, I want it to stop :oP )
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