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  1. No, CTO was Gerhard's first job at Jagex. In January 2008 he was still working as Security Architect at GTECH.
  2. This was originally mentioned in Adam Tuckwell's interview with MechScape World where he said "We have a number of valued subscribers who have been loyal to Jagex and it is only right that we thank them. Current subscribers will be given access to the Beta and it will be free to play". This was later clarified further in various statements on Mod MMG's clan chat and they made it clear that the position was that players who've had several months continuous RuneScape membership at the time of the MechScape beta launch will have access to the beta, and it will be "free" alongside their RuneScape subscription. Of course when MechScape goes out of beta it'd have separate membership.
  3. Mod Captain (Alex Janaway) is Associate Producer on MechScape. Henrique Olifiers is Head of MechScape. While it isn't clear what project Mod Brass works on, his mention of "missions" makes it sound like he is a senior graphics artist on MechScape also. They are announcing it... on LiveJournal, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Well the beard for a start :P
  4. In the interview Mod Captain says his book will soon be published. Well, it's now published and there is an interview with Mod Captain over at MechScape World about his book Redoubt (and a bit about MechScape at the end too). Note: His book was created for older readers, and as such contains language and scenes inappropriate for young persons.
  5. These interviews are interesting and I'm glad Jagex are bringing attention to them. They aren't promotional videos for Jagex, but a look at the career paths which led people to work at Jagex as well as an insight into their circumstances, role at Jagex and plans for the future. I posted it on MechScape World back in March. Not quite all of them, it misses out one of the ones I posted at MSW as they didn't use the word "Jagex" in their interview and it wasn't listed as a keyword. They don't have subtitles, but they do have a transcript link on the iCould versions of the videos. The transcripts don't always quite match the actual videos. Dean and Will do. Several of the employees work on other teams such as FunOrb and MechScape.
  6. 15-16-131-58808674 page 120, Mod Raven: "Because characters in the same game do interact with one another, on some level (that's game coding for you), playing two characters at the same time is against the rules. However, if you wanted to play FunOrb and the same time, then that's a different matter. You're welcome to have one account playing FunOrb and one playing RuneScape...but I wouldn't recommend it, due to the multi-tasking needed." Of course Mod Raven could always be mistaken as it could be interpreted as AFK training.
  7. As shown in my chart it became "Buying, selling or sharing an account".
  8. That could be true but isn't what Mod Raven was saying. If you could get me a QFC of a mod saying multi-logging is okay then that would be useful.
  9. Okay, Jagex have removed "rating transfer", added "solicitation" and clarified "afk training" so I've updated the chart.
  10. Mod Raven is arguing that multi-logging is still "against the rules" even if there isn't a rule against it, and that the only way to be safe is if one account is on RuneScape and the other is on FunOrb. Quote:
  11. Mod Raven said that "A number of relatively minor rules have been left off the list on the rules page, because they're covered under the Honour, Respect and Security headings". I'm trying to argue that if something is against the rules then it should be listed under those headings, and that they do not state that the headings are merely "guiding principles" and that there are unlisted offences which you can commit without knowing it.
  12. I wouldn't risk it. It isn't explicitly against the rules, but they still might punish you for it. Mod Raven posted:
  13. I've asked various JMods that but haven't got a clear answer. They've said that you can't get a friend to help you transfer items as that is against the rules, but wouldn't comment on for example if I were to login to more than one of my own accounts at the same time. So are you saying something can be "against the rules" just because Jagex feels it is dishonourable, disrespectful or a risk to security without it actually breaking any of the stated rules? Or if it is against a specific rule, then which rule is it against?
  14. That could really annoy someone who, for example, because P2P for a month just for forum access or something. I don't think Jagex would do anything which proactively discouraged people from becoming a member or penalised people for having been members.
  15. It's something they are looking into alongside splitting the friends list from the clan list.
  16. Jagex's 2008 turnover from advertising was £2,208,355 which is 7% of their total turnover. Turnover is the amount of money which comes IN, so does not include costs of business such as customer support, development, premises or servers. Back in 2007 Andrew said: "With the free version, we basically break even, but of course this version is very important to us as it brings in new players and introduces more people to the game" (source).
  17. Mod MMG said that it'd probably be people who'd been continuous subscribers for a few months at the time the beta was released, so I'm guessing closer to half a year's membership than a year. However, they haven't finalised their plans for the requirements yet.
  18. FunOrb and MechScape are seperate teams to RuneScape. MechScape and RuneScape share a core engine so RuneScape has benefited from development work done for MechScape - for example MechScape can be thanked for RuneScapeHD. They've been hiring new staff for MechScape since June 2006, and it has a team of 70 dedicated people working on it. I'd also argue that the later RuneScape quests are much better than the earlier ones, so it is a case of quality over quantity. You could also cont stuff such as mini-games alongside quests. That's my old version. Go with this more accurate and current one: But even this is out of date, so it is best to just look at the official credits. The Q1 2009 thing was something Iddison said a long time ago. Recently Jagex said they expected it to be out 2009, that it was playable but not yet complete, and that they had a lot more work left to do on it. Devs get paid more than customer support, so you couldn't just say that you'd have 20 less CS and 20 more devs.
  19. MechScape will use RuneScape's subscription model. Micro-transactions was an idea Iddison said he'd hope to explore in a future title (which we call "ThirdScape") but Gerhard has spoken out against micro-transactions so I don't think it'll happen.
  20. http://news.runescape.com/newsitem.ws?id=204 Ah, good times. The beta was fun, tho.
  21. The new pictures on Jagex's facebook aren't really that new. They were originally released in a press kit in November 2008 if not earlier.
  22. In addition to Lord of the Rings and D&D the game was very much influenced by Discworld, which loves to have parallels with the "real world".
  23. RuneScape fan sites have of course done an incredible job over the years and I am glad that Jagex are reaching out to you guys, but while I understand your sentiment concerning MechScape World I think that your criticism and stance is unfair. While Jagex have the RuneScape Official Forums and Knowledge Base for RuneScape, with fan sites allowing for an alternative to Jagex's offerings, besides one approved thread on RSOF the MechScape fan sites are pretty much the only place for people who want to find out about and discuss MechScape. In fact, the RSOF thread ends up spending much of its time discussing content from MechScape World. Since day 1 Tip.it and other great RuneScape sites have had plenty of content to work with, specifically the RuneScape game itself. However, for the majority MechScape World's life (and the entirety of Iddison's time as CEO) Jagex refused to even properly confirm the game's existence, let alone give any concrete information. While I can understand Jagex's reasons for doing so it still made our life hard. However, we trusted in them that it would be a good game, and worked very hard to try and make a fan site (and when I started we were the only one) which made the most out of what little we had. The majority of our content and value is currently in our forums, where we have not just managed to build up a strong community for an unreleased game but have carried out extensive research and analysis. In fact virtually everything people knew about the game was the result of something initially posted by myself or a fellow member of MechScape World (see the 2008 summary, although that doesn't nearly cover it all). We have been posting the latest MechScape news and warning people about scam sites since 2007, and with MechScape being Jagex's upcoming game it makes sense for them to want to work with its leading fan site to give future players a better sense of what their new game will be like.
  24. again? or for the first time? Jagex linked to fansites and posted on tip.it back in 2001.
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