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Everything posted by photographyplox

  1. I would love to come. when is it (i didnt quite read the whole guide :o
  2. rune scimmis when your at the level? I only say this, because one time (some super radd) guy was at castle wars and he was giving out rune scimmis here and there like they were worth 100gp. he like 50k+ i think o.O
  3. barcrawl.. am I the only person on earth who uses it?
  4. its pretty good if your a skiller.. what else would you use money on? but I'd go for it if you have the money.
  5. where is a good place (safe for a level three skiller) to mine tin/copper just untill 15. Because after that, I plan to mine a hella lot of iron (like 50k+ if i dont quit) so where is a good place to mine/bank (yes i am a member)
  6. i dont think it pays off though >.> rings of dueling get pricy after awhile..
  7. Hey, if you dont hate me enough, add: Cyranoh yeah im dumb so what. its a long story :o just do it :D
  8. just like a computer... you can also trade over wifi like an auction, but differnt.
  9. you mean like George Bush going to war? I'm all for it... let him have a taste of his own chaos. His plans could have been better thought out. Don't Flame Me. This is a personal opinion.
  10. w00t :D i give it a 10/10 too jeesh fingers tied. you're such a rich nubby :D
  11. ok, so im a noob and i couldnt take a pic. so i traded my whol bank to hartlar in a trade. and he took a pic of hte trade. so here's my bank rate from 1-100000 nice aye?
  12. Attack: 1 --naa, I'm pretty ummm yeah I suck.-- Strength: 1 --no thanks. I dont like to kill things (except for bugs :D)-- Defence: 1 --I cry :[-- Range: 10--umm dodge ball :D-- Prayer: 1 --i feel guilty =/?-- Magic: 1 --well, in kindgergarten, I had a magic book, does that count for anything?-- Construction: 2 --one time, i helped my dad make a bed all i did was hold a log :D-- Health: 1 --no thanks. I dont like to get hurt. i'm a lover, not a fighter.-- Agility: 10 --I'm pretty ninja like o.O-- Herblore: 1 --o.o no thanks.-- Theiving: 5 --i....have/do shop lift (its little things i swear it was rocks o.O ok, im innocent.-- Crafting: 2 --I MADE A PICTURE FRAM ONCE-- Fletching: 1 --one time i made a throwing knife out of a stick o.O it was sooooo ninja!-- Hunting: 1 --I'd have about 10 exp I kill bugs w00t!-- Mining: 1 --one time i had to look at rocks so in rs that'd be prospecting w00t!-- Smithing: 1 --heh. onetime i made a picture out of copper sheet stuff in 2nd grade :D so i'd have like 20 exp w00t!-- Fishing: 1 --ewww i hate fish they're smelly.-- Cooking: 10 --RAMEN NOODLES PL0X firemaking: 4 --CANDLES FTW! Woodcutting:1 -- I usually just hit trees. never chopped one down Farming: 1 -- I'd have 4 exp because one time, I picked up compost for my dad =D Slayer 1 o.O 57 total level o.O z0mg I saved up 2gps to buy a pot from the store, then i done gone i died.
  13. couldnt you make one and merch it for more then a fury. because they';d be new?
  14. gratz0rzys. :] the two "easiest" skills people say. but it still takes time money and effort lol, gratz. good luck!
  15. umm I dont know... Full zammy robes+40dbones probably happened today infact.
  16. whenever I try to merch, I usually end up loosing about 100k+
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