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Everything posted by Adventurer

  1. I know that Aberrant Spectres, Ogres, and Mossies are all good for seeds, but which one of them is the best? Thanks
  2. Lvl 85 Combat + Salve Ammy (or Salve (e)) + Ghouls = fast?
  3. The only part of the bible that condemns homosexuality is Leviticus of the Old Testament, and if you follow Leviticus, then you must also follow the rules within it regarding incense, altars, and meat offerings. Genesis 2:23-24 [hide]The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. [/hide] And thanks for the response on genes, but it makes me wonder about the Hypothalamus thing that ClareJonsson posted.
  4. Hmm. My Bible teacher talked about this kinda thing. He himself is weirded out by feminine/former-gay guys who act girly (not that he hates them, but is kinda weirded). He said that some guys are just feminine like that, and that's fine. Nothing wrong with it, but homosexuality is still a sin. You said you know alot about your condition, so I have a question for you. If you can't answer it/don't feel like it, that's cool too. I've learned that a guy has guy genes, and a girl has girl genes that determine traits, including the brain. Now, I take that to mean that you are male if you have XY, so you should be ok with being male, even if you act feminine (see my response to first quote). What I would like to know is what accounts for you feeling like a girl in a guy's body.
  5. I have a question for you: do you believe in the Bible? Before I know that, I'm going to avoid comments. But on a side note, a similar subject came up in my Bible class. A girl was having trouble with one part of the Bible: her friend was born into and raised in a Christian home, and more importantly, is a Christian himself, but is gay. She didn't know what to think of the Bible saying that homosexuality is wrong because her friend was Christian and everything. Infact, that situation is making me think again on my stand on these types of gender issues. On the topic of the Christian psychiatrist: Goddess is right. If he is worth anything as a psychiatrist, he will have to listen to you. Holy crud. That is truly a hypocritical church :shock: If they really thought that it was wrong, then: "On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
  6. I like this shop update. Since I'm self-sufficient and don't buy stuff except for skill necessities like newts, I win! Btw, Dueling Ring (cwars) + Hot Air Balloon to Entrana's herb shop = uber fast newt collecting.
  7. I have 3 Obby Knives and 6 Obby Swords that I need to get rid of. Where can I find the small demand for them?
  8. 3rd Dragon drop, 2nd Dragon Spear drop, 8th Spear in bank 400
  9. Yes, I've seen the knowledge base, but I'm still unsure of its speed (I've heard that it's faster). Could somebody who's tried it assure me that it's like all the other spears speedwise?
  10. Well, I guess that's a fair argument, Reb. I say that people lack will power because I always hear of those that just do it "one time" or "just a little", then spiral into full-on addiction. Ya know what I'm talking about, right? Oh, I'm sure that some have will power like no-lifers going for 99's, but that's a completely different type of people. Also: RuneScape in moderation = good Alcohol in moderation (doesn't it harm development until a certain age?) = good Sex...I see what you're saying and would agree but for my view on it I guess I mostly agree with you on moderation then. See, the small problem I have is that I believe that you shouldn't experience things such as drugs, that sex should come after marriage, etc., but as you and I have agreed, that would get us nowhere. So I'm just letting you know what I'm seeing in your statements.
  11. Well, I guess you were kind of clueless, and maybe the situation didn't hit you until later. I guess you did alright with making sandwiches, considering that you aren't gifted like some with comforting words.
  12. Oh, so that would explain a lot about our society concerning sex... :| Also, I've never heard those numbers concerning protection before. It was a lot less effective from what I've heard. My opinion on marriage comes from the Bible, but I would need a different subject to discuss that (to keep from hijacking the thread). Concerning the dichotomy: I suppose your argument makes sense, but the problem is that the way you present it, it seems that everybody carries the will and power to control moderation. Admittedly, alcohol and sex can be beneficial, but the problem is that we see many people who fall straight into them and like ruin their lives and crud. Of course, maybe it's just connotation gained from society and junk that those are worse than games, but with only three examples of potential harm and benefit, I'm not going to argue too much about a difference between "can harm/can't harm". Oh, and I never said that sex is easy to go without, lol. I realize that it's a part of the pyramid because I've seen it before.
  13. z0mg, z0mg. I'm coming with a third and different perspective!! To author, dandude5007: There is no real "healthy addiction". That's an oxymoron just by itself, and doesn't work. You probably should've used a less opaque and unclear term. I disagree that this "healthy addiction" can keep people from "[falling] into bad habits." Yes, it gives an opportunity to pass the time, but realize that those bad habits you mentioned can still be tempting when you're not locked into RuneScape and are able to get at people....unless they're so addicted to RuneScape that they won't even consider anything else, but that's bad too. Oh, and I agree with Reb on your points on why RuneScape is beneficial. It's a game, and probably the only things you'll get are: better typing, fun from simple gaming, and maybe some nice internet friends. To Reb: That's an interesting idea you have that ALL things in moderation is good for experiencing the world. While some things may be ok (such as alcohol after you're old enough that it won't harm development), I disagree a bit. The problem I have with what you're saying is that as long as you're not addicted, it's fine. Why? Let me use the sex thing as an example here. Sex is good in the right situation, which is when people are married. Couples should be able to support each other, so the metaphysical bond things are good for them. However, sex isnt' just for bonds; it makes babies, which protection can't always prevent (as you probably know). Yes, there's abortion, but that gets into tricky ethics and junk. So what I'm saying is that there is a difference between RuneScape and sex and alcohol/drugs and other stuff that lets you "experience the world". RuneScape is innocent fun (unless you pervert it into a horrible addiction), but sex (premarital) and alcohol/drugs carry potential harm. [End argument] If you would like to know my reasoning on this, it's that getting to know the world is 80% preventative and 20% corrective. Preventative lifestyle is where you listen to others' wisdom and learn from others mistakes. Corrective is where you learn from consequences.
  14. To author and his supporters: 1. First of all, you don't know that he didn't report 2. That wasn't report-priority material. Sure, it was rude and boorish, but player mods are only a reporting aid to Jagex, not a gestapo system against all rude people 3. Player mods don't have a "responsibility" outside of a normal player's 4. They're not going to shout that they reported people. Infact, all players are advised not to scream "REPORTED!!11!!1!" when they report somebody
  15. Heh, I've done this before, but not as a speed challenge. I've gotten multiple of everything upto Addy now, but need more lvls for Rune and Dragon.
  16. I think you have to get 100 rats before the cat becomes overgrown.
  17. Sometimes I vent stress by running as hard as I can for as long as I can, but I always end up very exhausted.
  18. I'm a Christian who doesn't know which life-origin theory to pick and believes in free will.
  19. :XD: That's the funniest stupid lawsuit I've ever seen!! A NEW LOW!!
  20. Adventurer


    Kate wasn't the King of the Mountain (gender-incorrect term. I know). I know this because that one college friend of Ash told him/her that the title was only a high-school title.
  21. ^ Pwned. I use that proverb when selecting worthy newbies fresh off of Tutorial Island to help. I test them by seeing if they actually care to learn the game, help them along, then give them a financial booster later. Heck, I even reformed a beggar this way.
  22. Hah, this is something I've reflected on myself. One time, I was having a discussion on the existence of right/wrong with a college kid at the fishing guild... ...our discussion became slogged with "dont talk about religion", "big words make head hurt", "im reporting you", etc. Pfft, closed-minded people. Don't even bother to criticize religion, you noobs!! ...the horror...
  23. Adventurer


    I don't know what to say about your identity crisis, as I'm undergoing a minor version of your own right now, but I have some advice on high-school girls. The best girlfriend is probably a girl-friend (corny...argh...). You don't necessarily have to be a corrupt CEO, do you? Heck, you can be a good example or something and appear on some magazine like Reader's Digest for being so great. Hmm...well. It seems like you're lacking love (not the hormone driven romantic love), but the buddy, friend, fellow-human type love. Oh, and you're pessimistic for one thing. Maybe you're lacking good memories? No purpose in life? Just floating out there with nothing ahead of you...kind of riding in the wake of society's expectations? I personally think you're just floating
  24. ...or I could beat the crud out of people I dislike, lol :wink:. Well, if nobody else has anything to say, I'm going to let this sink into the backpages of the forum.
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