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Everything posted by BabyPunchers

  1. [hide=Omfg Sailing Evidence][/hide] Oh my god, all those skills are coming true!@ I believe you all now! [hide=Archeology!!!][/hide]
  2. Are bloodvelds resistant to wave attacks? They do have blood in their name, after all. "Blood" has barely any relation to "Fire" at all. Not like "Demon" does. On a somewhat unrelated note, I think they are a bit resistant to wave attacks as they attack with Magic-based melee attacks. And magic attack=magic def. ;)
  3. You don't need the extra defense for slayer unless you're assigned Waterfiends. For any other magic based slayer monster, Dhide is fine.
  4. ^I would think it's because of word association. Demon=Hell Hell=Fire But I'm pretty sure they're not weak to water or strong against fire.
  5. Either going to be really soon, or a long time from now. As I'm almost done with the melee skills, I'm not sure how I'll feel about skilling.
  6. Who does that. :shock: Lol never met anyone :P And how do the animals take it? :o
  7. Magic and I's supermegahawtlovemakingspawtofsuperhawtness: Edit:Just realises I'm up for Wierdest Inventory Ever. :?
  8. Rawr i was wishing for a topic like this a few days ago. Can't remember why. :cry:
  9. 1) What is the fastest way of Training Defense?Armoured Zombies. ~100k exp per hour at higher levels. 2) What is the cheapest way of training Defense?Slayer. You gain a lot of money. 3) What is the most efficient way of Training Defense?Slayer, you train a lot of skills at once or Armoured Zombies if you just want the def exp and a little bit of cash.
  10. Oh and use a Rune Defender instead of the Obby Shield. They don't hit much and Bunyip will keep you covered, while the Attack bonuses will increase your exp/hour. Not true. ;)
  11. i agree, go for avianese and spend the cash on chins. : And great avvy. I love Mirror's Edge.
  12. You don't need that many Summoning pots. You only need to drink one dose to summon one. So you really only need 2 doses. Not even 1 pot :
  13. Nice job Alpha :D One of the greatest capes in the game. :o And and Rune Boots got dumped lol. Impossible to sell at min and dropping fast. :o
  14. You could try getting a friend to use Venge Other and use recoils :-#
  15. Yeah well you're the Bannana King. Innuendo? That's for you to decide.
  16. Hawt Bumpage. \ I miss the christmas smileys so much. :cry:
  17. If sailing comes, I might quit rs. :| Luckily, it's not, and people who think it is are just stupid. :roll:
  18. Pulli, the Proselye Top will beat it in offense, and you said it yourself, you won't use it because you're lazy and don't want to watch the screen all the time. But it IS better than a torso. I know lazy comes off as an insult, I don't mean it to be, but it's the only word I can think of at this time. :? And I think the Rune Defender will come out to be worth the time as it takes signifigantly less time than a torso and it's the best armour for the shield slot.
  19. *Hasn't ko-ed anyone* And you Ko, someone after two years away. -.- Lol grats though. ;)
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