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Everything posted by BabyPunchers

  1. Well I have the money for bandos, but I need atleast 10m for summoning expenses :P Hm. i'll probably just buy some barrows armour with a guthan helm. That always looks good. But I don't know what I'll do for slayer, where I have to wear the Slayer helm. :? And to the above, that looks like what every other slayer is wearing. Doesn't particularly look good either.
  2. One more thing I suppose I should mention, I care more about looks than stats. I know, it's stupid, but I'm almost maxed melee, so the exp isn't really important. Just want to look good while getting exp.
  3. Well I'm in need of something new. I want to spend at max about 11m. I know there's clay armour and there's rockshell(which looks really horrible in hd), but what else is there? As long as it's equal to, or more def than rune, I'm happy with. Any help is appreciated. :thumbsup:
  4. ^Nah, didn't even have Mourner's gear to get back in. :cry: P.S.How do you take full screen screenshots with Swiftkit? I'm kinda new to it.
  5. Died at Dark Beasts today. Swiftkit messed up and didn't let me click my pray pots. :( It's okay though. Only lost a few million. This is the Rune Defender drop i had to get back. Picked up the bones cause it looks hawter that way. :thumbup:
  6. What the hell is this doing so down in the depths of forgotteness? Bumpage.
  7. Pretty sure this was announced a while back tbh.
  8. Dark Bow #5 8-) Edit:and first Swiftkit pic. Awesome. :thumbup:
  9. Good, maybe I won't have to bludgeon you with big frickin' rocks.
  10. Grats noob! :thumbsup: You keep leveling when I'm logged off though. :evil: If you get 99 without me, I'm killing you kai? :
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