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Everything posted by BabyPunchers

  1. Did you know there is a bug that lets you keep untrimmed capes with multiple 99s. Simply drop them just before you level a skill to 99 and pick it back up after. But if you buy another it will be trimmed. I thought you had to die with it and then, while it's still in the grave, level up and buy your cape?
  2. Yeah it's really annoying. =( Ever since I've got my Unicorn, Abbies have been mad at me. :cry: Thanks for posting. : Oh and anyone who reads this. What looks better? Torso and Torag Legs or Torso and Dragon Platelegs? Thinking about buying Dragon ones.
  3. Thank ya for the post Magic! :D I still have 77 more Abby Demons to go so I'm hoping to kill this 3 task dry streak. Might just kick-start this blog.
  4. Fletching and Cooking fail. :thumbup:
  5. Thank ya Yeah, slayer will take a while. I'll probably take a few breaks, maybe get a noncombat 99 along the way. :) And bumpage. :D
  6. I can't wait for it, whatever it is! Gives me something to shoot for. As a level 93 slayer, I can see why we need something else to keep us slayers going.
  7. Post on your blog before I go swimming today :D oh and I posted a blog myself. Doesn't look very nice but meh, check it out mate.
  8. [hide=Latest Level][/hide] [hide=Introduction]Well I made this blog for a few reasons. One was, well I think itll be a lot of fun. :) And the other was that some nub named Magicplayak thought I should. Oh and now that I use Swiftkit, I figure taking pictures for this blog will be a lot easier. :)Haha, well now to the actual blog. My introductions really suck.[/hide] [hide=About Me] Well my names Joshua, but I hate that name so just call me Josh. :) Im still in High School, rather not say what grade though. Some people, like Magic, like to stalk meh. Im on the School swim team for the P.E. credit mostly. I somewhat enjoy it, but I just hate regular P.E. Well to me, music is one of the most important things in life. Im pretty much addicted to my Ipod and take it with me wherever I go. My favorite bands are probably The Misfits, Rise Against, and My Chemical Romance. Mostly into The Misfits at the moment though. And with those last two sentences, half of the people that clicked here have now hit the back button. XD Oh well. Outside of Runescape, I do have a life. I love playing on Xbox Live and going out with my girlfriend. If youd like to add me as a Runescape friend or as a Xboxlive friend, tell me here, as my Private is always on friends and I rarely except friend requests from people I dont know on Xbox Live. And I suppose thats all thats important.[/hide] [hide=About my Runescape character, Purezammy84] Purezammy84 was my 2nd Runescape character and was originally a pure. That stopped at about level 40 and it became my main. I got members at around December 2nd, 2006 and have been playing it ever since. My characters first 99 was Range, a skill Ive loved since the start of this account. And soon was followed by 99 Defense, Hitpoints, and Strength, in that order. Im currently working towards 99 Attack through Slayer. Slayer has been right behind Range in my favorites and Ive used it to train my melee skills for as long as I can remember. Im currently level 93 in Slayer and my favorite task is Nechraels. ^.^ Im level 132 at the time of writing.[/hide] [hide=My Bank as of 12-28-08] Yeah its not a lot for my level, but it does okay.[/hide] [hide=Skills at the start of this blog] Combat Nub.[/hide] [hide=Skills Now] Still a Combat Nub.[/hide] [hide=Progress to 99 Attack and 99 Slayer] [/hide] [hide=Levels before the start of this blog]99 Range: 99 Defense: 99 Hitpoints: And 99 Strength pic is sadly lost. =([/hide] [hide=Levels after the start of this blog][/hide] [hide=Daily Blog]Ah my favorite part of any blog! Ill be updating this section daily obviously, mostly with Slayer tasks, levels, and the like. 12-29-08 Didn't do much today. I finished about 150 Abyssal Demons and sadly, didn't get a whip. Overall it was one of the worst tasks I've done. Because of this, I didn't have much of the will to play anymore today, so I spent an hour or so listening to some Misfits songs. :0 I got a 145 Nechrael task though. I'll do that tommorrow. Atleast I got a fun task. Think I'm going to own some Left 4 Dead now. 8-) 12-30-08 A few things happened today. One, I did a Nechrael task. Got a great Rune boot drop rate. 3 of them in one task. :thumbup: That made an easy 300k when combined with the other drops of the task. Anyway, after the task, I decided to stay there until I leveled. When I did, I got 97 Attack but sadly no combat level. After that, I sold my Bandos and decided to get a Dragon Plate. :D Since I love the Saradomin Sword, I've decided to save up for that too. Think I'll do that tomorrow. 12-31-08 Happy New Years Eve! Today's the last day of '08 and I celebrated by going on a Spiritual Mage trip. After getting 2 D Boots in the first 11 Kills, I ended up with 5 of them at the end of the trip. Netted me a cool 1.5m. <3 Also decided to get back to slayer and not to get a Sara Sword. Pretty nooby, but I get bored easily. Also sold my Dragon Platebody and Legs because I was bored with them XD Went with the traditional Slayer outfit of Verac Legs+Fighter's Torso now... Oh and I turned into a girl in hopes of changing my Whip drop luck. :oops: 01-02-08 Happy New Year people! Today I did a few high-number tasks. Oh so boring though. I did 198 Bloodvelds with my friend, who happened to get 85 Slayer on the task. I remember how that felt. 8-) Next task, I had 199 Black Demons, which is why this entry is pretty short and boring. God, this task took forever. Great task though. Also changed back into a guy(yay) while my Super Strengths bought and switched out Verac's Skirt with Dragon Legs <3 Going to start a Nech Task tommorrow.[/hide] [hide=Drop Log] 2 D boots in 11 Kills.[/hide] So please post, I put quite a bit of work into this blog and I really hope you liked the read. I look forward to updating this blog for a long time. :)
  9. Kkai. :thumbsup: Atm, I'm getting ownt at my Mithril Dragon task. That was the first kill. Took too much food. :(
  10. Hiya! Just pulled myself away from Left 4 Dead. Sell that Ps3 and get a 360 kai? And update your daily blog, nub. :?
  11. Epic game. I love it. Only beat The first and second campiegns though. Love playing this game in co-op with The Misfits playing in the background. :thumbup: Rawr now i want to go play. :-# Oh and this game finally made me see the difference between two types of shooters. Dead Space, for example, is a Horror-Shooter. This is a Shooter-Horror, where the action comes first.
  12. Kk just post that on the thread. Lantern was hard but I got it. Cause I'm hawt.
  13. The Misfits and Bad Religion. Mostly the former. :thumbup:
  14. I got 20+ tasks 83-88 :| Lucky duck -.- Meh, I get Abby tasks to make up for it. All my whips except for 2 are on task.
  15. Dragon Chain would look pretty good. I feel kind of like a noob using that when a plate is out though. Thanks for that though. :) I was thinking about Rune (g). Would that look fine with a HP?Range/Def/Str cape? Could only look good with one of them.
  16. Clans are fail. Too many rules, not enough rewards. :|
  17. Wtf nub. You can't tell me you don't atleast like the first two :o The Misfits>All
  18. Ah, sorry I logged withought saying bye. Lagged out and didn't want to deal with it anymore. But here, now you have no excuse not to listen to them! I'm telling you, listen to Punk Rock. 8-) Punk Rock ftw. Listen to them all I hurt you kai?
  19. Lol mage tasks are freakishly rare. I've had like 5 from 83-almost 93 slayer.
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