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Everything posted by BabyPunchers

  1. Having to train a new skill just to kill a few new monsters would be horrible because they could just implement them anyways. Same thing. Without slayer, everyone would be at bandits/armoured zombies when they want to train. Slayer was implemented to wean people off of that and make everyone have a better game expierience. Not to mention there weren't a lot of skills back then, now we have more than enough.
  2. Do you think you could post a picture of it with the Slayer Mask and Whip+Rune Defender? I'm thinking of buying the plate but not sure how it would look with that, and that's what I'm wearing 90% of my rs time. :P Ty if you can.
  3. Yeh, clearly the concept is much less usefull and sophisticated then say, firemaking or agility. I still havent heard a single reason why sailing = auto fail skill. The accessing of different new areas alone seems like a better concept then most of the slayer skill. Accessing different areas which can hold loads of different skill related things, new creatures and ways to make money > accessing a few creatures. Tie 'fun' parts into it, like customising your boat, hiring a crew, plundering settlements and skill-requiring things like sailing through dangerous waters and the skill promises alot more then 75% of the skills currently in rs, and then were only touching the surface of what sailing could give us (ofcourse jagex wouldnt give it all, but theres ideas enough out there). Sailing opening up new areas would be horrible because they could just implement them through charter ships or the numerous other ferrys throught Runescape.
  4. I fully agree with this. Same goes to Archeology and Music.
  5. Heh I thought people let this die :P. It seems I won't be updating this guide anymore. At all, I've been trying, but between work and actually enjoying Runescape, I don't have the time for it. Sorry, but I think it would be better if this guide just died. :cry:
  6. Any quest guide for the Legend's quest would help you. :|
  7. All of them had good rewards: Karamja: GLOVES TO TELE TO SHILO(Duradel) Lumbridge: Ring that gives energy , only ring with a prayer bonus, and teleport to port sarim/draynor farming patch Varrock: Varrock Plate 3 which has great defenses for it's weight, allows you to smith and smelt faster, and allows you to get multiple ores when mining Contact NPC Ring is good for skilling, and the prayer bonus is negligible. But not worth the time to do all the tasks. Defense is useless as there's better things out there. And Mining and Smithing are rarely trained by most, although I suppose that is good for some people. But not worth doing all the tasks for the CHANCE of multiple ores/smithing faster.
  8. I laughed so hard at this statement because of his "internet speak". :lol: :lol:
  9. I just really hope this reward makes me actually do my first Achievment Diary. Really, the last few havn't given me enough reason to go off and train levels. There should be a good reward for atleast one of them.
  10. Why would we have to kill Wallettheif :?: I lol'd. Well I hope there's more slayer related things in the diarys, then maybe I'll do it. But the highest slayer monster there is a Kurask right? That's pretty low level. :(
  11. I laugh at and pity the people that think Sailing will be a skill. :lol:
  12. You know, I decided not to read this thread because the obvious lack of capitals in the title led me to believe that it was a badly written thread. I got bored and decided to click here. I wish I hadn't.
  13. Look into Serum 207, I hear that's cheap. :
  14. I don't particularly like PvP so I'm going to stick my trusty DDS. :thumbup:
  15. I was going to do this for the mage exp.. But i see now that this equals about two levels. Nevermind, I'll just smith it. Ty guys. :thumbup:
  16. Considering I'm trying to get 270 quest points for WGS, I'll be needing 69 Smithing. So I was wondering if Goldsmithing Gauntlets have any effect on Superheated Gold, or is it the regular exp?
  17. I'm not sure. The best thing about Runescape is the fact that you don't need anyone else really. Bar the Corpeoral Beast and all things can be pretty much done alone and I love that. I hate working around other peoples' schedules or counting on them. That's probably the reason I dislike WoW, it's too team based.
  18. Oh good God I hope not. No reason to encourage such nonsense. You kids these days and your sacrificing depth perception and your peripheral vision in exchange for dramatic hair.[/getoffmylawn] Really, a fringe isn't bad on depth perception. Even with jet black hair. Frankly, I like it so it doesn't really matter what you think about my hair. :thumbup:
  19. Ha they missed it last time but they're sure to get my hairstyle this time! Pic is not me, just my hairstyle. They better be in this update. :thumbup:
  20. Polar bear in a desert :lol: Ha he doesn't like it very much. :-#
  21. Havn't done clues since 78 or so slayer, I'm 92 slayer atm and don't regret it at all. \
  22. Heh I'm trying to train hunter too. I'm using this guide atm, quite a good one. ;) viewtopic.php?f=180&t=614868
  23. I'm 60 farming (well, 1.5k off 60) and I've yet to have him or see him. Yup, from what I've heard, it's quite a rare random event, that's why I thought it was worthy of posting. Like if someone got that candlelight random. :lol:
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