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Everything posted by BabyPunchers

  1. "What's yer problem son?" :lol: I know, the irony is intense. Haha yeah. It kind of added some realism to the story. And for Daphne, I guess that when she got her powers, her leg muscles became superhuman and basically destroyed the disease.
  2. GODLY. For the two simple facts of Sylar's powers going kaput and him tring to telekinetic-throw HRG with a bewildered look on his face and the fact that, unlike most shows, we don't have to wait until Janurary 15th for a new episode. I'm also glad that the previews for next week gave away almost nothing.. but Claire is really ugly when she's sick.. I mean, I know she's dying.. but come on, throw on some makeup. Or a paper bag.
  3. Freaking awesome episode. [hide=]I had no idea the most badass line ever to be uttered was three words. "I hate heroes." I love Sylar! And everyone's faces when they realise their powers don't work. :lol:[/hide]
  4. Theo!What the [bleep] man? I've known you for so long. If this isn't a joke I'm murdering my puppy. :cry:
  5. Well it's about 13m exp to a 99 melee stat. For the sake of it, let's say you fight 100 hp monsters the entire way as an average. 13m/100=130,000 monsters. Now if each bone takes 2 seconds to bury, that's 130,000 x 2=65,000 seconds. There are 60 seconds in a minute so 65,000/60=1083.3 minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour so 1083.3/60=18.05 hours wasted by picking up every bone on the way to a 99 melee stat. But the exp is 130,000 x 4.5=585k expierience. Now divide that by the 18.05 hours it took for that exp and that's 32,409 exp per hour. Now i'm sure we all know that prayer rates using a gilded altar and dragon bones is a hell of a lot more exp than that.
  6. *Gives mouth to mouth to the dead thread* There's supposed to be a major announcement by Lionhead about Fable 2 today. \
  7. That's the little animation that happens when they teleport. And nice avatar :P
  8. No on the ground pic because as you can tell from the chatbox, I didn't notice it until about 2 kills later and though it was going to dissapear. :lol: This is Number 24 :D . Above-average crimson charm drop rate for only 164 killed too.
  9. It's amazing that a full Unholy book is like 15m-20m now. I remember buying them all for 1m and thinking about how much i got ripped off. And if you could rip out pages, you realise that they would plummet right xxxgod? You wouldn't be rich.
  10. First one was good but the second one.. Meh. "Back in the old days.." articles just annoy me.
  11. I love it tbh. I know it's childish but I really like the avatars. :-#
  12. Recent updates, Item Discussion, and Skills probably.
  13. What requirements? Because I think we all know Jagex would never dare making a proper "high" level content update such as Level 90 weapons. Jagex are so confused, they actually class "70" as "high"... Actually, most people classify 70 as high. Who? Who classifies 70 as high? That's not even 1/13th to 99. The only people that classify 70 as high are the level 50s.
  14. Decided to take a picture of the General Discussion page at this moment. This is what I got. Didn't look around or take forever finding a "nooby shot". I just clicked general discussion. Most of those are good threads. Asking questions is not a bad thread. The only stupid one I can see is "what would your mod name be". "White Knights- The Deception" in that picture is for example a must-read. But all of those questions are in the wrong section. :?
  15. Most of the time I don't include a Verac Helm or a good shield is because most of the time you just don't need it. Like at abbies, like you said. :) I think I will update some tasks, like Nechs and Cave Crawlers with a Verac helm/good shield though. :
  16. They could balance the weapon out. Or even give new God Amulets instead? Like really good defence bonuses for saradomin, Strength for bandos, Ranged for Armadyl and Accuracy for Zamorak, for example. Yeah and only getting to pick one of them. And if you want a different one, you have to buy it from other players. Could make quests profitable.
  17. What's wrong with needing help and asking questions? If you do that here on Tip.It, 4 different people will flame you for being a "moron" or an "idiot" and not even spend 5 seconds to answer your question. *shrug* EDIT: Meh. I need to allow more "thinking time" before posting. Apologies in advance. Most of them are spelled incorrectly and all of them are in the wrong forum. People in RSOF have no idea about what goes where.
  18. BabyPunchers


    I had a loop of about 80 tasks that were basically 4 different tasks.(Fire Giants, Abby Demons, Kalphites, and one other I forgot). Good news was that I had about 15 whip drops from 85-87 slay(around there) because of that loop. It'll break eventually, but they last a while.
  19. Decided to take a picture of the General Discussion page at this moment. This is what I got. Didn't look around or take forever finding a "nooby shot". I just clicked general discussion.
  20. Hm, nice spot. Sadly, I probably won't update it into the guide since I don't know much about Warped Tortoises(and scabarites for the record) so I can't personally say certain things are better than others without throwing out information I'd probably misuse. That's why those sections are pretty basic. And i'm sorry I havn't been updating this guide lately. But good news is I probably will tommorrow. As I just finished my research report on Harriet Tubman :D . Damn, that thing took forever. Going to work on Troll Generals tommorrow.
  21. The link in my sig is a guide to ranging slayer tasks.
  22. This is what happens when you have 44m in your bank, staring at you.Not sure why I bought that. It looks horrible to most people, it's crashing like hell, and I probably just threw away 3.5m. Hm. Going to go make 3.5m now.
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