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Everything posted by BabyPunchers

  1. I didn't think it was annoying until 5 minutes ago when I tried using my Geyser at Spiritual Mages. Having to call the familiar using the right click is really annoying. Especially at mages. They have low hp, and between the Prayer Potions and Super Sets and including this, I have to pay complete attention. Definitely takes something away from using a combat familiar.
  2. [hide=][/hide] I wanna say #35. I honestly can't remember though. EDIT: Just checked my screenshot archives. It's #33 :)
  3. Okay thanks guys. And I would get bandos, but it's just not worth the money. Kinda boring. Might buy the torso just for the looks. But all my money is going to summoning :)
  4. Well I've come back after maybe a 4-5 month hiatus from Runescape. I realize I've come back during a pretty boring time though. I was just wondering, is my equipment still the latest out there? Here's a picture of my gear at the moment. Camping Abby Demons right now as it seems Whips have went up quite a bit so that's what I'm using. When I get back to slayer, I'll use my Torag's Torso and a Geyser Titan, and my slayer mask. i have about 40m to work with. Is there anything I should be using? Anything I have that's obsolete? Thanks for your help.
  5. [hide=[bleep]][/hide] Couldn't stay away. I'm back. Renewed membership. Kinda sad since I came back in the proverbial Dark Ages of this game. :-#
  6. This "upgrade year" is the reason I quit runescape. I've been keeping up to date, but my god.. they had half a year to iron out the bugs. They had NO deadline at all, isn't that what they wanted when they stopped the BTS? Even with no deadline, they still managed to [bleep] it up. Runescape:Go in a wide-eyed adolescent and come out a jaded, cynical individual.
  7. hm, if they fix this I might come back. What prices have changed exactly?
  8. I was about to come back to this game before I heard about this huge flaw in the game. Screw that.
  9. Ha wow, no new changes besides that? Muscicians are pretty cool though. When they said Update year, I assumed it'd.. update things. o.o
  10. Well as some of you know(some meaning the people who care, them being no one really), I quit Runescape a few months ago.. Around 3 months or so. What I want to know is, what are the major changes that happened in that span of time? Mostly to do with Range and Slayer, but anything general is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time. :
  11. They have the same 3x3 square space explosion, damaging monsters in said vicinity, as the Carnivorous Chinchompas yet the Greys generally hit less and produce less experience. Note that Greys also are a lot cheaper. Thanks 3r :) Epic. Thanks mate, I'll add that in now and fully credit you. :D Why thank ya. :D [bypassing the whole equipment discussion as it's been adressed] Woot! Hm, I might test this out when I feel the lure to Rs back, but I think it would cost quite a bit too much.Thanks for the tip. I honestly can't remember off the top of my head. Try using the picture as a reference. : That's what I'm hopin. ;)
  12. When you just stop playing one day.. I just didn't feel like playing maybe two weeks ago. Still haven't. Feels odd, but I don't miss it.
  13. So, how's that not mentioning void going? Wow I fail at life. Taken out kthxbai. As none of you know, I'm pretty much semi-quit Runescape again. Not sure why, just boring to me. Maybe I'll come back, but there's not much appeal, especially when you're a high level.
  14. I was okay with this until I saw how the Thread starter acts.. Not ever going to go to the RSOF now.
  15. Still have about 6 1/2 hours of April Fools here.
  16. I think that would require the reader to keep going back and forth between the monster and the equipment tab. I just don't think it'd work very well. Oh, before I forget, I found this nifty little glitch while trying out Rune Throwing Axes. You can see it
  17. :twss: Apparently, I liek mudkipz.
  18. Wow. This thread made me lol. :lol: I love you guys sometimes.
  19. No, there are a few more Horror-Punk, not a lot though. Love Equals Death springs to mind. : But yes, I do like the old Misfits too.(Danzig era) Although I probably love the Graves era just as much. His vocals rock.
  20. Looking through the Music section, I was kind of dismayed to not have one thread about one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Horror-Punk Bands of all time. The Misfits are famous for their catchy tunes, morbid lyrics and being one of the pioneers of the Punk-Rock/ Horror-Punk Genres. They're also one of the first Punk Rock bands to almost entirely steer clear of political messages in their songs and instead focusing on Horror movies and Science Fiction to inspire their songwriting. As the Misfits are one of my favorite bands, I was wondering what everyone else thought of them. For more information, check out here
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