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Everything posted by BabyPunchers

  1. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter how many people are actually in the game, as long as you win. Oh and "dissapointment" and "Falador" are misspelled in your signature, if you want to change it.
  2. No problem. Always nice to help out a fellow Ranger. :thumbup: And if you can stand Gargoyles, you're more of a man than I am. :o
  3. Yep, that really helped a lot, but does Duradel assign Red Dragons often? When I was using summona , she assigned them very rarely. If so, I think it would be better to just cancel them. Oh and I think I kinda like Iron dragons a little. I don't mind killing Black Dragons either. [/hide] Ha i'm sorry, I had completely forgotten that you were switching to Duradel when looking at rates. Duradel doesn't assign Reds. : Oh and as for Black Dragons, kill the baby ones in the Chaos Tunnels, but with a decent familiar, I clocked in around 65k-70k exp per hour. Had forgotten about those too when I wrote that paragraph, haha. So don't block reds or Blacks then. :lol: Hehe, alrighty then...that still leaves 2 spot on my list though. :? Guess I should just wait and see what task I don't like, like the others said... One more is Scabarites, I just think they're a really annoying and bothersome task. One other task I should mention is Gargoyles. Very, Very annoying to slay in general and more so when Ranging. :-#
  4. Yep, that really helped a lot, but does Duradel assign Red Dragons often? When I was using summona , she assigned them very rarely. If so, I think it would be better to just cancel them. Oh and I think I kinda like Iron dragons a little. I don't mind killing Black Dragons either. Ha i'm sorry, I had completely forgotten that you were switching to Duradel when looking at rates. Duradel doesn't assign Reds. : Oh and as for Black Dragons, kill the baby ones in the Chaos Tunnels, but with a decent familiar, I clocked in around 65k-70k exp per hour. Had forgotten about those too when I wrote that paragraph, haha. So don't block reds or Blacks then. :lol:
  5. I took a look at my exp Rates and found the tasks with the lowest exp. I came up with Mithril Dragons Steel Dragons Iron Dragons Black Dragons Red Dragons. In order from least exp/hour to highest. Everything else had pretty decent rates. The rates are around 30k per hour for Iron,Black, and Red and around 23k per hour for Steel and Mithril.(They are the same exp per hour because of the general lack of available spots for steels and the abundance of Mithrils) Of the 5, I reccomend blocking all but Mithrils as you only get like 8 per task and it's quick points, and takes like 20 minutes. Hope I helped. :
  6. This was a while back but oh well.I win the game kthxbai.
  7. Not sure how I feel about it. As long as some more threads pop up like this one, or hell, if this gets stickied and regularly updated with what he says, I'll enjoy it.
  8. I do enjoy DDS a lot but I just miss knowing he updates of the month and looking forward to it every week. With DDs I'm just dragging through RS every week, not even sure if anything I like will even come.
  9. If I don't quit this game by then I'm killing myself. :?
  10. I just find it odd that the Old man now stalks you around the maze. :-#
  11. Crap Lance is better tbh. It's a lance.. of crap. What more could you want in the world?
  12. My Chemical Romance covered Bob Dylan's Desolation Row for this movie. Epic song, I think it's the credit song. Epic win. \
  13. Sorry guys, I took a 2 week break from runescape and since then, havn't replied to you all. Sorry again, but I needed that to keep me playing(That makes sense right?) Anyway, I'm back :) Lemme respond to you all, even though half of you won't even read this post :P Ha well thank you. \ Thank you kindly. 8-) I could've sworn that you couldn't cannon in there. Not sure though. Thanks. : If you use a cannon on all the tasks I reccomend it on, you more than likely will not make a profit, but Range slaying isn't bad without it, and you can still do it without a cannon. As for pray pots, I only reccomend them on tasks you would need them on even if you're meleeing, so thats negligible as it's the same for either way. With dragon slayer gloves that I mentioned earlier, this will mean that your slayer xp/hour will increase to 15012.1. I'm noit sure if "Attack against dragons on a Slayer task" applies for range too, but I'm certain that your slayer xp/hour will increase. Hm, you know, it might be worth it. I just assumed that if they weren't worth it for melee, they weren't for range.
  14. IF you're ranging(I reccomend it, you have a good Range level), you could check out my guide in my sig. It has a decent section on Ranging Reds.
  15. -Yes -Rune Crossbow with Broad Bolts 55k per hour seems a bit high at your level, even for Yaks. But hey, I could be wrong, never used them.
  16. After a 2 week break, which was the first real break I've had in over two years, I came back and saw I was 13k to this level. Got it with two friends, Starfox33 and Theoknight2(3rkid, log on damn it). This was last night. Thanks to rich nub Star for lending me his DFH.
  17. Take something that no one does and make it kinda decent to do. :
  18. Semi-quit about two weeks ago. I'm waiting for something to bring me back into the game. This just isn't it. :(
  19. Calced it out to about 4 1/2 weeks playing about 20 hours a week. Your 1000th post was above btw :P
  20. I can kill around 87 per hour with maxed melees. I'd assume you kill 10-12 less at your levels maybe? This is in the Fairy Ring spot. Either fight 7k of them here or don't do it at all :P
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