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Everything posted by Hi9im8Here7

  1. Returning items might be a good idea in theory, but the trouble it would cause on the already overstrained CS would mean much more auto-replies. And like you said, it would be so easy to abuse. Other games with the policy probably have some way to at least partially fix these problems, but how often has Jagex had the brains to put in anti-rulebreaking policies that actually work (ex. randoms)? Because of this I think that a return item policy would be more trouble than it's worth. -987498
  2. The bts is a good way to give players a reason to hope, but not when they're hopes aren't fufilled at the end of the month. It's partly because players often expect too much, and partly because Jagex gives too little (at least in some cases).
  3. I haven't even bothered to go look at the dogs in Varrock yet. The reason people are ranting is that it just doesn't seem right to them to shoo away a cute little dog. As they can see that the dog is "whining" it looks like they're being cruel. But they're more than inclined to violently massacre a bunch of innocent lvl 3 children if they happen to drop ranarrs. :)
  4. Lol people will always believe stupid things. Just look at the Future Updates forum on the official forums. :lol: And rants will always flood the forum board. It's natural tendency for people to find something to complain about, especially for the kind of people who play MMORPGs. I rant alot myself, but lately i've been trying not to complain about every little thing.
  5. I like seeing as far ahead as I can. The BTS usually doesn't tell you alot about the update anyway, so you're still suprised most of the time. Besides it's not good business for Jagex. The announcements about future updates are designed to get free players to sign up for p2p out of anticipation and to convince members to stay. The only bad thing is when they promise something spectacular and it turns out to be a total disaster.
  6. I just have a few general goals. I wanna get train all my skills to higher levels, especially agility (lvl 60 currently). I also want to finsh a bunch of quests i've been putting off. I might even start a clan. P. S. Woot first post i've ever made on this site! :D
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