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    Fishing , runescape etc

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  1. The best thing about cross bows its about the enchanted bolts...That has same effects as magic =P~ but i wonder if people starting pking with it.. Its not a fast weapon :shame:
  2. I dont think that privates serves can stop macros.. :shame:
  3. You went my thread and posted there so now i'll post on your.. Congratulations on the levels and good luck on the goals and i would suggest you doing shilo village dude, its really fast and not a big loss about cooking exp 8-)
  4. Hi welcome to my thread to 99 fishing, i'll be posting here my levels until i finish my goal... here i start.. [hide] [/hide] Im on shilo village mostly on worl 26-42-48-99 :-w
  5. ive been called nerd,geek,no-lyfer by some1 i cant remember because i had better stats than other guy :twisted: 8-)
  6. No glass wall, any of the zombie :cry: , no scared =\, no Skill cape
  7. To be honets jagex seems to be loosing :-X they'r really annoying.. WHen you hury to find a air rune so you run to the shop and find one gold farmer.... :evil:
  8. Abyss pking have you ever... [ ] Yelled at an rc pker where you were runecrafting, but then tried to kill an rcer at another time? [ ] Come back to attack the pker who attacked you, but when someone you attacked came back for you, you called him a noob? Normal Pking/death matches have you ever... [ ] Complained about protect prayers, but then did them yourself when you were losing? [ ] Complained about teleporting/tagging/pjing, but did them yourself at some time before/after the incident? [ ] Complained about people safing/double eating, but you do it too when given the chance to live? Basic Runescape Principles have you ever... [ ] Tell people that you would return items you find in a death pile if you saw the person die, but when the time came, you kept them? [ ] Or if the above never happened, were you lying when you said you'd return them? [ ] Do you complain about autoers and say they need to go, but you buy supplies from them anyway because it's cheaper and faster? [X] Yelled and reported a scammer, but got curious to see if it'd work? Lying have you ever... [X] Told someone your friends list was full when it really wasn't? [X] Told someone you were signing off, but you really put private on "off" and kept playing? [ ] Lied about your gender to get free items (please say no...) [ ] When someone asked you to buy an item which you had plenty of, you said you didnt have any because you were too lazy to get it from the bank? Friends these questions are to be answered if it was a very close friend asking you for the following, or you helping a friend have you ever... [ ] Been asked by a friend to Pilejump a deathmatch if he lost, which he did, and you did, even though you claimed to be against it. [ ] Asked to borrow a friend's expensive item to try on, but secretly you felt like stealing it? [ ] If yes, did you actually take it?(anything counts, from 10 gp to a party hat) [ ] Killed a boss monster (Kq, KBD, etc) with a friend and lied about the drop so you could get all the money? [ ] Thought about killing a friend in wild to get his items? [ ] removed a friend in game by telling him/her you'd "be back later" [X] with no intent of scamming, tried to see if you could guess a friends password? Real Life - Runescape Conflicts Note - this section doesn't really connect with the others, I'm just interested. have you ever... [ ] Hid the fact that you play RS from your close friends? [ ] Called someone a "no-lifer" because they played all day, but you have also played for a very long time at one point, or every day credit - Zaquier Ming [ ] Insulted someone in game with Real Life insults? (Ex. you're a fat loser) [ ] Made fun of a "computer geek" or a kid who plays video games all day with your friends, but when you go home you log on to Runescape? [X] Lied to your friends about being busy/going out with them because you had something to do on Runescape? [X] Been in a very bad mood all day because of what happened on Runescape? All my honestity on this post :ohnoes: i no im a no-lifer :^o
  9. this is interestign seeing that everything happens i think im on 5-7... All this happened to me but i dont want get on 9.. 8-)
  10. nice kill really rare do find someone to kill now days with all that pures
  11. They arent too hard to memorise... :shame: Well they helped a lil
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