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Everything posted by KingDodongo

  1. Natures through the abyss, or Graahk if you could get 57 Summoning.
  2. Yes, an age old problem. Probably always will be, but when it comes to Runescape I find I am usually quite well motivated. Apart from one skill - Runecrafting. I won't bore you with the details, so lets keep it short. I've burnt out at 68. I am going for 70, using ZMI. How can I get myself to go and get the last 132k xp? Doing something else isn't really an option, I am broke.
  3. Congratulations on 99 Smith, 70 Slayer, 84 Defence and 78 Range! Yeah, I went away for a week and look what happened! O_o Seriously, wow. Also, HOW U SO GUD AT ARE SEE? I'm dying inside.
  4. Congratulations on all your accomplishments, here, have some more luck.
  5. YAY, you're awesome. Good luck with Woodcutting, not that you will need it : P
  6. I would definitely buy the LOADS of seeds for farming. You could buy ~200 Calquat Seeds, 200 Yew Seeds, 1000 Watermelon Seeds and 100 Palm Tree Seeds. Plus profit from Snapdragon farming.
  7. I never said it was easy in F2P - I have immense respect for people with 50+ rc in F2P. This is a rants forum, a place to blow off steam. I know it might seem easy for a lot of you, but the fact that someone has done something doesn't in harder conditions doesn't make it easier. It's still the same old thing. I will admit, I sound like a d-bag. That's just me. And yeah, I don't have lunar magic so I run back to Eniola. Also, I don't use any abyssal minions, just Spirit Terrorbirds due to the fact that I have blown all my money.
  8. WOW, you're good. I would say split it - get 70 summoning ( 2 lamps unless you get like 40k xp ), then one on rc and slayer, although you seem to be getting slayer xp VERY fast.
  9. Well you're not rich. O_O Good luck, epic no-lifing ftw! Nice hilt drop btw.
  10. I'm going for 70+. I have left quite a few expensive or hard skills to the end. I have 68 Runecrafting. It was going well for a while - hell, I was even enjoying it. I got to 50 and then things started to drag. I wasn't surprised, and trust me, I have done quite a few days of 7+ hours of this game, and I thought "Oh, it can't be worse than Thieving (I found that much more of a drag than Agility).". How wrong was I. At 60 I decided to do ZMI, much faster than Graahking - but that doesn't make it fast, oh no, quite the opposite. It's only just above the less than snails pace. 20k xp/h!? Not only that, put I'm paying for it, AND I HAVE TO PAY QUITE A BIT OF ATTENTION. Don't say I haven't persevered, because I have. I'm level 68. I'm so close. But, for some reason I can't bring myself to get that last 132k xp. I was supposed to finish this stupid skill 3 weeks ago. This saturday will be horrible. I'm going to have watch Lord of the Rings while doing it or I will go insane. Anything after this, no matter how boring, will seem incredibly fast and fun. This is coming from a guy who after an hour only managed to get 1 - 9 Hunter.
  11. I lied. 10k to 68, completely empty of any motivation. I will do anything on RS except Runecrafting, but I can't untill I have finished. Which doesn't look to be any time soon. : (
  12. Good luck, some of those goals are tough. But, some might argue having ~6 skills at 98 harder than getting them there : P
  13. 10/10, you win at patience and everything else. Very balanced acc in all respects, well done.
  14. Dayum, props to you. I'm having a hard time getting to 70. Only 147k xp left, but I can't bring myself to do it : / 10/10 What level is it for souls? I thought you could only craft them via the ZMI.
  15. At 76 I consistently got 100 an hour. Not sure about higher levels, not that much of a difference at 80 - Around 105.
  16. 14k to 68, will get later tonight. Messed up on the weekend, just did not want to play and I wasn't going to force myself to, because doing that usually ends up in me quitting. So yeah, Friday or something.
  17. 2/10 For 5 years not much has happened :/ EDIT: I have read your story. Like I said, 5 years not much has happened. If you put all the xp from those other accounts that you gained into this one, would it be THAT much better? Judging from this, no.
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