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Everything posted by Stephleref

  1. That will not work because ppl will think Jagex love Combat/Hitpoints more then skills... (and i can already see ppl demanding 3x nats or 2x deaths at 110 RC or whatever :P)
  2. 126 HP mean 126 Str too... and its way easier to reach 126 Str compared to 126 Hitpoints :-s Super Str pot will also give another extra +2/+4? bonus
  3. There is already a few in the game with it but nobody on Tip.it yet :P
  4. Steam is water mixed with fire...
  5. Nothing,because Dragon chain didnt exist before KQ
  6. Lol, I would, but that wouldn't be exactly fair now, would it? :lol: Let me race him :lol:
  7. He has nice stats for staking -> 90 magic On topic: LOVELY STATS! :) Yes... As we can all stake with 90 mage 38 hp and no ancients... What are you trying to do exactly? -.-
  8. Gratz,defense own :wink: But damn that is ALOT of Slayer exp lost :?
  9. Thx for the comments people! :) As you can see i was also on the road to 90 Agility but i decided on the way that i should get that Untrimmed Construction cape before i do :P Ty :D should get 92 today 8-)
  10. Dragon med are so cheap because they went from being an unique drop from the KBD to being dropped by pretty much any lv80+ monster,i mean you can even get one from The Kalphite Soldier and Barrows :?
  11. Here is my Top 3,all from my former account that got banned: 1- 8th in Runescape to reach 77 Runecrafting (Blood runes),the reason this is so special is because i never used runner or crafted fires with duel ring and this was way before the abyss came out...all my level are from runecrafting natures using the "teleport to Karamja and take the glider" method and that was very very slow...(A good day would get me about 30k RC xp) 2- Becoming a Council of Zeonic Force (voted by the members) :D 3- Finishing Legend Quest in RSC the 2nd day it came out at 76 combat :P when i was done i traded my White Party hat (5mill),Mask set(1mill) and 1200 Raw lobs cert(1.8mill) and 800 coal cert(i forgot) for a Dragon Square shield (9mill when it came out) At that time a lv76 with dragon med,dragon square,legend cape was awsome.
  12. 5$ for 1MILL?!?!?! My god thats expensive :shock: Alot of 91 Runecrafter could make a living from RS :P
  13. Your stats are very possible for 21 month,you could even use that money on skill and get a few 99 8/10 because the non combat skill are ok but not impressive :P
  14. This will turn in another "bash RS" thread. I did quit RS 2 year ago to come back recently and i tried tons and tons of MMORPG during that 2 year and it was filled with immature young kids too -_- And im sick and tired of always hearing how RSC was the best thing ever,i played RSC and alot of oldschooler (if they really played RSC) are overrating it,it was filled with tons of immature noobs and scammer too,like noob killing your guard or Knight/Paladin while thieving just to piss you off. ffs am i the only one here that actually LOVE playing the game?
  15. GL But why do you have a 99 Construction sig? i dont think thats a very good idea to act like you already have it...
  16. Maybe your blog is too plain? idk but its pretty straight forward :P "i want this,doing this and here is 4 old leveling picture"
  17. Oh, i dont intend to get 99 crafting using Flax, nooo-way. I mean, i just boxed it as i'd like to get the skill to 99. If you read the little bottom of the plan, it says ima' sell the flax for hides to get 99 crafting. I missed that part sorry :oops: I mean i already think im crazy of untanning those 30k blue hides :lol:
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