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Everything posted by Unoalexi

  1. A)This is the wrong form. You'd want the Art Bazzar for stuff like this B)I'd suggest you be more descriptive. "Big and in the middle" is a bit too vague. C)Do you want an avatar? Or a banner? ...or both?
  2. Shouldn't line art be... cleaner? Go trace over your lines with black in a graphics program.
  3. Why not just close it then? This is turning into a flame war, and he said he doesn't want CC anyway... Though I believe we are on topic. We are discussing the piece, and it's merits as both a product and as artwork. Photography takes talent too you know... :shame: It's not the assembly that matters, it's the final result.
  4. I take personal offence to this statement. Should I start saying that all music (which is an art) is good to those that lack the ear for it? (People who just happen to like pretty much all genres?) You can like something without knowing what is good. That's why popular music is what it is-it's designed to appeal to people who don't have the ear to tell a good piece from a bad piece. Granted,there's still opinion involved here, but you hear music differently when you're a musician than when you're just a casual listener. I didn't mean to offend anyone by saying that, but that's how it is. Do realize that some genres are created soley to sell to said casual listeners. For example, pop music. Yaffles, I really don't want to get into a fight with you, because you're pretty cool otherwise. However, just calm down and look at the facts. Sure sig making isn't technically an "art form", but to say slapping textures and gradients on a butterfly vector is is just plain silly. The reason why I'm acting so snippy is because LP comes in here, posts his image, and then snaps at me for making comments about it. Furthermore, he also seems to think coloring in butterflies and selling the result somehow makes him a better "artist" than all the people in the Gallery put together, and that pixel art is only about replicating images in minature. Apparently, this also puts him on a shelf above critisim because he manages to sell the results. I for on think it's wrong to sell colored line art to a person without paying the line artist. I don't mean for this to be a personal attack, but he has just the worse attitude I ever seen about everything, frankly.
  5. Well, frankly, it looks staged, never the less. In fact, without it the lineart would look horribly choppy... I made $5k-6k last year with promotion solely from facebook. How much did you make from your art in your lifetime? Also won $1500 in prize from a contest last november.... (which was voted on against 20 pieces by the public) Unlike you, art to me isn't about the money. I don't do assembly line, predrawn crap. You're being elitist waving around your figures in my face. Plus, you do anything flashy enough, and everybody will think it's the best they've ever seen. Just look at Hanna Montana! So? You act like any other prima donna DevianTARD. I hate people like you would think they're so great because they can color in lineart and sell it for lots of money. Go do that, and be happy about it, but please don't call it art. I don't like elitist people..
  6. The overdone, overused glow behind it, for one thing... as well as the blotchy "leaf prints" on it's wings... The textures you used don't blend well. Anyone can use the magic wand tool to fill in areas with the texture paint bucket. The brown doesn't mess well with the aqua blue... Furthermore, there can't be much wrong with it because you didn't do much in the first place... the blue glow isn't universal with all backgrounds.... Ehem... how can something produced via assembly line be your own work anyway?? I doubt the line artist takes credit for the colorist's work... All art is good to people who lack the eye for it. That would be the DA hug box.
  7. You see, people like you think they're so superior to free-lance people because you get commissions. I am very very offended by the fact that you seem to think that pixel art is for amateurs, or that a pixel artist knows nothing about things like color or composition. You are wrong. All art exhibits all the elements. What I have a problem with is the fact that you're acting just plain rude and elitist. That's great that you're a colorist. Good for you. However, I for one still don't think popping a few special effects on lineart is doing anything really. Sorry, but by posting this here I thought you wanted my opinions. If not, that's fine... go back to your hug box on Deviantart then.
  8. My point was, it didn't look like you did much, and virtually the same results could be gotten with the application of a few filters or brushes. When you post something in the Gallery, assume it will be critiqued. That's what this place is for, and if you can't take it, then don't post. Furthermore, assume makes an [wagon] out of you and me. A)You assumed that I only do pixel art. B)Why does it matter if it "won't fly in the print world"?? C)Far much more work goes into a pixel than a borrowed vector with brushes applied on top of it. D) I know you didn't make the vector. I know resources are to be used. But you don't just slap some stuff on a resource, call it art, and them make someone pay for it. That isn't cool. E)Sure your time is limited. But if you can't make something worth the customer's time in the allotted time limit then don't take the commission. :lol: Do you really, really, really, REALLY want me to point out the flaws? Because I will. As of now, even the slightest mention that your art may not be up to par seems to set you off... ..I'm a girl, by the way. Prima donna, much??
  9. Meh. Colored filters over a butterfly image? That you apparently didn't make yourself.... ...I just don't see much effort put into it. Sure you apparently "didn't have much time to work on it" but still... hell, I could've done that myself. I mean, people are paying for these, right?
  10. *smacks with newspaper* Not at that angle!! You shouldn't have made the water brighter... >.<
  11. Wonderful, wonderful! =D> Now the contest will surely fizzle and die! I am being sarcastic, and am NOT trying to be mean.
  12. Looks like a big poo :P I thought it looked like a guy with his head stuck in a beehive. :-s I... can't.... stop.. laughing! :lol:
  13. What's that? Sorry, I couldn't hear over the sound of how awesome I am. What, you hired a troupe of minstrels to serenade you where ever you go??? Now that's unnecessary ego boosting! :shame:
  14. I'm join... and I'll actually enter this time! Though I can't say I'm any match for ben... >.
  15. Let's all get together and try our best not to let it die then! Only enter if you're actually going to enter!
  16. Awwh are yeh leaving us?? I'll miss you... :(
  17. Is it free(or mostly free) to use? 3D modeling looks fun, but I don't really have much money to spend on graphics programs at the moment.
  18. Sigh... well at least you gave meh credits. You need a focal point, I think. Right now the sig is like, all over the place...
  19. Meh. I was bored, and I had Paint.net open soo... If you like it, you can use it I guess... just please give credits or else I'll eat your babies.
  20. Unoalexi

    apple sig

    It's too bright, especially the apple logo. *Smacks Pat with newspaper* That's what you get for stealing mah lines!
  21. I laughed at the title (before it was removed..). Pat... I'll have to be honest with you here. It really isn't that good... I think it would've been better if you have made the guy pick a render. However... it isn't absolutely horrible. I can see what you tried to do and all... Text focal points are awfully hard to do. Remember that, in a text-only sig, you can't simply pile the text on top of a background. You have to integrate it into the sig somehow. The text, especially in a text-only sig, is as much an art as the sig itself. Rules like composition, arrangement, and color vs. contrast still apply. Furthermore, you have too much stuff going on in your background... one squiggly would've been enough I think. Also... do remember that all of us at the Gallery, even Nadril, are only trying to help you.
  22. Nope. You'd want the Art Bazzar for threads like this. -.-
  23. :lol: Don't worry... I'm pretty much used to being called a he 'round the Nets. There are no girls on the Internets, remember??? Well, anyways... I have an update. Sorry for the poorly cut, messy sample... I should be finish by tomorrow I think.
  24. Just out of curiosity... Pink, do you use it yourself...?
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