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Everything posted by ego_scorpion

  1. Now, to take this a bit further, there is some more things that you neglected to mention. Since you list this post as a post for people with up to 500 mil in wealth, you really cant neglect rares. Furthermore, there are those with over 500 and even over a billion in wealth. [xmas cracker] - most rare and expensive item. Only time this is worth having is if you are a collector who can afford to own this and still go on with other things. [any color party hat] - a true symbol of wealth in this game. No matter how much of a waste it seems, its not. If anything, its an investment, because the value will always go up no matter what. [any color mask or santa] - a lesser symbol of wealth, but an investment none the less. [pumpkin, easter, half wine] - although these are investments too, I dont consider them as something worth having. If possible, go for a party hat, if not, go for a mask or santa.
  2. My current runescape net is between 9 and 10 billion. Im actualy glad that you made a discussion post like this, because despite having the ability to buy anything in game, there is certain things that are simply not worth buying. One important thing to separate is skillers vs combat. I myself, like many others, concetrate on skills as opposed to various forms of combat, so some items may not be as valuble to skillers as they would to fighters. So my list will be based on that point of view. To go over your first list. List: - DFS - I would say this is a luxioury, not needed. - Full Guthan - I do not think barrows is practical - Godsword - extreme waste of money, a big nono - Bandos Armor - extreme waste of money, a big nono - 3rd Age Armor - extreme waste of money, a big nono - Full Torag - I do not think barrows is practical - Full Dharok - I do not think barrows is practical - Full Verac - I do not think barrows is practical - Full Ahrim - I do not think barrows is practical - Whip - a good weapon, but dds is a fine alternate, not an important item - Full Karil - waste of money - Dragon Boots - a very good all around item, a must have - Berserker Ring - waste of money - Warrior Ring - waste of money - Infinity Boots - good mage boots, I would say a should have - Fury - as good as this item is, glory is just much cheaper - D Chain, Legs - this I would say is a must have if you do combat - Robin Hat - a good, but luxurious item - Robin Boots - a good, but luxurious item - 70 Prayer - Personaly I think 60 is just fine. - 99 Range - Depends if you like combat? - 94 Mage - This is worth having, regardless if you like combat or no Now, to break down your list - Whip [Comparable to GS/best melee in game. 1.4M is cheap] - I agree, but dds is only 50k? - 70 Prayer [~3M, piety makes a huge difference in melee] - that 3M can be invested to make a lot more money, id say its a waste - Full Torag [All the defense I need] - once again, depends on what you intend to get out of this game, secondly, dragon is better. - Full Karil [best Mage defense for cheap] - I disagree, but thats just me. - Fury [Everyone looks like a noob without one] - good thing this game is all about looks? :) - DFS [For defense and its special, which might be useful in monster hunting] - big waste, granite shield is a fine alternative if you cant afford a square. - Full Verac [useful for monster hunting, prayer bonus] - dragon is better - Dragon Boots [strength bonus for cheap] - this should be one of the priority items. - 99 Range [useful for monster hunting] - I disagree, this is by far more useful for PKin and staking. Also, if you list 99 range, you should have listed dark bow, which is a definate MUST HAVE for anyone who likes range, in which case ranger and robin should become a priority as well. - Full Guthan [useful for training] - dragon is better in the long run. - Warrior Ring [+4 barely makes a diff, but hey it's cheap] - still a waste. - Full Ahrim [i rarely mage] - its good if you mage, but 1 mil is just too much to pay for it if its not a priority. - Robin Boots [+8 bonus almost justifies 3M, but it's on the expensive side] - if you love ranging and use it to make $, this is justified. - 94 Mage [Veng] - magic is extremely good all around, regardless of what spells you use. - Bandos Armor [Looks amazing, 23M is worth it] - not really, one of the bigger wastes of moeny id say. - D Chain, Legs ["Non-noob" armor, and at ~13M it's not so bad] - if you enjoy melee combat this is a definate must get over barrows. - Godsword [Looks cool, but other than that it's comparable to the whip and useless.] - aggred, waste of money - 3rd Age Armor [Most high-class armor. Only if I had an extra 150M cash, would I consider buying 3A] - waste of money, dragon is just fine - Full Dharok [useless] - agreed - Berserker Ring [useless for 3M] -useless even for 3k - Infinity Boots [useless] - I disagree on this - Robin Hat [useless] - once again, if you like ranged, this is a must get
  3. meh, doesnt really bother me, i like messing with scammers, getting their hopes up
  4. This guy doesnt know when to give up, lol. Here is some more details. Name: Mr Foreskin Email: tip.it at hotmail.co.uk EDIT: Modified the email link so that no one could accidentally click it - McGuff1
  5. Prior to quitting, I have manipulated prices of every color party hat and made lots of $. Only thing that happend was duke freedom calling me a manipulator lol.
  6. Its not the first or last time someone tries to scam me, or guess my password. I guess the person was drooling too hard over my pixels and wanted to try and "scam" me lol. Best one I ever got was from "jagex staff" about a private invite only holyday event. The spelling and grammar of that email was that of an 11 year old palestinian goatboy who is speaking english for the first time lol.
  7. price manipulation isnt illegal as far as i know, atleast in the game. only bad thing about it is that people who dont know whats goign on end up losing... a lot. and to be honest, manipulation isnt the read why r2 was banned either.
  8. good thign i gave that scammer what he wanted, my "password" and my "bank pin" along with it lol, hope he has fun getting those party hats out of my bank :)
  9. didtn realise how old the post was, was just seing if i was mentioned in any threads and saw this. btw, who is this raven person and is that screen shot real? never heard of him or her.
  10. Dear tip.it user We are sorry to inform you that recently our server has been taken down for emergency repairs and we will need you to send us an extra copy of you tip.it account details such as tip.it username, password, runescape username and time of join. We apologise in the greatest for any inconvienince we have caused to you. If you fail to send in your account details before November 5th 2007 then your account maybe wiped from our database. Thank You Tip.it staff got this in email, not sure if it was sent by tip it or not, but looks like a fishing email to me.
  11. Good read and good story, but I would like to clarify on one thing. You mentioned unleash1 and me in your post, but to take that a bit further, unleash and I were partners and we trusted each other to the point that unleash would give me every single rare he had, so that I could show them off :) Later on, when summer trees joined in and gave me 10 more blues on top of what I already had, the illusion became much greater. I belive there are still screen shots of a trade screen with 3 crackers, 20 some blues, and few sets:) Unleash1 and I were the first 2 mercahnts to start the manipulation process. We would publicaly start buying out every single party hat of a given color, lets say red. With our combined wealth we could buy about 10-20 each. That in turn would create an artificial demand and the price was approaching peak we would start selling off some reds to all those people who now wanted one. By the time we were done "unloading" the price would collapse and the party hat that we manipulated was worth even less than when we started. At that point we would buy a few of them at good prices and store for future manipulation, rinse and repeat. The greatest manipulation of all times was when me, unleash1, and summer trees bought out about 30 blues and caused the price to double and later to collapse, the profit that we made from that was unreal :) Another cool thing was all those people who used to pay me a lot of money just to know which color party hat we were going to push next in order to stock up ahead of time. Then I quit to play world of warcraft, taking my 4 party hat sets with me. However, I came back last month and have every intention of merchanting party hats again when I find a good partner (ofcourse, noone will ever measure up to unleash in my eyes :( ). Sorry to hijack your thread, just wanted to add that :)
  12. I strongly disagree with you on one point. No matter what happens rares will never drop in price, but rather the opposite, they will keep going up in price in small or large amounts at a time. Reason being? While more of every item are being introduced into the game constantly, party hat amount is fixed and is always decreasing, people getting banned or quitting and taking their hats with them. Hats will keep climbing, the $ people save on supplies will be spent on rares.
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