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  1. Sounds like a great idea, I'm all for this. :thumbup: What needs to be done first, is that the Anti-Manipulator Team should create a clan chat of their own. Usually, the item that is manipulated is something that cannot be mass produced (E.g. Treasure trail armor) or is already high in demand. Ores are also manipulated often (namely copper and iron)
  2. Don't forget about putting three thirds of cake together.
  3. 1. Wishes are never corrupted for any reason, including asking for unlimited wishes or a way to bypass the corruption. 2. Unlimited Wishes 3+. Whatever else I want.
  4. I was training in the Draynor sewers once, and found a pile of items appear on the ground. I went to pick them up, and grabbed 3 rune woodcutting axes, 400 noted yew logs, and 400k in cash. It turned out I had intercepted a drop trade between a macroer and his main account.
  5. All that has to be done is to send a J-Mod to all major trading areas (especially the GE), find the clan chats which the clans are based in, temporarily ban the owners, kick everyone out of the chats, then close them off to all players. That would be enough to break up the clans.
  6. This would be a good idea for people who PK for fun, not for cash. Here's how I think they should work- If you die on a safe PvP world, for any reason, you return to your respawn point with no loss. EP is neither gained nor lost on safe PvP worlds. NPCs do not drop items. Quests cannot be started or continued (Preventing people from beating boss monsters with ease) XP is earned as normal, including from combat. PvP minigames cannot be played. All non-combat zones from dangerous PvP worlds are used in safe PvP worlds. You may choose to respawn in any major town (Lumbridge, Varrock, Falador, Draynor, Rimmington, Ardougne, Seer's Village, Burthorpe, etc.)
  7. The other problem is that to make full use of strength and/or attack in pvp, you only need to risk a weapon, which is only one item, and usually doesn't cost as much. To make full use of defence, however, you need to risk 3-4 sections of armor, which is a much higher risk. Additionally, it is more difficult to escape pursuers that lean towards strength and attack than a defence training player. If a clan of strength pures piles you, they could knock you down easily with several high hits. If a clan of defence pures piled you, they wouldn't hit high or very often, allowing you to survive until you reached a safe area. Similarly, while wearing armor, and you are winning a fight against a pure, the pure can just run away easily in their light armor, while you are slowed down by your heavy metal gear.
  8. Defence and armor should lower the damage done by a hit, not just decrease the chance of a hit.
  9. In that case, all you need is a giant tank with magical unlimited ammo and supplies :thumbup:
  10. 1. Nearly any area of the ship usable for solar panels would be a better spot for a greenhouse. Also, It doesn't matter if you're "slowed down" since your supertanker won't be able to escape from anything anyway. 2. I agree with most of that. as I said before, if you are successful enough with growing food, you can stay on the ship as long as you need to. But, if fishing will provide most of the meat, a hunting trip on land is too risky. Members of your group might get lost, killed, infected, etc. 3. Agree. 4. Possibly one of the "smaller ships in tow" could be a submarine, so if one of your scout ships spots a vessel with pirates, and it's not worth a fight to get their ship and cargo, you could torpedo the enemy ship before it can reach your flagship. 5. Just wanted to mention, if your supertanker is exceptionally large, you could fit a light helicopter on it. The helicopter would be very versatile, and could be used for rescue missions, recon, combat, etc.
  11. 1. Scrap any solar panels, use as close to 100% wind energy as possible. Solar panels require too much space to be useful, and they'd be difficult to get a hold of. 2. Build a greenhouse on deck, and grow your own food. If you can grow plants, you may even be able to bring livestock. 3. While preparing the supertanker, try to get some fishing boats as well. they'd be useful for fishing for food or as scout ships, even as lifeboats if necessary. 4. Big battleship cannons = NO. Trying to bombard zombies with those guns would be massive overkill. You'd need to sacrifice valuable space on the supertanker for them, as well as cargo space to be used to hold shells. And as for bandits, bandits would usually travel in small, fast ships, where using big naval guns would be overkill as well. You're better off using handheld firearms, that way you can disable the raiders without destroying the ship, which could be used for spare parts/scouting/fishing/a lifeboat, as well as keeping the ship's potential cargo intact. With all that, you could survive on a supertanker almost indefinitely.
  12. I don't think creating a virus to destroy the zombie virus would be effective. Anyway, for a temporary hideout, something as simply constructed as a treehouse, or even just a flat wooden platform built around a tall tree could work. If you have an accurate firearm that could be used to snipe any zombies (with a silencer so other zombies in the forest are not alerted to your presence) enough bullets, food, and water to last you until your comrades rescue you, you probably woudn't need to worry about any zombies. If you need to escape, you could attach a long pipe to the treehouse, and coat it in some slippery substance. You'd be able to slide down, but zombies wouldn't be able to climb up.
  13. I don't think there should be any combat level requirements, or any skill requirements. Why? because levels only show how much of your playing time was spent training skills. What is more reasonable is a playing time requirement,(NOT the amount of time the account has existed, but actual time spent in-game) say about 75 or so hours of total playing time. Would someone make a bunch of throwaway accounts, play each of them for 75 hours straight, just to get them banned on the forums?
  14. Or a "Make Strength Potion" option on him. (which would be even easier)
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