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Everything posted by Zilla

  1. Spork, Apparently randomly, but apparently for me, if you bury a bone after a bit of monster killing you get a decent random more often. ... 50 Farming :twss: (New signature)
  2. Monster drops rates are Completely Random. It just depends. Somebody could kill thousands of mithril dragons without getting a Dragonic Visage, or somebody could kill 3 Dust Devils, getting a Dragon Chain for each kill. Its just random luck.
  3. Oh hai der monkeychee <3 GL with teh goalzor and grats on 99 hunter. you should get 99 thieving next.
  4. Hmm... to me, it seems to look like a Crossbow. Dragon crossbow? I hope so :P
  5. Olly, this time ffs let me get on to see teh parties.. missed like 4 so far. Well, Grats on 99 defence :D
  6. Good for me, makes it easier for 99 hunter, since its nerfed, less people hunting them= more exp for me. Bad for the people who only wanted cash, I just want 99 hunter, for the goal and that hawt cape.
  7. How do you sit down Like that? I want to try and find out, seen several people do that, can you tell me :?
  8. And- All skills 40+ Im going to kill 1k Black dragons for now, after that, some hunter, Ill level it up to about 75-80 hunter, then get all skills 50+ :D
  9. Roflzilla's Blog Ello, Lulz. I am Roflzilla, I prefer to be called "Zilla", but if you call me "Rofl" I bite your head off, kay? :twisted: [hide=About Me-Runescape]I first started playing In early 2005 or Late 2004, I forget, but only really played for a week. I first truely started playing runescape during Easter week(2006). My first account then was a called Alienpower3, but I have quit that account, I started to Play Roflzilla sometime in September(I think) 2007, and been playing on this account since then. My real goal over RS career is to become 100 Combat, and get several 99 skills.[/hide] [hide=About Me- In real life]My name is Joseph, I am 14 years of age. My plans in the future are mainly to travel around, explore the world. I am interested in the study of science, and that will most likely affect my future career also. I also am very interested with Astronomy, and one of my plans is to find a way for humanity to live in the cosmos, it may happen after I die, but we need to survive and plan to use that in my future world travelling. I like Alternative metal, my favorite band is Breaking Benjamin. Wish me Luck in teh future.[/hide] [hide=Goals]My Monster goal is to vanquish 1000 Black Dragons for the heck of it. [0/1000 killed] [/hide] [hide=Outfits] White Berzerker Knight Normal Outfit[/hide] [hide=Friends Pictures][/hide] [hide=TIF'ers Pictures][/hide] [hide=Random Pictures][/hide] [hide=Item Pictures][/hide] Wish my luck on my 2nd blog, (First blog was destroyed by Hurricane Rollback) :cry:
  10. Just like most animals in the wild, after there Food Source and Habitat has been Destroyed, the Have Migrated.
  11. If there giving F2p summoning, Give them only Summoning monsters to level 30. I dont wan't them to have all the skill.
  12. People like your friend need to bathe in Elephant Hormones then piss off an angry male Elephant.
  13. image removed due to unsuitable content in task bar. ~darkdude Amist of all the "zmg I hayt ths updat!shiftoneshift!!!1!" There is still original spammers...
  14. Seems like the wilderness before the update.
  15. Like somebody on this thread mentioned before; most of these people are sex hungry 11 year olds. Once I made my character female for recruitment drive, then some random dude walks up to me saying: noob- take off your pants. Me: Lol? what? how old are you? noob- 12, ime old enough to tell u what to do, u stupid girl nob. Me- Im not a girl, im a guy..... Noob- eww u stupid tran-bi freak! reportd! I reported him, then laughed at him. People like this are really annoying.... If I walk up to a random guy, if I head bang him at his front body twice, and walk away, a lot of times he starts fallowing me saying "Do it again." I remember once somebody did that for money once, this annoying 10-13 year old was looking for " ah durte grl" and a guy I saw teled, came back, and did this. the rather rich, sex hungry kid was paying him(he turned into a girl) 10k for every three "Blowies" which were headbangs. Turns out, the dude that paid 3k to become a girl made 400k from headbangs, and at the end, he admitted he was a guy, and the kid that was goings pysco from being touched by a "guy". It was funny.
  16. I like TIF better then Zybez, at least we don't support gold selling sites, and perm ban people of there clan chat if they ask them to take it off.
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