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  1. im pretty sure you like whips not whip's. Just gunna say if you put something in your sig that says something about english/writing you may want to actually learn how to use an apostophe. 7/10.
  2. Fighter torso: 1m Full castle wars gold and blue decorative Armour with sword: 50m Expert dragon archer hat: 10m Full void knight set: 3m Firelighter: 1k Full naval outfit (any color): 500k Grand seed pod: 50k Full rogues armor: 50k Fire cape: 4m but would steadily decline Ava's accumulator: 1k Steel gountlets: 1k Full lumberjack costume: 1m Bunny ears: 50m Scythe: 50m Yo-yo: 10m Rubber chicken: 5m Zombie head: 1m Hats/carve: 1m Puppet: 500k Easter Ring: 500k
  3. Just read from page 19, very lucky man :x. If i got that drop it would be going straight into 99 prayer and 99 ranged.
  4. The only way left to easily RWT is for the GP buyer to make alot of items that are extremely overpriced on the G.E. (for example topaz machettes) then trade them for something of actual value or undervalued on the exchange, ie cash. It used to take a few hours and about 6m to get 80m with of a certain overpriced items, which in turn could be traded for 80m cash. Although it requires more work than most other methods, it would still be worth it for RWTs. This will not last long as soon all prices will be returned to the correct ammount.
  5. I hearby announce you the new Duke_Freedom. Your articles are insightful and i especially like your skill affordability indexes.
  6. Jagex needs to let f2p fill the hole left in the economy by the autoers leaving. For example let them have green dragons but not be able to use the hides or bones or let them pick and spin flax etc.
  7. Now that Jagex has mad it impossible to trade gold from autoers to sellers, there are some old measures that are now obselete. These include the pure essence/normal essence split. Discuss here what else could be changed back.
  8. Dear god, "if memory serves me correctly" im sorry but were you alive during the 1830's.
  9. Lol, most of the people would have flamed your ideas no matter what they were... I agree with quite a few of your ideas, including the idea of giving members that got a 99 before a certain date bonus items. Examples from the past could be 99 prayer before alters/ectofunctus or cooking before cook x. The wilderness was what made runescape unique, even people that didn't pk had respect for those that could master the mage bank or lead their clan to a victory at the members gate. The removal of the wilderness has taken away much of the great and nastalgic memories of old RS players. I therefore agree that it should be returned to its old self. Why should the paying customers bear the brunt of JaGEx's inability to nip autoers in the bud, when they are collecting the resources not selling them.
  10. pretty much plant herb seeds, make into pots and with the profit spend it onthe highest tree seeds you can plant. rinse and repeat.
  11. take a nice break, but promise you'll come back k :D
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