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Everything posted by syal_antilli

  1. i knew it, other older girls do play the scape!
  2. nobody ever says im cute... formal brunch yay.
  3. i thought you were a girl, and i was right... girls night out anyone? anyone?...
  4. bank update, its about time we had a search feature. im sick of spending hours reorginizing.
  5. *psst* hey pow, put on a shirt... cute though.
  6. Since mine seem to have been lost or something, ill just repost them, too lazy to take new ones. Besides, I'm too tired.
  7. Ello there, my name is syal antilli, and i guess this is my blog. My 1st one seems to be lost, so ah well, time to start anew. I am a 19 year old female looking for... oh wait, wrong site. Ill work a little more on this latter, but for now my latest picture for my own enjoyment. oh, and heres a picture people seemed to like of me. well it seems that i have neglected this blog, majorly. Ill fix it after i get off work tommorow, but for now, some pics fomr the 1st day of pvp.
  8. Since i just got my login data reset, you have the snuggle huggles of my 1st new blog post!
  9. if you dont feel like boiling water for ramen, you have 2 options. the first is eating it like a brick, just put th seasoning onn top. You second opption is to make more coffee then normal and just use that.
  10. nah, i like it wild u know? i still want your lips, for motorboating if nothing else
  11. Not a fake. ~Joe. Wow, nice abs. O_O Though I must say I prefer a guy who has a pillowy soft stomach. So much nicer to lay your head on. ^.^ i have a pillowy soft stomach....
  12. read the manga great series. some i like ghost in the shell bleach blood plus-actually based on the movie blood, but the shows pretty sweet full metal-lost track of where i was in this one.
  13. it tickles, if thats what you meanby hurting, then i guess it does. but then again i've never heard of someone experiencing pain from being tickled. :-k
  14. ive got a few. i used to be be kitchen night shift supervisor at a large grocery store chain in town, and the day after thanksgiving i answer a phone call. blah blah blah, what can i do for you and such. Well the man on the other end had apperntly been catered the night before and said he loved our dressing(or stuffing same difference). However, he and his wife were having a debate if it was still good to eat. I said it should be why do you ask? His answer, well i left it in the oven overnight, and it won't come out of the pan. my answer was dont eat it. Working the plainclothes security detail at a large retail chain i was approached by an individual whom i had been monitering for suspected shoplifting. he asked me if i could distract the casheir so he could walk out the door without anyone seeing him leave. so i said yes, and as soon as he turned around i slapped the cuffs on him. easiest arrest ever there.
  15. i guess i really dont see your point, the purpose of mssw3 was for fun, not profit. thats why we wore steel silly, and also why tipit kicked kahunas out there. We werent playing to win, we were playing for honor, and thats what this was about.
  16. lvl 3 in zanaris???????? wow i must stink at rs, took me 20 monkfish >.<
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