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Everything posted by syal_antilli

  1. jimmeh, i need hot sensual hugs and i couldnt find you...
  2. real, theyres something wrong with your ectophial. its empty... gl with wc though lol
  3. greens was fun with you today, even if you did almost get rev pwned... my advice is buy some rare and lend it out like me lol, then you can drop some old bank space.
  4. im soooo envious of you now... but i still wub you, even if i think you removed me from friends....
  5. new friends, new friends??? whats wrong with us old and elderly ones....
  6. love hina, it was my first, but after book 8 it just got repetitive. death note and code geass are good too. cant forget black lagoon either
  7. intp 100-50-12-33 ok... i guess it means i like my space?
  8. are the sunflowers for seeds, to attract birds, or just atmosphere?
  9. i freeze them and use them to make stuffing (or dressing depending where you're from) for thanksgiving and christmas.
  10. [hide=] [/hide] omg, i knew it, those lips still desire the taste, the taste of agility potions! Your fancy cape will never fool me! btw misplacedme, wonderful pictures, are we invited to the ceremony? (hopes)
  11. oops i forgot about this lol. Anyways, right now im going for tassets by green drag runs. I bought a bandos chestplate last week, and got a sara cloak from a ttrail today, so all is good. hopefully in a few months ill be bale to get tassets and a gs. As soon as i get this taken care of its 99 Attack, 95 Strength and 80 def. right now im at 90-87-77 so itll be a while lol.
  12. i made my 1st 1 mil by selling random bank items. However i bought my 1st set of rune back when it was running 300k by killing men in edgeville for 2 years on my 1st account. I miss level 9 men...
  13. the painting is pretty, but that poor girl must have horrible cycles to get that much fluid. i dont think ive ever had near that much...
  14. torti hun, try sweet peas, they taste pretty good when you cook them lightly. i like to just set a slght pot of water to a light boil and add a pad off butter. they turn out really nice. (i live in south dakota, so usaully when it gets around 90 degrees fer. they start to die off, so water them heavily like strawberries, and theyll put out better and longer)
  15. i got this really cool pen for my birthday in 6th grade. (it was kinda like a gel shapen shark with a pen inside it.) so i took it too school and was using it yah know, cause its the cool pen. and this girl was sitting in front of me, and it happens to be her birthday. so im kinda messing around with the gel and squeezing it and such when the teacher is talking, and it pops. well not pops really, explodes. all the gel insid ethe shark shoots out the top of the pen, and showers all over this birthday girl in front of me. chaos insues.
  16. im too lazy to read the rest of the opic, but the mythbusters form the discovery channel already debunked the buttered toast myth, finding it only has a 50/50 chance of butter side down. (kinda like the coin flip, how if you flip a cin enough times, it will eventually go to a 50/50 ratio of heads/tails) so by association of comparitive principles, the cat must land cat first... i think.
  17. i have 3 pairs of shoes, and a pair of sandels.... a pair of vans for casual, the old pair of vans for yardwork, black cheapo workshoes, and nice dress stilletoes. why other girls need thousands of shoes blows my mind.
  18. sounds like a bunch of my male friends fantasies when they were his age....
  19. you did what you could, and judging from my own cry for help experiences, this is kinda what it is. give this person your care and support, as you seem to have already been doing, and be honest with them. A tactic my family used on me is the, "hey if youre actually gonna do it do it already and stop wasting our time and money, if not come talk to use and we can sort this out." but your approach seems to be working just fine =D>
  20. Open pants remind me of my 1st teddy bear after my dog got ahold of it. It was all torn apart and the cocain my mom stored in it was strewn all over like sad little white crystaline viscera. Or maybe that was a dream i had when i was drunk, i dont remember. Anyways the moral of the story is, dont undo your pants or you give little girls bad ideas and thoughts.
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