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Everything posted by inoskedyou

  1. What about them :) But yeah you could do those but I like to use maples for seeds and herbs for well, herbs.
  2. What I have been doing is keeping 7.5m invested in it at all times. I set my resources on full maples and use the left over for herbs. MTK is a great way to gather high level seeds. Just need to get 100% approval and then keep it up everyday.
  3. Yep thats been the plan to get 99 def and trim with fletch (been 96 fletch for over 2 years haha) But 70+ does give alot of variety and heck think I may just do this. thanks
  4. if your goal is to make money with smithing you may want to rethink which skill to ues for that. However if you want to atleast break even I think mith bolts are the way to go at blast furnace.
  5. this happened to my friend too. She used the abyss and it was fine after. You could use that enchanted diamond brace to not get skulled.
  6. Did they say what skills were to be updated by chance? I kinda always like training thieving for quests just never got it past quest requirment, so i may try that for a while. Think I may try afew gwd bosses.
  7. Pretty much all I've ever done in this game was do quests and slayer and my goal is 99. And what can I say I'm pretty bored of slayer atm and quests are just an annoyance now when they come out. After getting 85 slayer I kinda lost interest in progessing it further. So I need a distraction for a while and was wondering what (with my skills) would be fun/rewarding to do for a while. I'm pretty close to barraging my bank at cw haha. I guess what I'm asking is what do you guys do for fun/money. edit: stats in sig
  8. you have to trap the second one
  9. South spot works fine for me.
  10. I was hit a 46 by a 99 ranger in void. I believe the spec hits higher if the other player has a prayer activated.
  11. I just got 83 slayer a couple days ago and mages aren't that great to tell you the truth. Go for 85 and maybe you'll get some boots along the way.
  12. I just got 83 slayer a couple days ago and mages aren't that great to tell you the truth. Go for 85 and maybe you'll get some boots along the way.
  13. Thank you very much. I will try both with void and both with prayer armor.
  14. yeah the 0.6 is a killer. thanks again.
  15. The new update took away camping permit at TDs :) so with this "forced" break I plan on getting 99 strength. And the route I need help with is how to train it at AZ. I know the basics like void+piety but I would like some more details as what to bring. Here are my stats as of now: att/str/def - 89/90/90 pray/summ- 72/72 I have no idea what I would be taking in my inventory and be wearing. Also what the main strategy would be. So if someone could clear this up for me it would be greatly appreciated. If anything is unclear with my bad english please tell me and I will try to clearify. Thanks in advance.
  16. I pot aa/str on every task. Most of my sups came from slayer for the potions so I spend no money on pots.
  17. Basically I need help with what to do with my pure. I just got members for it a little while ago and not sure what stats to train or quests to do. I know that I want to be mage/range hybriding at around 55-60 combat. Current Stats: cb- 37 hp - 42 range - 55 mage - 47 Just want to know the basic route pures take when becoming members and preparing for PVP
  18. Thanks for all the great tips. Some of these I couldn't even think of on my own.
  19. Hey Tipiteers, Basically RS has gotten pale on my main account (level details upon request) and my friend and I decided to make twin pvpers. However we have no idea how to fund them and jump into the pvp action quickly. So what are some good paths to take to gain quick gp in a quick amount of time? If possible please list your advice in P2P and F2P. Thanks in advance. Discuss.
  20. Oh i see. What about the Ranarrs though >.
  21. Thanks for the tips. FO rthe prayer potion method, what would i be doing?
  22. So all requirements to re aquire my Quest Cape back are done, except of course Herblore. I am currently level 62 with no herbs or seconds. I know the slow, tedious and time consuming ways of aquiring herbs like managing my kingdom, Druids and what not. But i was wondering if there is another way to get herbs quickly. Also if anyone has 2k Tarromins or 1k Irits you know where to find me.
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