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Everything posted by PolarBearBlue

  1. Dead until next month thanks to Minecraft Update 1.7.2. But maybe then you'll get a double 99 fashion explosion.
  2. Now I'm curious o_O A) It was yuri. B) He didn't want to leave the club when the club was shutting down.
  3. Y U NO HAFF QUEST CAPE ARRRRRHHHH@@@@@@@@@@ [hide] [hide] [hide] [spoiler=One more] Hai :3 [/hide][/hide][/hide]
  4. It was for gold members. Which means free Skypouncher! :D
  5. Just more armor I won't use. Plain as that. For what I do I don't need. And if I don't ever become a high level bosser, so be it. At this point I lost interest in trying to be one. But it does look nice to me. Too bad fashionscape won't justify the cost much.
  6. Slowly working my way to 90+ while developing some type of normal schedule I can do day in and day out as I slay. So far I got Sinkholes, Big Chinchompa, and occasional Daily Profit . Then, I got paid. And bought Minecraft. And Runescape hasn't seen me in 3 days. But just what was I doing in Minecraft? Well, I was starting out my fun adventure of building stuff. If I built me a nooby little shack of love. Right next to this beauty (which blew up later) And this big [cabbage] castle... So I moved to a new home in the swamps (outdated look) I spent time building a farm and found a monster spawner near my crib. But got terrible loot. All and all I've been enjoying Minecraft a lot. So Runescape might see less of me. However, I'm still working to 90+ all. Lets see if I can get there AND complete so Minecraft goals.
  7. My suggestion would be if you have the charms, get 88 summoning for a Unicorn (best healing familiar otherwise) and to use hybrid armor with your two favor combat styles. With protection prayer these guys hardly hit and they lend pretty well to being both momentumed and killed with abilities. That means you can pretty much get away with using void here. Otherwise Akrisae's, or if you have it, warpriest gear. No matter what styles you use, you'll need a Darklight or holy water. If you feel like it, you can stock up on holy water to use as your range weapon and keep down fire shield, as it works well on them. If you can handle items switches then I suggest bringing only a top and bottom and possibly helm switches for any two combat style, filling out all your other slot with hybrid armor like a fury and skillcape. If you're crazy like Stev you can do a 7 item switch to maximize damage. In this topic you'll find sample set ups and inventory: http://forum.tip.it/topic/320208-tormented-demons-sunday-july-21st-4-pm-est-9pm-bst/ The hardest part of TDs is luring them, which should be the same as pre-eoc. So any guide you look on on youtube will work for learning to lure. Hope this helps you.
  8. In all honestly this probably won't have an effect on me once so ever.Goods for just about everything may increase, but if that's the case my "income" will probably increase too. That 's assuming the demand>supply. It really just depends on what happens the first month or two after this before any real conclusion can be drawn. But if I was to guess, nothing will really change. My 99s are already devalued to the point of being impressive for only 5 minutes, so it's not like they can make me feel worse of nolifing to max cape. If anything I'll probably say something like "Wow. You prestige mining 122213243 times? You crazy".
  9. Blacksmith's outfit pieces still elude me. Also, why am i not seeing any slayer mask?
  10. The amount of cuteness in their faces is gonna make it really hard for me accept when they start to battle.
  11. You may want to include a bench mark list of goals to obtain over the long course of time you'll be playing. I think using quotes, bold font and lists will be your friend. Anything quite lengthy would be best used with hide tags. You should post plenty of pictures of interesting moments and level ups. I think the best advice anyone can give you for blogging is to take a peak around everyone elses blogs to see what you like about their layouts. Then from there emulate them. I would also think making some blogger friends would do you a lot of good. LIKE ME! No, but seriously. Welcome to P2P RS! You're gonna enjoy so much the first 3 months. When I was first P2P I did a lot of GWD with a clan member...it did not go so well. But try not to overload yourself. Oh, and if you are looking for a good quest series story wise, I think you'll enjoy the Myreque story line. Good luck and get lost of levels.
  12. Good luck as a new P2P member. If you even need any help, ask away. Feel free to PM me on tip.it too! :)
  13. For my account I said the same thing. Then I realized "I don't want to start over." I "loved" my first account so much that if I was doing P2P, I wanted it to be it because I wanted it to be my best account. But it's really up to you. Try playing on the spare account and see how you like it. For P2P options you have a bit. You can pay straight from your debt card and buy 1 to 6 months at a time. If you don't like that you can also buy P2P cards. Usually Jagex has some sort of deal with them, or at least until very recent they did, where buying certain type got you a cool cosmetic override. IIRC, they come in 25 days, 90, and 100 days of P2P. Then there are bonds. If you buy a bond and redeem it, it pays for 14 days of P2P. you should note however, buying a bond directly from Jagex is a tad more expensive than paying for a month of P2P (5USD vs. 8USD) so you are better off buying a bond from the GE to use. As for what to do when you become P2P, just ask us on the forums. We are here to help in anyway possible. You can also search pass topic on here about people returning to RS. The general advice I can give is to do quest and task, and try each piece of content you can at least once. As far as SOF/SGS goes, I have bought some before and I have used runecoins before. I like fashionscaping and both SGS and SOF have nice outfits to claim. I would say when I find I have a little extra cash I buy runecoins over spins, but that's just because I have a little more wheel luck than most people. On any given day you can average between 3 and 7 spin as P2P (2 you are given daily + daily challenge + D&Ds that give weekly/montly spins +spin drops). I would say if SOF has a promotion you really like you'll buy spins or save the spins you get in game up until the promotion (someone once saved 30+ for one and I did 20 quest in 3 days for 40+ spins to use). now with bonds, if you can make a lot of money in game, you can get a lot of spins, even if it's a better deal to buy with rl money.
  14. I'm not sure how much I can answer, but I when you do leave then come back you should always get 100% approval again, then check and see what the best set up is. There were some weeks in the summer when woodcutting and mining was best, so it really depends on the day you return and collect. In general I think the lower your approval rating, the more inefficient the workers are with your money. So while you still get maybe X amount of coal, over time, they will use more and more of the what was in the coffers than what they would have if you kept it at 100% or above 90%. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but that's how I think it works.
  15. I'll tell my reason to why I became P2P a year and a half ago. Hopefully it will help you answer these questions. I became P2P firstly, because I was able to afford it. I always could have in some way even in high school but after my first few years of college, I was able to narrow down what I really spent my money on and found I could afford to pay $8 for RS. Secondly, I found that F2P had nothing more for me, because it lacked the incentive for to skill. I didn’t start a new account because I’m not the type to have many account and I had enough levels to have a lot of content to do when I got it, like having combat requirements for GWD. That really gave me an idea of if I’d enjoy P2P because I was able to try a lot more than starting off a new account. Later, I renewed P2P because I discovered of all the games I own, I play RS the most. I have plenty of other PS3 games to play, I’m looking to getting Minecraft soon, and I almost always abandon RS for the new MGS, FF or Mortal Kombat titles. But with RS so accessible I play that almost all the time. Also, the continuous update and additions to game keeps me playing. RS has a lot to offer in P2P, so much that it can be overwhelming for the few months you first play P2P. I would say evaluate your time on RS vs. other games. Put a value on how much an hour on RS is worth in real money to you, like $1. If you play more in hours a week than the cost of P2P, say 15 hours, then I would get a recurring membership. If you play less, say 6 hours, I would explore bonds and 1 month of P2P. Then you can pay only when you play. As far as to make your old account P2P, I can’t really answer that. I would guess if you know you’ll regret it more than value it, and you spend enough time on RS, then don’t do it and start new. If you can’t (or don’t) devote a lot of time to RS then you might want to make your main P2P.
  16. Same. I was gonna get it for fashionscaping purposes but now what do I care, especially since I have 99 mining?
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