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Everything posted by MiyuLynx

  1. update: 64 range! gonna go take a break and then go for 65 or maybe even 66 range. if i do get 66 range, then i'm going to shoot for 70 tomorrow.
  2. only for the weak - in flames. :thumbsup:
  3. ok, no more anti-runescape comments please. if you want to concern yourself with other people's lives, then become a shrink or whatever. but, don't bother me. thanks. :shame: edit- you people do realize its 10 degrees outside don't you? what am i supposed to do make frozen grass angels?
  4. well the bank is having a clearing on the 28th so i'll wait till then to see. it's allready logged, i have the receipt and everything soo... who knows. i'll just keep training, preparing for members till then.
  5. update: 58 range. i'm marching steadily, but surely to my goal. 70 range here i come!
  6. i contacted customer support, and apparently paypal hasn't sent them my money yet... now i have to go and figure out what's taking so long with them...
  7. yes i considered that but, they do have a 24 hr service right? i'm just really bored of f2p lol. :
  8. hello everyone! i appear to be having a problem. i'm not sure where this thread would belong, but the help forum seemed like a good place. so, i just bought membership for runescape with the paypal express method. paybycash said it may take awhile, but the last couple of times i've bought membership it only took about 30 seconds. it's been 12 hours and i'm still not a member. has anyone else experienced this, or can someone give me an estimate of how long i'll be waiting? thanks. :D
  9. looks like ive got some blogs to check. : update: 47 range.
  10. thank's for the compliments, i really appreciate it! :
  11. Hello! Welcome to my blog! I guess this is the equivalent of the G&A thread on the official RuneScape forums, which I currently do not have access to, so I'll just make on here! I'm not very detailed, so please don't expect me to be. All support is welcome! :D Character Created : 12/17/07. Currently: Ranging to 70. Combat Level: 55 ~~~Skill Goals~~~ Range Level - 66/99. Defence Level - 40/40. COMPLETED!!! Prayer Level - 16/44. Woodcutting Level - 64/99. ~~~Item Goals~~~ Karil's Xbow [ ] Robin Hood Hat [ ] Ranger Boots [ ] Archer Ring [ ] Guthix D'Hide Armor [ ] Ava's Accumulator [ ] ~~~Quest Goals~~~ Dragon Slayer [ ] Animal Magnetism [ ] Horror From The Deep [ ] Death To The Dorgeshuun [X] COMPLETED!!! That's it, short and to the point. I may eventually be able to add in better skill meters (as soon as i get into the highscores lol). :D
  12. ...i never had a ... problem with it?... :shock:
  13. oh well its somewhere between 100k and 200k. ill just get 100k and then another 100k when i run out. thank you for your imput. :)
  14. ummm 4xp average is basically hitting 1s every arrow and that would still be 400k xp, more than half... and as my range level increases, so does my accuracy. my hits will eventually look like...... 6, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0. you see? thats an average of.. thats an average of 8xp.. and ill most likely hit better than that... after that consideration.... i could probably do it with 100-150k arrows. there will be a few 0's, but not many considering the enemies i will be fighting..
  15. actually... it would take twice as much to get 70 range and defence... i know it would not take 400k to just get 70 range, as i have done that before... seeing as getting an average of 4xp per arrow would equall 1.6million xp... which is above what i believe 2 level 70 would be, if not slightly under... now im beginning to think i could do it.. maybe with 200-250k...
  16. i guess ill long range till 40 defence and then just rapid to 70.
  17. wow... :shock: suddenly 40 defence seems so much more desirable :P
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