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Everything posted by kratmus

  1. im not preparing, except selling my items because they maybe fall in prices
  2. i think they will use some of the hunter creatures, so you can catch them and then summon again
  3. hey narb u dont know.. i think lillefix have a look there.
  4. why be upset? they have bountyhunter duel arena and even clan wars now!!! alot more than before
  5. lol just so much gossip about summoning
  6. kratmus

    d boots

    If that's what you thought, then why did you click on it? i like boobs i guess?
  7. lol do you really think most of people read the code of conducts? i dont read them. i just open and skims to see if there is something worth to read, or i know it all. as normal its like copyed out somewhere, as forum rules are allmost the same everywhere
  8. i like the updates, and the 3k limit havent touched me because i dont do rwt!!! like alot people who is mad over 3k limit!!! And about is someone wants to borrow, then jagex have a solution soon with a new borrowing system bringing back items when one logs out
  9. in my opinion randoms are there for fun, and not making it boring just to make the same and same and same and same and sameand same and same and same and same all over the time
  10. i miss a guy called shadow and then some numbers comes i cant remember. we did the toturial island together, and i would like if someone could remember doing tutorial island with someone with name kratmus
  11. btw i cant see what it should help they should try and do so they send an email to you about your password
  12. lol alot have moved on that map
  13. im dunno how it is. and i think it is risky maybe
  14. good point, but your stats isnt noobie
  15. a noob once said to me: i give u a scary mask for a paperhat translated: i give u a halloween mask for a phat
  16. noobs are noobs.. live with them of stop playing
  17. sounds bad u lost full ghost.. what it costs? im f2p so im dunno
  18. that he said made me wonder if it is the animals leaving(coming out of back)
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